Friday 3 June 2011


In the Nostradamus timeline it mentions the 'severity' that the people do not like. In the bible the 'severe' times are to do with the prophets. It mentions it in Genesis, in the relationship to Joseph and also to do with ELIJAH.

What Nostradamus and the bible calls 'severity' I call the 'mean time', and we explained to you that because people have been mean to this reality, the people have brought it upon themselves. So the sooner that the people rectify the matter, the better for humanity. Then the LORD will hear the plea.

Elijah goes to Horeb and Jezebel sends a message to Elijah. As we know Jezebel was an American see previous post. It is written in the bible that Jezebel said 'May the gods deal with me ever so severely'.

Well the land of Jezebel (and her American Camelot) is being dealt with severely, we warned the people about the importance of integrity and honoring others. We also warned them,  'Do not fire the grids', 'Do not initiate global meditations at a single point of focus because the spiritual law can be a fatal attraction.  Jezebel was buried and her children were struck spiritually dead, exactly, as the prophecy in the book of Revelation predicted.  However, her legacy still lives on and impacts on many globally.

Even Elijah said to the LORD, 'I have had enough, LORD'.

The chapter speaks of Damascus, those that kneel down to Baal, we all know who kneel down to Baal don't we. Then there is a call for ELISHA and I know who Elisha is. Then the OXen were slaughtered, the ploughing equipment was burned and given to the people. Then Elisha followed Elijah.

This is significant because the OX can be symbolic of the chief, leaders and officials. In my humble view the governments and leaders, that have not done the will of God will be slaughtered with the truth. 'The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping.' from Sacred Words.

In the biblical prophecies it is Jacob that ploughs the fields and Israel is the land of Jacob. In the NT, it speaks of pulling up everything that was not planted by the heavenly Father. Also the Angels throw the bad fish away and we witnessed that yesterday in a video about Adam Kokesh (USA).

The prophecies indicate a severe time for many, in this mean time of the sober decade.  Due to the refusal of the people to do the will of God delivered by his Prophet. Those that were severe or simply ignored this reality, are now paying the consequences for thoughts, words and deeds.

One cannot say that the bible did not warn the people in advance. Christ warned his followers in advance that God would not forgive them for standing against this reality. The Torah also tells the people, that if they do not pass on the messages received to help the people, then they will be held personally accountable, if and when anyone is harmed due to their silence. The Son of God also said 'Those that remain silent are compliant to the suffering in the world'. 

In the chapter there is also a reserve of 7,000 people from Israel that did not bow down to Baal. In other words they did not get on their knees and allow any earthly reality to master them. Seven is also the life number of the spiritual teacher and Nostradamus mentioned a new monarchy of 7,000 years. In Hebrew gematria the value of seven is the ZAYIN, the Jewish sages call it the 'Woman of Valor'.

I can tell you this that when this woman of valor strikes, she strikes when the iron is hot, she sits in the hot seat of having to pass on what as to be passed on, whether people like it not. Hence, why this was the 'Down the Nose' eclipse', as predicted, many will be looking down their noses, because what they have done is 'unsatisfactory' in the eyes of the LORD. He warned them in advance, not to be jealous or hostile in this timeline.  Its all laid out in the prophecies.

As we told the people years ago, the word of God is steel when faced with the iron fist, and steel is stronger than iron.

The 7,000 from Israel can also be understood as the number of Israeli's who are part of the 144,000. However, that does not necessarily mean that they are living in Israel, some of them could have been born there, but are living elsewhere.

Israel also means 'struggle with God' and the Hindu Gita is the most influential text on that struggle.

While Jezebel in the USA was killing off the clairvoyants, in the prophecy Obadiah had hidden 100 of them. Clearly, 100 of the best that were in integrity with the LORD. 100 is also to do with the spiritual law. So there is 100 that truly do live in integrity and harmony with the natural law of creation. I feel sure that they also honored the Harmonic Concordance, were aligned with it and took part in it. The first Harmonic Concordance showed the spiritual globally, the first sign of my arrival, when the planets formed the Star of David. The star of the beloved.

Baal was an early king of EDOM and in the Obadiah prophecy the USA is the land of ESAU where the king and wise of Edom reside. So who is the current king of the USA? Obama,  in 2008, the LORD referred to him as the 'Pharoah', when he told us that he was going to strike Pakistan at Chinese New Year. That was four days into his presidency, and they had the audacity to nominate him for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Earlier this year, we told you it was time for the EXODUS and we all know what happened to the Pharoah then. Pharoah and his army were destroyed at the red sea. In the bible Baal is also the deity of the Philistines = Islam. What does Baal mean? Master [1] Ba can mean to kiss and kissing is mentioned in the chapter. Plenty have kissed Obama and Obama as kissed many.

No surprise then that BA are the first two letters of Obama's first name. In Egypt, Ba is used as a name for the soul. The Greeks called it 'Psyche' and relates to the existence of the person. As you can see the symbol of the BA is like the eagle mentioned in the Obadiah prophecy about the USA. The eagle is also a symbol of America, so no coincidence that there is an American website called 'Bad Eagle'.

AL is also the head of an OX in the ancient pictographs, and the Ox is known for its stubbornness. Al means chief, leader, like a leader of a tribe. However, they are so stubborn they go their own way instead of the way of the LORD.

So there you have it BAAL = OBAMA and his followers. Rev 13, 17 and 18, mystery Babylon. The USA as 85% of the global new age market. The Nation of Islam's leaders, were grooming Obama to lead the Islamic and African nations, so that they could convert the world to Islam. Sorry, folks, that is unsatisfactory to the LORD. As we know the African leopard never changes its spots, and the people of Africa are being raised up, not the reverse. Africa as good new leaders of their own, and they have no requirement for Obama and his money men, that are in the process of bringing the USA to its knees.

As the prophecies predicted 'she shall crush the head of the serpent', those that have their heads on the dust of the earth, and the venom that as not been removed from it. The moon that as no light of its own is under her Lotus Feet. She is beyond the illusion that the moon creates, and beyond the waves of the ocean of emotion. No coincidence then, that the American patriots started putting up posters and banners of a serpent with the words 'Don't trample on me'. So innocent where they, that they did not know the biblical prophecy of what was coming to be. The Christian patriots created their very own serpent to describe themselves. What poetic justice! The Dead Sea scrolls also predicted that the last priest of the LORD would strike Ephraim.

In the Obadiah prophecy it states: "In that day,” declares the LORD, “will I not destroy the wise men of Edom,  those of understanding in the mountains of Esau?" ESAU means 'Hairy' and in the past Abba said that the USA was an 'ignoramus', 'a dinosaur' and he gave a vision of a hairy one. 

Obama was also given in a vision of the New World monkeys and he was leading them at that time. EDOM also means RED. We have a saying in England 'There is a red under the bed', the biblical prophecies warned you that the Leo the Leopard had the foot print of a bear. The bear is symbolic of Russia and communism. The big feet of the Leopard put them where they were not asked for. 

Obama's visit to Ireland as also been a good reminder about the Catholics in the USA, those that funded Irish terrorism against England, the land of JOSEPH. 

I asked the American's yesterday, how would you feel to have your cities blown up on a regular basis? I was working in Knightsbridge when the Birmingham pub bombing happened, we had some 'brummies' in our team, and I saw with my own eyes, the impact that it had on them. 

Now its not Ireland that Americans fund, they fund the Palestinians instead, to create violence against Israel. The olive tree is being shaken and the there won't be many so-called peace makers left by the time the LORD is finished with them. 

Obama's support for the Islamic uprising against Israel, behind the scenes, in recent decades, as not gone down well with the LORD, as he said 'Obama is a double agent'. 

“The day of the LORD is near for all nations. As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head. Just as you drank on my holy hill, so all the nations will drink continually; they will drink and drink and be as if they had never been. But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and Jacob will possess his inheritance. Jacob will be a fire and Joseph a flame; Esau will be stubble, and they will set him on fire and destroy him. There will be no survivors from Esau.” The LORD has spoken." 

When I woke up today, I could feel the TENSION of the LORD, so not surprised by this post today. 
In my experience he is only tense when his grace is under pressure. Years ago, we explained to the people that when the elasticity as gone, the band then snaps due to the tension against it. One can say the same in respect of the spiritual law and the environment. 

One could say, that the events of the last week have been the last straw, because the people chose the short straw instead of the longstraw. The words 'severe' and 'severity' are not ones that I use because severity is not part of my consciousness. However, the tense is this, that the people of the USA chose to learn the hard way, in the school of hard knocks. They brought it upon themselves exactly as the prophecies predicted that they would. 

Prophet Isaiah predicted that many will be driven out to build a strong new nation elsewhere and I can tell you this, that Obama will not be a part of it. We are just waiting for the Sons of Light to align their will with the will of God. While the people struggle against what is coming to be, the more tense their lives will become, until the day comes when they will snap due to it. When the people broke the everlasting covenant for the children by supporting the opposition,  Abba was not happy at all. 




Anonymous said...

Hello Eliakim--thanks for the Post. Very interesting. Hey, check out the newest Crop Circle!
What do you make of it? And the 'markings/writings' on the tail?! Hmmm....

Peace and Blessings...

Supreme Queen al-Kimiyah

Eliakim said...




What is the magic carpet to do with ?

Folk tales of Arabia.




People that get in the WINDMILL get parts of them cut off like putting a finger in the mixer.

Tail of snake is cut off. = THE TALE is cut off. The tale that they were telling is that the prophet of Islam was who I am.

The main writing is on the TORSO = BODY = HARA Divine Shrine. I have been told that in the mosque on the temple mount it tells them all to honor Christ.

My feeling is that something is going to come out of Israel in writing that will impact strongly on them.

Eliakim said...

WINDMILLS COME FROM HOLLAND and I have Dutch Jewish Heritage. Looks like Geert Wilders and the dutch are going to be on the march with GOD's wind against Islam. There are also many Dutch Jewish in the land of JOSEPH they were called CHUTS at the end of the 19th century.

The English, the Dutch combined with the Israeli's will be a powerful force sent by God.

Anonymous said...

Dear Eliakim--This Crop Circle is something else!! Haha! What I see it to be is a...well...SPERM!! haha!
Weird though, as if one does research, it'll show that the Genetic Material of a Sperm rests in the Head and Neck of the Sperm, but this Crop Circle clearly shows that there is an unusual writing, a language that I am unfamiliar with, which looks to be 13 characters long, that spans the length of this Sperm's Tail. 10 Characters in the Body of the Tail, then the 3 additional more on the last part of the Tail, after the Line cutting through it. Hmmm...this Crop Formation has to do with Conception and the Creating of New Life. I would say that this is a very unusual Sperm to say the least! Perhaps it's showing that whomever this Sperm belongs to, a Man/Men, that this Sperm is special and will create very Special Children with it. Could it connect with the 'Children of the Nile?!' Quite possibly! It appears that these Crop Formations, as of lately are taking on the Theme of 'Reproduction/Children/Sex,' etc! I think they're directly linking to my Work that I'm doing. Very clear message! Oh, check out the CropCircleConnector Site, for the 1 Rumored New Crop Circle there. Again, (hahahah--OMG!) another Formation having 'reproductive' overtones! Someone is trying to say something here...Hmmmm....

It's gonna get interesting!!! Lotus definitely turning up the HEAT!


Peace and Blessings...

With all of my Love,
The Supreme Queen al-Kimiyah

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is a lot happening. I know that many equate Obama to Prophecy, but I have high hopes for him, that things can be turned around. I know that he is a Good Man with a Good Heart, but just needs love and healing, for all to be well. I can't imagine how much stress he must be constantly under, being the Leader of the USA. Not an easy job, I'm sure! Elijah's severity. I understand, but what must also be understood is that Missions must go forward, and all involved must be treated with the utmost of love, respect, and integrity. When a person truly lives from a True Heart of Love, no Prophecy can possibly contain this. A True Love frees a Heart to live in Liberty--Freedom, and to reach new Heights, in being and becoming all that a person can, and chooses to.
A little bit of Love goes a real long ways!

Peace and Blessings...

With all of my Love,
The Supreme Queen al-Kimiyah

Eliakim said...

We will have to agree to disagree.

This crop circle is a serpent not a sperm.

There is a previous sperm crop circle on this blog for comparison.