Wednesday 16 November 2011


A Russian researcher, Boris Borisov,  established that 7 million Americans died during the famine due to the Great Depression. His article was titled 'The American Famine'. Official data of the US Census Bureau was used for the data. [1]

How many Americans know about this? How many are growing their own food and can survive without purchasing food? How many people have pooled their financial resources and have built fish farms, are living ecologically and self-sustainably? How many people in Europe are ready for this impact  of an American food shortage on the people in the EU. How long could you survive?

American Christians are talking about the famine mentioned in Ezekiel 34, and it mentions that their  shepherds are not guiding the people the right way. I would say that applies to the shepherds of the flock everywhere. I send out important information and the love bubbles send me meditations on positivity. Do you honestly imagine that I like singing the blues? No, I prefer happy songs. However, I cannot ignore what is going on in the world, nor am I allowed to shrink back because I don't like the look of it. I am commanded to express truth whether the people like it or not. Then it is up to them whether they act upon the help that the LORD is offering them. If people don't share the truth, then it is upon their heads if and when people die; due to them not receiving enough advanced warning.

The past famine cannot relate to the one in the prophecy because after the famine, the flock are taken to a new land, and it states that the wild beasts are cleared out prior to the move. However, Americans were given a prior opportunity to avoid the famine, but they concentrated on the money instead.

Ezekiel 34, mentions the people being victims of famine and bearing the scorn of nations. The scorn of nations is repeated again in Micah 6, he tells them to heed the one that the LORD appointed and the name is WISDOM. The USA is certainly the scorn of nations with Obama who followed Bush into the White House. Let us hope that they are not victims of a famine because they refused to listen and do the will of the LORD.

Rev 13 states "THIS CALLS FOR WISDOM". Rev 17 also states "THIS CALLS FOR A MIND WITH WISDOM'. Job 4 tells you 'They die without WISDOM' and this is a four year.

Rev 13 and Rev 17 are both about the USA. Rev 6, 4th seal is about the famine plague and Nostradamus also predicted it in C4.Q30. 

Forewarned is forearmed. 



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