Saturday, 19 November 2011


In march we wrote about the Holy Kiss. [1] In April we wrote about the Divine Kiss. [2]. Last night I had dream of being kissed. I met an attractive young man with blonde hair and we got on really well. Then another woman came along and stood between us.  So I walked away as I have been known to do in those circumstances. I do not compete for love, for that which is true remains. If I ever stepped out of being who I truly am in love relationships, it always ended in tears. Hence, why I always stay true to the self.

Then in the dream the man came after me, and he said 'I love YOU', it was very intentional, and I could see that he really meant what he was saying. He then took me in his arms and kissed me passionately, the kiss was so passionate that it woke me up from sleep. During the dream I asked him his name, and the name that I was given was Sam, short for Samuel.

In this context, the dream is symbolic of sincerity, faithfulness, loyalty in love, and the kiss of life. Like when the Prince kissed Snow White. There are two snow white films being launched, and if I had to choose between them I would choose 'Mirror, Mirror' due to liking Julia Roberts and the fact that Lily Collins, daughter of Phil Collins is the Princess.

Snow White was also featured in the CHET visions received in March 2009, (featured on this blog) so it is certainly to do with the timeline. In the film, Snow White is sent into the woods much like the woman from heaven in Rev 12. In 'Mirror, Mirror', she becomes the leader of what they are calling the bandits, like a young female Robin Hood.

As we know, Snow White is saved by the kiss, in the same way that Maid Marion was as well. The film will be launched in March 2012 in the US, and that aligns with the coming of the end of winter. The costumes look stunning and the bandits delightful, roll on the royal ball. The film reviews state that the Queen in 'Mirror Mirror' is not really evil, her jealousy stems from her insecurity.

People who have not healed their insecurities can be become jealous and envious, just like the brothers of Joseph were jealous of his coat of many colors, and the favor that his father bestowed upon him. Many fairy stories were written for children to impart the teachings from the bible, so that they could understand the importance of good virtue and the love that co-creates it. As we know every little girl likes Snow White and the love story with the Prince. Every little girl likes happy endings.

Interesting that my genetic mother's name was Lily, the Queen of the house did look into the mirror and compare her beauty with her daughter. Then she sent her away, due to her own insecurity, that she never really overcome until after her passing, when we melted into unconditional love.

The insecurity of Lily was a result of her own war-torn childhood, that she had not healed. Only when I healed my own inner child, was I able to step into her shoes and understand what it might have been like for her as a child growing up, due to her own experiences with her own mother not being there, due to a serious heart disease.

It was a profound experience and opened the heart for forgiveness, then the real healing began. 'The depth of your forgiveness determines the depth of your love', 'The heart is for giving' from Sacred Words

Being able to step into the shoes of another, and see life conditions through their eyes is mighty indeed.

It leads to true understanding of what helps people to become what they have become, and how it came to be.

Snow in the bible is also to do with skin disease, and when the world is covered in real snow, unusually so, it is a clear sign that something magical is happening on the planet to purify and sanctify it.

Another sign was the scientist Dr Emoto and his examination of 'Snow Flakes', and how water responds to words and the sound of music, just like sand does. Everything is vibration including words. Hence, why 'In the beginning was the word' is the most profound statement ever made, in my humble view and experience of working with it professionally.

In Hebrew the name Samuel is shemu'el and it can mean 'name of God' or 'God has heard'.

While I was pondering on the dream this morning. The LORD said 'Tanakh' and apparently, it can mean 'That which is read'. According to Jewish tradition, there are 24 books that form the tanakh and the book of Samuel is one of those books.  It includes the books of the prophets and other writings. [4] [5]

The number 24 also relates to the elders in the book of Revelation and they all have a harp of faithfulness.

The prophet Samuel as returned to the planet. We mentioned a passage from Samuel in our post on 'cutting short the destruction' and I am feeling that the prophet is someone that read that post.

Cutting short the destruction is also a kiss of life, a holy and divine kiss that is passionate for life and people being able to live it. As we said previously, we will live for you and not die for you. Cutting short the destruction can also be viewed in terms of the healing process, because when people heal themselves, that is exactly what they do. They stop destroying themselves in thoughts, words and deeds, they stop pushing the destruct button in their own lives; due to their own insecurities that are to do with the root causes of the core issues that are a result of their own childhoods. When that happens, it has a powerful impact on human consciousness and the rest of the planet.

If there is destruction in your own nations then it is important that everyone seeks within to heal it. Then people will truly come to appreciate, the mystical and magical reality of the sacred union with the divine.

Hence, why the Lute of Lovingkindness asked everyone to become like a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The first heaven, is the happiness within.

The sheer power of the happiness that beams from the light of the sparkling eyes and smiles of a child, in unconditional love. Is indeed a kiss of life, worthy of preserving due to the sheer beauty of it, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

So are those that use spells ready to live a real, sacred and divine life in integrity of the being? The right way is real, filled with openness that wins the day, it requires no spells. Are those that use spells coming from the heart? No. Only pure intention is of the heart, as lovingkindness said 'Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God.'

Love beyond measure

I love you



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