Monday, 11 April 2011

Divine Kiss

Every time that you are blessed by the holy and the divine, it is a HOLY KISS. That is the best way to describe how I feel when God speaks to me. The SACRED UNION of the DIVINE and the holy kisses received everyday. Blessings of divine love in abundance.

When the mystics in biblical times in Israel, spoke of the divine kisses, when they shared that they received revelation everyday, those that were creating Churches rejected them and called them heretics. The Rabbi's also closed down the ancient mystery schools, where people developed their natural spiritual gifts. Hence, why many mystics and healers left the cities and lived in their natural environment in the beauty of nature, like those called Essenes.

If the Rabbi's hadn't closed down the places where people were helped to evolve spiritually, then humanity would have a completely different face today. History repeats itself again and again, prior to the Rabbi's, the healing temples were destroyed. When man destroys God's temple of healing that helps the people, then God responds and he always finds a way to exalt his truly holy ones.

When you carry out Harmonic Epiphany and GIVE a HOLY blessing to the waters that the birds and fish shall drink. The birds come to say thank you, they celebrate, sing and dance with joy in the skies, and before your very eyes, you are blessed to witness the glory of the LORD and the Tree of Life.

I have also witnessed this when we have done sacred healing work on the land. Every time we give a blessing and healing, we receive a blessing in a return. I always know when the work is finished because the birds come close to me and sing a lovely song.


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