Friday 15 April 2011

Nostradamus C4.28 No, not UFO

Some are claiming that this prophecy from Nostradamus refers to the discovery of a huge UFO. [1] Nostradamus warned astrologers and other people to stay away from his prophecies, because it takes one to know one. In other words it takes a true mystic to understand the work of another mystic and Nostradamus specifically encoded his work.

The prophecy is Century 4 Quatrain 28. Nostradamus put this prophecy in Century 4 and this is a FOUR year.

"When Venus will be covered by the Sun, Under the splendor will be a hidden form: Mercury will have exposed them to the fire, Through warlike noise it will be insulted."

The criteria of 'insults' is a key to this prophecy. Who insult? People. Who are insulted by a warlike noise? People. So let us examine the prophecy further.

"When Venus will be covered by the Sun'. 

Venus is symbolic of the divine feminine and it is also symbolized in the eight pointed star of Venus, also known as the Morning Star. Venus is covered by the Sun, aligns perfectly with Rev chapter 12.
"A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head."

"Under the splendor will be hidden form" 

Splendor is to with the splendor of God and the biblical prophecies predicted that the one would be hidden in his hand. Nostradamus also predicted that one would be hidden for 40 years and after 40 years she could be seen everyday. The prophecy is called the 'Age of Iris'. Nostradamus used Iris for healing depression and he knew that she would also be a healer that worked with flower essences and helped people to heal depression. As we know the number 40 is related to Moses and there is a biblical passage that mentions both Moses and Elijah to do with splendor. Luke 9:30 This indicates a major prophet. 

Hidden form can also relate to the importance of seeing beyond appearances. There is a lot more to the Messenger than meets the eye. 

"Mercury will have exposed them to the fire" 

Mercury is the winged Messenger and the biblical prophecies predict that the one to come is also called the 'flame of Joseph'.  A flame is an unfettered flame of God's love. However, what does the Messenger expose? Do you remember 'Firing the Grids?' in 2007? How we exposed those involved in it? 

In the biblical prophecies Joseph is the flame and Jacob is the FIRE and Jacob is symbolic of Israel. Who else is exposed to fire? It speaks of THEM and as we know that is plural. The last part of the quatrain speaks about them in terms of a 'warlike noise'. 

Mercury is also related to Rome and and when we arrived in the USA the Philadelphia Prince of Peace Church burned to the ground. Mercury is also to do with Spiritual Alchemy, and Prophet Malachi predicted that the spiritual alchemist would be sent to Israel. 

The FIRE is also related to the Prophet Elijah and him taking on the false prophets. He called for God's help and fire came down. The same happened when I asked for God's help, fire came down on Mount Carmel. The Mountain of the Prophet and 'Our LADY of CARMEL'. 5 million trees burned in Northern Israel in November 2010. 

"But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light."Ephesians 5:13

"Through warlike noise it will be insulted."

The book of Hebrews mentions the insults. "Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated."Hebrews 10:33

Why is there a warlike noise? It comes from those that stand against the one sent from God, they stand against his splendor and the crown that he gave her.  "You will be a crown of splendor in the LORD’s hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God." Isaiah 62:3  "There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the earthly bodies is another." 1 Corinthians 15:40 

From where did the warlike noise come? Mainly Americans. 

In Revelation chapter 18, it tells you that an Angel came down from heaven, with great authority and the earth was illuminated with its splendor. In the last decade people, especially Americans kept asking who gives you the authority? 

So, no, I am not a UFO. 




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