Wednesday 13 April 2011


After bathing and resting I asked the heavenly Father about Israel, in response he gave me a vision of a bone skull looking ahead and I was at the right side of it, like I was looking at a photograph of this large skull, it looked like an archeological find and I felt it could be a timing link and it was a very important find.

Then I saw a large crystal circular structure and the large crystal points were people from Israel. The colour was a day-glo translucent lime green colour and it is the Emerald ray of 'CREATIVE FORGIVENESS', it is also symbolic of the creative forgiveness of the Creator.  It is an inter-galatic colour and in the centre of the crystal structure was the cosmos that looks like the night sky.

When we work with creative forgiveness we work with ART and creative forgiveness becomes an energetic vibration that impacts on the cosmos. The colours that we become on the journey home to the galatic centre of the CREATOR.

This creative forgiveness of this emerald ray is a higher vibration than the gold and it does come to be afterwards. It is a much higher level than human forgiveness that opens the heart, it is the experience of the creators forgiveness and the creative forgiveness of the inter-galatic forces of ELOHIM.

Many artists work at this level of being and they are naturally sensitive to the energies of the cosmos that impacts on them, in ways many of them do not fully comprehend. They express the feelings of the Creator in their art because their sincere and humble hearts are in oneness with the source of creation.

As we know art therapists also use art for healing, and I was divinely instructed to share the way to heal through art with the people that find it difficult to express or heal without it. Art can also help people to access their sub-conscious and unconscious mindfields, releasing any tension that they might be withholding. It can be an enlightened therapeutic healing process when people are allowed to express what thy feel through art and music.

It is also easy for people to learn how to process what they are feeling clairsentiently when they learn how to 'process' their feelings with colour. After their expression in colour they are then able to look at their drawing and put words to it and we taught people how to track the root causes of any core issues that they held inside this way. As we know if there is any blockage at all, it blocks people from ascending and becoming one with all that is holy and true.

In my experience, the emerald ray comes to be, prior to righteous love demonstrated through zealous compassionate action in manifestation on the earth plane. The CREATORS FORGIVENESS then brings forth the MERCY of the CREATOR within your inter-galatic being.

This is the closest that I could find to the emerald lime green that I saw and here it is Beryl, the crystalized gems of this precious stone, that I saw with my own eyes were slightly more lemon
with the sparkle that the inter-galatic colours have.

This is a top quality 5 carat Emerald from Muzo, Columbia. We have provided you with a link from the Muzo mines, in case you are interested to viewing more magnificent emeralds [2]

Emerald is mentioned in the bible in the book of EXODUS, by Prophet Ezekiel in respect of EDEN. In the book of Revelation a rainbow that shone like an emerald surrounded the throne and as we know the rainbow is a good omen, it is the rainbow of hope and a reminder of the covenant and the promise that God made to you. As the heavenly Father said 'To HE that understands the promise there is no secret'. 

The Spiritual Israeli's may remember the beautiful SAPPHIRE that we were given for the inter-galatic Stargate opening on the holy hill in May 2006. The sapphire of enlightenment. In Revelation chapter 21 it mentions the eight 'Beryl' in respect of New Jerusalem that will come to be, for it is God's will for it to be so.

It is a sign for these times, a signal and a green light to be remembered for all time.

Emerald mining in Afganistan 

Emerald Mines in Columbia

UPDATE 15.4.2011

Just came across this video. What I saw in the vision looked the same.
Apparently, there were three plastered skulls found in Israel in 2008.



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