Saturday 30 April 2011

The Dress Vision

As I was coming out of sleep state I saw a dress that looked like a wedding dress. It was Elizabethan in style. The main colour of the dress was 'Dusty Pink Rose' like the colour of a ball gown I once wore.  It had been made for a stage show of the King and I, and I wore it to a charity ball that I had organized.

The dress in the vision was made of a heavy silk and on the skirt there was pastel blue silk swags on top of the pink silk. The pastel blue was like you sometimes see the swags of curtains with bows and the dress had a square shaped neckline. I could only see the dress like you see the dress in the film of Cinderella, floating, while the fairy Godmother is getting her ready for the ball. The dress as been made for someone to wear.

The Virgin Queen Elizabeth the 1st never married. She was married to God and country. Dusty Pink is often a colour worn by elders.  However, as we know pastel blue is also called baby blue and is usually for a baby boy. The Elizabethan style was eye catching to see.

We have received visions of Elizabeth the 1st and it was after the visions were received that I discovered that the name Elizabeth does relate to the biblical prophecies. I once had an old English sheepdog with the name 'Dusty', we inherited the name when we retrieved her from a rescue home. My son was only a baby at the time.

This dress is to do with England and its historic culture. If we view the dress as a nation. We have the colour combination of the elder and child combined. At the end of the film, Elizabeth Golden Age, she holds the baby in her arms, and as we know the baby is also symbolic of new birth and new beginnings.

The film was launched in 2007, and that was the year that we delivered the covenant for the children. The film was a sequel to ELIZABETH that was launched in 1998, that was the year that I was sent to Australia. At the end of that year, I was called for a mission of compassion with depressed children, and I agreed to devote 12 years of my life to the calling. However, that was prior to the harmonic concordance and the heavenly Father summoning me.

In the story of Elizabeth, she throws those that stand against her and her country out of court. So where are we in the story? They did not manage to kill the Queen and those that tried were exiled. She received her apology from the one that failed her.  In relation to the dress, in the film, her right hand maiden, Bess marries Rayleigh in secret because she is pregnant. One can say that the climax to this story as not been revealed to humanity just yet. However, know this that God's Queen wins due to divine intervention and some very brave men. The men set the ships on fire, and the great wind turns against those that stand against the Queen and her nation.

Biblically speaking it tells you to "Be ready for service and keep your lamps burning'. In December 2010, we were instructed to send out the call for duty. How many were ready to serve and responded to that call?  Luke 12 also pre-warned everyone. "The servant that knows the masters will but does not get ready, or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows". "From everyone that as been given much, much will be demanded, and from THE ONE who as been entrusted with much, much more will be asked'. In the Christ prophecies he often speaks of the one, and this is also repeated in the book of Revelation.


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