Sunday 3 April 2011


Anonymous just posted a video called 'You Are The Light of the World' on the last post 'Be the LIGHT'. So it is appropriate to share some words that are SACRED from a book that we published in 2005. Divine words received over a number of years. 

"You are the light of the world, the flame of love that purifies whatever stands in the way of complete oneness with GOD". 

"It is your faith that makes your light shine brightly."

"The more the dark shadows draw close to you the larger your Christ Light becomes."

"Love and light can be felt by those that are ready, by living the truth others learn."

"Self mastery ensures that your shining light emanates throughout the planet and this pulls towards you the power of the universe to assist you to complete your mission on Earth."

"Christ light, the vendetta’s will be removed. 
Sensibility is the way forward.
Gross misconduct from many will be removed.
Shalom will be revealed.
People are reviewing where they have been
and where they are going from here to eternity.
Beam your light child forevermore."

"A gem, a precious stone sitting amongst the golden sands. 
Waiting  to be found, feeling shattered and spread into a million pieces.
Your light IS emanating everywhere.
How can I explain to you, that which you do not understand at this point.
Walk with me child,
Just a little further more.
Keep walking  you will see the light.
Sweet child let go of the reins
Ride bare back for awhile. 
The role is being defined
Salvation on nigh
Innocent with such joy in your heart
GOD speed you with the healing journey.
Climb the mountain to peace, the chalice awaits you there,
The will-to-good will prevail, help is on its way,
armour is needed no more.
Be rest assured that we are here, and growing in anticipation.
The children carry the orb of GOD’s light.'

The above was received prior to me knowing who I AM. 


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