Friday 15 April 2011

Land & People Top Ten Natural Disasters

I have been reviewing the top ten natural disaster list and this is what I found. The top two are communist China and three out of the top ten. Five of the countries are now Islamic, Indonesia, Antioch (now Turkey), Syria, and two in Iran.  One in Japan and one in Haiti that practices voodoo. Is it a coincidence that most of the top ten natural disasters are either Islamic nations or Communist? Countries where human rights are ignored daily?

The question was raised 'How about mainly communist and Islamic because there are billions of them and reside in geographical areas where fault lines exist'. Our response is this, 'What if they became communist and Islamic because they are on fault lines?'. There is always more than one way to look at it.

As we shared with people in the article 'Secret of Ascension and the Holy Grail' in 2004, there is no separation between the land and its people. Did you also know that the Middle East also have the highest rate of deafness? Have you ever wondered why?

I decided to take a deeper look and selected the third largest natural disaster that took place in 526, Antioch (now Turkey) that used to be Syrian. Wikipedia states that the city of Antioch suffered several disasters in 4th and 6th centuries and anti-christian conquests beginning with the Zoroastrian Persians in the 6th century.

Then if you look at the whole history of Syria, the land as been beset with violence. The Syriagate website states that during 539 - 333BC, Persia conquered Babylonia and took over the Middle East. Persia then fell at the end of this period to the Greeks. [1]

One can only have compassion for a land and its people that have suffered so much. However, it is essential that the healing of these lands takes place, if people are to avoid more far reaching ecological disasters. It is also imperative the people heal themselves. Once again, there is no separation between the land and its people, it is essential that the people come to understand this scientifically and energetically. Violence and wars do not only impact on men, women, children and animals, violence and bloodshed impacts on the land in a way that few understand.

Let us also not forget the atomic bomb that was dropped on Japan, that clearly had far reaching implications for the people and Mother Earth.

About five years ago, we did our best to engage the UN in a scientific conference of experts, to present to world leaders, the scientific and energetic impact of what they are co-creating.

Is it time to gain your support for such a conference? 



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