Saturday 9 April 2011


Following on from the 'Age of Aquarius' post, and the mention of the wood cutters and water bearers, I like the way that this is unfolding. First there was the question of reincarnation, then there was the news regarding the cosmic explosion in another galaxy during the time of the goddess STARGATE opening. Please see other blog for pics and information. 

We also had the mention of the lost gospels and Christ telling the carpenter Joseph, that he had cut the plank to short. In other words he had not gone far enough with his spiritual path. In other words he had not completed the journey by going the extra mile. 

Then in the scripture it was the female samaritan water carrier at the well that identified Christ. Now the bible predicted that two people would come and so did Alice Bailey. Alice Bailey called the one that comes before as the '
Avatar of Synthesis', clearly she understood the work of the spiritual alchemist mentioned by Prophet Malachi, hence the word 'SYNTHESIS'. The dictionary states that Synthesis means to combine separate elements to form a coherent whole'. It is clear that Alice was giving spiritual people a message regarding the wholeness of the Avatar of Synthesis. The root of the word Shalom also means to 'Be whole' and biblically speaking Christ taught people about wholeness and fragmentation in the context of the Shamanic healers.  

Returning to the Age of Aquarius, she also knew that the first Avatar would come in the Age of Aquarius, the earthly vessel of this being is also an Aquarian born on the 13th of February 1954. 13 in Hebrew gematria = ECHAD = THE ONE and the book of Revelation made many predictions about THE ONE that would be victorious. 13 is also AHAVA in Hebrew = LOVE. 13 x 2 (for the month) = 26 and that is also the gematria value of the name of God. Hence, why Abba asked me to tell the people in 2008 when I was born. I did not know the relevance or importance of the date until he pointed out. 

The word synthesis comes from the Greek word SUNTHESIS. Prophet Malachi also predicted that the SUN would rise with healing in its wings. Clearly, he was telling the people that they would be a healer, and when they arrived people would leave the stalls of division that religion as co-created to keep people in separation. 

Now it is interesting that the VERSE OF THE DAY at biblegateway is thus: 

"The Son is the radiance of God's glory, and the exact representation of his being. sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of his Majesty in heaven" Hebrews 1:3 

Now having seen both the Son and his God, I know for a fact due to the evidence of my divine experience, that the Son is not the exact same image as the Father. The Son is a Spirit of God and the Dead Sea Scrolls tell you that God is the God of the SPIRITS and Sons of God. 

There is also a fascinating passage in Micah 4 regarding the last days of the end times and the LORD"s plan. In this passage it tells the watchtower for the flock, the Daughter of ZION, before she was sent to the USA in 2008,  'Do you have no king? As your ruler perished? He tells her that her former dominion will be restored and that kingship will come to the Daughter of Jerusalem. She then continues with her work with the heavenly Father. 

In the NAS translation of Micah 4:8 'To you it will come, even the former dominion will come, the Kingdom of the Daughter of Jerusalem. The word dominion is MEMSHALAH in Hebrew, and it is a feminine noun, Hebrew Strongs 04475. [1]

MEM is a Hebrew letter and in the original pictographs it is an image of water. The MEM is the 13th letter in alef-beit. The Jewish sages state this: "The words for "one" (echad) and "love" (ahavah) both equal thirteen, the secret of the letter mem. The closed, final mem, the source of the fountain of wisdom connected and included within its subterranean, superconscious source, corresponds to the secret of echad, "one." The open mem, from which emerges the point (yud) of conscious insight, is the first manifestation of love (i.e., will to cling to another) in the soul. The connection between the two fountains of the mem, the "closed" fountain and the "open" fountain, is by the power of the Thirteen Divine Attributes of Mercy. This is the secret of G-d’s Essential Name Havayah - the "Name of Mercy." The Name Havayah equals 26 = 2 times 13, the union of "one" and "love," the power to draw into consciousness the wisdom of Torah.

The Jewish sages, e.g. Rabbi's,  tend to speak of everything in terms of the Torah because that is there only reality. However, the word TORAH means 'INSTRUCTION' and I view the word 'INSTRUCTION' in the present tense not past tense. The PRESENT is the PERFECT GIFT, that is why it is called the PRESENT. 

The meaning of SHALAH in Hebrew means 'TO SEND' and what does God send?  His GIFT. [4]

He keeps his promises that he makes. 

Some websites state it means 'Beautiful Eyes'. Others say it means 'The Peaceful One'. 

People often used to say to me that 'Your eyes talk to me', 'Your eyes speak for you'. 

As we know the eyes are the window of the soul, when the child was a baby, 
the parents called her 'smiler' because she was always smiling with smiling eyes
that were said to sparkle. 

If you look deeply into the eyes of a person, you can tell a lot about them, and Christ also spoke about the eyes and their importance in regard to the light of a person. 

Now, the word Shalah is connected to the book of Joshua and where this discussion began with the wood cutters and water carriers of the Aquarian Age. It is also connected to SHEM, the Son of NOAH. 
Now Shem had two pillars and that also connects to the post on Revelation chapter 10. 

The word shalah can also be found in India and it means SATISFACTION and the 
scriptures stated that the righteous servant of God, would be satisfied and 
come to completion of truth. 

So you can understand that when God knew that she was satisfied, 
when he knew that she had come to completion of truth. 

Then he gave his GIFT to humanity for his will to be done. 

The unfolding is like the perfect LOTUS FLOWER 
opening in the sunshine of his PERFECT DIVINE LOVE. 

Children are a SACRED GIFT from God. 

Love beyond measure 







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