Friday 1 April 2011

Memphis Prophecy

In response to the Memphis prophecy a man who lives there asked:

"What are your thoughts and ideas on what will be going on or happening in memphis? I live in the area and am curious to hear your thoughts on the subject. Thanks". 

Well if we look at the prophecy it clearly states 
"Egypt will gather them and Memphis will bury them." 

As we know recently the people gathered in Cairo, Egypt, like never before. So that is giving us a timeline. 

The prophecy predicts that people will be buried in Memphis. The prophecy predicts the destruction of their idols. Who destroys idols in the 21st century? Muslims. How many are living in Memphis? A lot. Wiki says 10,000 - 15,000. This prophecy indicates violence because the Muslims usually blow up idols like the Buddhist statues with explosives. However, it does not speak of complete destruction of Memphis. 

After Abba spoke of Memphis he also spoke HaDekye and Cincinnati and we made a post on that as well. When I took a look at Cincinnati it is currently flooded. [3] Many cities have been built on or close to water. 

An Indian friend translated
'HaDekye' and in Hindi it means 'Observe, look, see' like what is in front of you.



1 comment:

Eliakim said...

The mummified puppies found in Memphis is another sign.