Sunday 24 April 2011


Before I knew about the Holy Mother appearing in the sun I was bathing. While bathing Abba was telling me how much I was loved, and he spoke endearingly about one particular man. Surprisingly, it wasn't the man I felt it might be.

After that he said ZADKIEL and ZADKIEL means 'Righteousness of God'.  As we know Zadkiel is known as the Archangel of forgiveness and mercy that brings freedom from pain and suffering. He is with all those that truly understand the importance of forgiveness for opening up and healing the heart.

"A giving heart is a forgiving heart, the heart is for giving. The depth of your forgiveness determines the depth of your love". Sacred Words

In 2005, Archangel Gabriel took the side of the Holy Mother in place of Archangel Michael who moved forward to help the new teachers of ecological self-sustainability. It is clear that Archangel Zadkiel is coming much more to the fore at this time, due to what is going on all over the planet.

There is no righteous love without forgiveness and mercy. There is no freedom and liberation without forgiveness and mercy. In righteous love comes zealous compassionate action. Zadkiel is one of the Archangels that is featured in the 52 minute healing meditation with the holy mother that was launched in 2001. It stayed at the top of the Amazon charts for five years, and was popular with all age groups and people at all states of being. It is appropriate to mention it again, due to the sheer power of it in helping people to heal their hearts at this time.

It is written that in Jewish mysticism, Zadkiel is associated with the planet Jupiter and as we know Jupiter is the planet of expansion. The Archangel that is with you at the beginning of the healing
process to help you to justify your being. The more that people heal themselves the more their heart and being expands. Returning to the sacred again once more, when you're being the 'Righteousness of God', you are being ZADKIEL for others, to help them to justify their being in alignment
with the spiritual law.

In the beginning it was about healing hearts and helping people to heal their hearts. At the end of the  journey it takes you to a new existence and level of teaching the spiritual law, so that justice can come for the nations. In the beginning it is all about love and becoming divine love in manifestation on the earth plane. In fact, in those days, the law is hardly mentioned when you are being fishers of people.
At the end of the cycle we have the Jupiter Return, it is all about the law, the spiritual law of the cosmos.

Its a good idea to take a look at what Jupiter is doing at the moment
astrologically in your chart. Here Robert Wilkinson provides us with
his offering of the 'JUPITER RETURN' [1] that happens every
12 years. It was in October 1999, that we returned to the UK from
Australia, and the Jupiter Return is very significant right now, as a
new 12 year cycle is about to begin in this reality.

It feels joyous. Let the magic begin.

After I wrote the above Abba said 'PAPER'. So let us see what he as in store for us. If he means writing papers for academic journals, then he is going to have to bring a sponsor, because we can not live on fresh air alone. If he wishes me to tell my story to the newspapers, then he is going to have to tell me more about his will with clear directions. So let us see what unfolds and what he as in mind.



Anonymous said...

hello Eliakim, in your post you say, "Surprisingly, it wasn't the man I felt it might be..." what did you mean by this? if you can reveal, what kind of man did you feel it was? did you see his face, his personality, where he lives? can you further describe him?? thanks so much, dear friend...

Eliakim said...

Well I have a close connection with both of these men due to past lives together. I am sorry that I cannot reveal who they are due to their privacy and my own. They both know my heart very well, one as known me a lot longer than the other.

Neither are personal relationships, like some people might perceive them to be.

The depth of love that Abba was talking about to do with one of them, as been with me for many incarnations. We both have an important purpose of being on planet earth at this time and his energy is very powerful.

The twin flame connection is also very powerful, and I have never been allowed to be with my twin flame to date.

As we know souls mates are very different to twin flames. The perfection of the twin flames can be to hot to handle. They usually prosper more apart because if they were together they would be totally consumed in each other; due to the sheer power of their divine love.