Friday 22 April 2011

Planetary Update April 2011

Is it time for a planetary update that relate to what we have shared with you in the past?

40 are dead in the USA due to 230 tornado's that have ripped through the land, especially in the South. [1] As we shared with you in the past the number 40 relates to the prophet in a biblical sense. So what is the importance of the number 230? In hebrew gematria 230 is the value of 'END' and 'SPIRIT'. Spirit as mentioned in Hag 2:5 "So my spirit remaineth among you; fear ye not'.

There was also a tornado in Illinois and the heavenly Father mentioned that state recorded on this blog.

We did warn people in the South when we shared the 'Gone with the Wind' post. So what else is going on in the South? Texas is experiencing huge wild fires, destruction and people are having to be evacuated. See our post on 'Texas Fires' on our other blog.

Snow as also been a reality for Minnesota this month with heavy snow fall, and that is one of the places that the heavenly Father mentioned. See the Connecticut-Minnesota post from earlier this year. You may remember that we shared the video with you of how the roof fell in due to snow. In the biblical prophecies, snow is also to do with Moses and the prophet from God. You will also find the snow mentioned in the psalms.

More earthquakes in Japan and more 'tsunami of pain' in Bahrain with doctors being arrested and genocide taking place there. Egyptians are rioting due to a Christian governor being elected, and Muslims in England are planning to disrupt the royal wedding alongside those that have the audacity to call themselves the 'Love Police'.

Then we have the PIG March being planned in France on the 14th of May 2011 that fulfills the vision of the flying pigs and the dream in regard to France received and documented on this blog. Let us hope and pray that France can avoid violence erupting.

All we can say to you at this point is, that the comfort zones are being stripped away because that which co-created them is destroying the planet. The more that comfort zones are removed the more that people come to understand, and appreciate the 'ESSENTIALS' and the simple way of life.

The good news is that today is International Mother Earth Day. 444 = PERFECT LOVE and GOOD FRIDAY. The 22nd of April is the 'Day of Establishment' and what does God establish?

In the biblical prophecies God established his covenant with Noah and as we are aware Noah is to do with the environment and ecology. In the Psalms he establishes the work of his hands. Proverb 24 mentions those that plotted violence and how their lips talk about making trouble. Something unusual also appears in it.

It states 'SAYING 21', and this is the 21st century.

"By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.". Prov 24:3-4 

"What answer shall be given to the envoys of that nation? “The LORD has established Zion, and in her his afflicted people will find refuge.”Isaiah 14:32 

Prophet Isaiah also stated that 'In love a throne will be established'. Isaiah 16:5, out of all the prophecies that I have ever read cited by any religionist. Those seven words remind me of Christ like no other prophecy. Isaiah also speaks of peace being established in her righteousness and justice and the book of Acts mentions the goddess of Justice. We are also currently in the Saturn in Libra transit that takes us into 2012. 

Also one of the translations of ELIAKIM is 'God will establish'. So it is no surprise then that Israel was established after I was born. 

May we stay true to our hearts of love, keep the light of hope burning brightly and in so doing, glory is indeed given to God. 





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