Friday 15 April 2011

Obama USA Update

Today, people are posting about Obama and what he as been saying about GOP. He said about them 'You think we're stupid?". Obama also said that 'Paul Ryan is just being America's accountant'. How revealing Obama is, he uses the words 'STUPID' and 'ACCOUNTANT'. A few days ago, an American wrote me talking about money, I responded 'You have been told before about this'. Doing the will of God is about following his instructions, and that can come in many different ways.

You can imagine how God feels about the effort that the Americans put into raising money for their political transgressions. In addition, to raising money for their tea parties etc. Yet, when God asks them to do his will,  it falls on deaf ears.

The word 'DIME' was used by a poster and that brought to my remembrance the words of Abba in November 2010, regarding the 'Nickle. You may like to review the original post and what was written at that time. [1]

Certainly a lot as manifested in the last six months in the USA since then. In the original post it also mentions the biblical prophecy to do with the USA. It mentions the drinking of the Americans and we made a post about the drinking and getting stoned earlier this month. The prophecy states 'They will drink and drink and it will be as if they have never been'. It then mentions that on Mount Zion there will be deliverance, it will be holy. It mentions Jacob being a fire and in November 2010, 5 million trees burned down in Israel on the Mountain of the Prophet and Our Lady of Carmel. It also mentions the flame of Joseph in the same verse. (mentioned again in the previous Nostradamus) post.

The lyrics of the song with the original November Nickle post, says, 'If you don' get my letter than you'll know that I'm in jail'. In January, 2011,  I didn't have a computer at home for six weeks and on the 3rd of January the police arrested me on jumped up charges, they were in breach of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 19 and the UN Privacy laws.

It mentions the boys that run away from home. My son left home on the 1st of January. However, we are reunited again now, although we are not living together. He is making his own way in the world. I also find myself taking on the financial institutions, and I can tell you this. They don't like it when you tell him that they're oppressing the people, and what they're doing to the people is immoral.

Things do not bode well for the financial institutions and its money changers. As the prophecy states in the original post “The day of the LORD is near for all nations. As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head." Since that was posted, we have had the 'Tsunami of Pain' and the rebellion in many parts of the world. 

As we wrote the other day about the USA, the USA is on a knife edge and the chickens are coming home to roost. Abba is telling me as I write this: 'They have tried to bandage the wound.' 

Could America be healed with an African American President? No. People have to seek within to heal the root causes of the core issues. Only through self-healing is harmony co-created between the peoples. In the legend of the Holy Grail, its called the 'Three Wounds' and one of the three is the 'Mystery Wound' and this is usually to do with a past life. We wrote about it in 2004, in the published article called 'Secret of Ascension and the Holy Grail'. Here are the three wounds that were explained in the article. 


1. REPRESSION of women and the divine feminine principles. Men also hold repression in their energetic systems due to their past life experiences and both energies also carry guilt from past lives. Science as proven that guilt is one of the most lethal emotions that breaks down the immune system and stimulates disease. 

2. The Mysterious Wound, and the wounded individual that as harmed itself, and so doing as harmed all sentient beings. What we do to others we do to the self and the land of which we are all part. The ripple effect impacts on the whole universe and the planets beyond. 

3. Creation of the WASTELAND due to the transgression of cosmic law. The earth is ailing almost beyond repair. Nobel Prize winner, Dr Alex Carel 1912, warned that since the soil is the basis for all human life, our only hope of a healthy world rests on the re-establishing the harmony in the soil. Rudolf Steiner added, "So long as one feeds on food from unhealthy soil, the Spirit, will lack the stamina to free itself from the prisons of the body". 

As we know the USA is living on GM foods and we did ask the Americans 'What are you feeding your children?". Furthermore, Mother Earth also as to have time to rest and agriculture does not usually allow the soil to rest, as such the natural nutrients are lacking in the soil. However, can this descendent of Joseph help the people, if the people simply refuse to heal the soil before the new seeds are planted? 

No, there is nothing more that we can do to help the American people, due to their refusal to do the will of God. 



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