Wednesday 20 April 2011

Offerings for 444 22nd April 2011

As we know tomorrow is 444 again. Beauty beyond measure for 444, 22nd of April 2011, Perfect Love Day. International Mother Earth Day. Easter and Passover. Blessings in abundance. Divine Love beyond measure. To the Lakota, Kili, AWESOME.

There are two videos that have been shown to me this night for tomorrow.

The first is 'I'll Always Be There for you'.

The second is 'LIFE - The Courtship Dance'.

On the lst of May there is 'GLOBAL LOVE DAY' then after that our very own Paul McCartney
takes his heart of love to Chile and Peru for the first time.

Following that we have the next Luxor gateway opening on the 7th of May and that will have cosmic consequences.

May the will of God be done.

Make it awesome


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