Sunday 24 April 2011

Elephant Flys Athens

Appointment just arrived on my screen for 9.00am Athens. However, I must share this great video with you called 'Elephant Flys' and it mentions the indictment of Dick Cheney. The video was uploaded on the 22nd. Mother Earth Day. Awesome weekend so far.

Hope you are having an awesome weekend.



Anonymous said...

Eliakim, do a search on the Internet. Supposedly people (today) in Africa are seeing a 'Sign in the Sun,' a Woman in the Sun? A Supernatural Miracle? Don't know. Look into it. SOMETHING WITH A WOMAN AND THE SUN OVER AFRICA!


Anonymous said...

Eliakim, I apologize, this video was uploaded on April 21st, from Ivory Coast Africa...


Eliakim said...

Thank you for sharing I will take a look at it right now. Blessed be for Africa. AWESOMENESS.

Eliakim said...

We have a friend who lives on the Ivory Coast.

Eliakim said...

Thank you so much for letting me know. We have sent it around the world. Blessings in abundance.