Friday 29 April 2011

God's eye on the Royal Couple

This video was revealed on the day of the royal wedding. A bright ORB that resembles the nebulla that some call God's eye, was seen over Wales on the 26th of April 2011. 26 is also the gematria value of the name of God and the 26th of April was the 'Day of Cultivation'. We also mentioned Wales in recent days on this blog and the spiritual people there.

Prince William and his beloved Catherine were also at home in Wales at the weekend, as far as I am aware. Their chosen home is on a remote Island getaway from the world. A little hideaway called 'Anglesey'. Of course now they are the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as well.

So let us take a look at this orb while I do my best to see if I can find the original vision, and what message came with that. Brilliant found it, its all about PERFECT LOVE. [2]

I was listening to the cake makers of the wedding cake last night. They were sharing how Catherine knew the meaning of the flowers that she had chosen for her wedding cake, she was teaching them the meaning of flowers. This match of William and Catherine is definitely pre-ordained. God bless them both with their new journey together.




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