Wednesday 16 March 2011

Eye of God

After writing the words below, I saw an energetic helix nebula that as been called the 'eye of God' since 2003, it appeared on my right. 

2003, was an engagement with God, it was the year of the Harmonic Concordance celebrated by spiritual people globally. It was also the first day of the Golden Age. The Helix nebula is a large planetary nebula located in the constellation Aquarius. 

Photo Credit: ESO

These words were written to a person that responded to the article about the next engagement with God, on the 4th of April 2011. 


Indeed dear one. 

Let's keep those flames of love burning all the dross away. 

Let's keep the light of hope as beautiful as the rainbow. 

Let's keep the light and love of the sacred union of divine experience as an inheritance 
for future generations. 

Let's keep the wonder and magic in our hearts, so that others can come to understand the 
wonder of God's creation and miracles. 

Let us be noble in holiness with causes greater than ourselves. 

Let us honor the lands of the ancestors and what they gave for us for mysticism, peace 
and healing in plenty. 

Love beyond measure 

Let us keep our Spirits high. 


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