Sunday, 6 March 2011

Planet Earth Visions

The first vision today was of planet earth and there were two people holding hands over the top of it. These two people were outside of the world, and they were giving the planet a protective shield.

Then on front of planet earth another vision appeared of the 'skull and bones' and as we know the skull and bones are symbolic of death. The message is clear, the planet is dying from within itself.

The skull and bones then turned into the mask logo, that Anonymous use, that logo does remind me of Fu Manchu.

You may remember that 'Fu Manchu' was the video that just turned up on our youtube channel last week, we shared some information about it on the blog at the time. Wiki says they are wearing 'Guy Fawkes' masks that was worn in the film V for Vendetta.

I have a message that I received in 2004 about vendetta's.

"Planet earth hungers for a solution to the pain.
Christ light, the vendetta’s will be removed.

Sensibility is the way forward.
Gross misconduct from many will be removed.
Shalom will be revealed.
People are reviewing where they have been
and where they are going from here to eternity.
Beam your light child forevermore."

Sacred Words 

Now looking at their wiki page, it seems that Anonymous use the skull and bones on leaflets.

After that I saw a FIRE and the FLAMES turned into HANDS.

Out of the hands came the Lotus flower.

In the Supremum post in February 2010, we posted this verse from the book of Hebrews.

"In speaking of the angels he says, "He makes his angels winds,  his servants flames of fire."

The flames of fire are the unfettered flames of God. Why unfettered? They are unfettered by outside influences due to their purity of intention. They're compelled by the love of God into compassionate action to save humanity from itself. Hence, why the bible predicted that the flame of Joseph would come. Why Joseph? Moses asked for a descendent of Joseph to be blessed with the prophethood that God promised to Israel and the children of the world. 

His angels become winds is talking about the four directions, Peacemakers, (West) Spiritual Teachers, (East) Prophets (South) and Healers. (North). 

Edit update (7.3.2011) I was looking at a news item on the fact that 4,000 Egyptians have attacked the Copt village and I saw this link.

The Cross and the Lotus. [2]

Then a long time afterwards, I saw the heavenly Father and a horse.

The horse is symbolic of freedom and also chosen. In Jewish mysticism it is ACHARIT and in Hindu philosophy it is the KALKI, both wield a sword of truth. To Christians it is the man on the white horse in the book of Revelation.


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