Tuesday 22 March 2011

Abba said ELINOR

While I was writing up the previous post called 'THE ONE', 

Abba said 'SCHALET' and that is a Hebrew word to do with the sabbath stew, and the CHET Visions received in March 2009.

Humanity are certainly in a stew right now. 

Then he said ELINOR...

So let us look at that Hebrew word in two segments. 

ELI and NOR. 

NOR means FIRE in Hebrew. 



The fire certainly arrived in the USA when we arrived there in 2008. The Prince of Peace Church in Philadelphia burned to the ground and Christ did predict that religious buildings would burn in the flames in the last days of the end times. 

Biblically speaking, the prophecies about the FLAME are also related to the descendent of Joseph, that Moses asked to  be blessed by God. So the Son of God, was also providing his true followers with another criteria of how they could recognize the sign of the ONE, that he promised would come; to give glory to his teachings. 


English author, Jane Austin also featured ELINOR in her novel 'SENSE AND SENSIBILITY'. The story features two sisters that encounter love and life, one called Elinor and the other called Marianne. Interesting that Michael's cousin is called marion and there is also an orthodox Christian blog run by a Marianne. 

The two women are very different, the life of one is swayed by emotion and the other one  isn't. 

Would God choose the vessel of a woman that allows her emotions to control her? 

Certainly not. 

He chooses those that are Masters of realities. 

In the story there is a matter of an inheritance of property and here we have the name marianne again. It is written that marianne is angry at ELINOR's intervention regarding the estate. The match between two people is disapproved of. Marianne's invitations and letters go unanswered, and he snubs her coldly when he sees her. That was definitely the way of Michael and how he treated his cousin and her family. 

Elinor is shocked about those who have no qualms about claiming the inheritance. Michael called them his enemies and he said that if he went down he would take them all with him. Marion knows what Michael was planning to do with his estate, and he will not rest until his will is done. 

"Marianne also realizes her illness was brought on by her wallowing in her grief, by her excessive sensibility, and had she died, it would have been morally equivalent to suicide. She now resolves to model herself after Elinor's courage and good sense" 

The death of Michael M Mauldin is morally equivalent to murder. Criminal negligence and corporate manslaughter, you can read more about it on the Michael M Mauldin blog. 

Marion did become ill, and she did grieve for her daughter that died of cancer. In the story the man is trapped in a situation with someone that he ceased to love. Michael M Mauldin, was certainly trapped in a situation that had been created by the daughter of a friend. All of his records were removed from government organizations, including educational establishments. 

In the book it is written that ELINOR as a keen sense of RESPONSIBILITY to family and friends, and places the welfare and well-being of others above her own. In other words she is selfless. 

The contrast between the two women are stark, and Elinor's sister Marianne, comes to know that her whole life as been selfish, based upon self-interest and what the heavenly Father is saying is 'greed'. 

Is that one of the reasons that Michael snubbed them? Yes. 

However, in the book, there is a happy ending. 

God certainly works in mysterious ways, I had no idea how this post would progress, I just allowed it to have its own flow like a river. Its amazing to see how things unfold. 

Jane Austin didn't publish in the name that her parents gave her,  the book 'Sense and Sensibility' was in her pen name. 

'A LADY'. 


1. http://www.hebrewbabynames.com/item.cfm?itemid=3910
2. http://www.meaning-of-names.com/french-names/elinor.asp
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sense_and_Sensibility

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