Wednesday 30 March 2011


Today, as been a Holy Kiss for me, so let us share what there is in the bible about the Holy Kiss. 

In Romans, it says 'Greet one another with a holy kiss, all the Churches of Christ send greetings'. As we know the original meaning of church meant community, (not religious buildings) e.g. ecological spiritual communities. Sharing together as one. 

In 1 Corinthians, it is written, 'All the brothers and sisters here, send you greetings. Greet one another with a holy kiss'. 

In Thessalonians 'Greet all God's people with a holy kiss'. To the followers of Christ, the holy kiss was a sign of peace. 

If you know of any other texts where the HOLY KISS is mentioned please share with us here as a HOLY KISS. 

It is clear to me that the ART critics never truly understood the purest intentions of 'THE KISS',  or the HEART of its CREATOR that came through the artist, Gustav Klimt. 

Only those that understand spiritual alchemy, the importance of the colour gold, can understand its spiritual alchemy and how the GOLD is mentioned in ancient texts and the importance thereof. 

The Royal Bride was indeed dressed in gold exactly as Psalm 45 indicated that she would be, fulfilling another prophecy. Its no coincidence that the Princess mentioned in Psalm 45, came from Austria and was divinely sent to ELIAKIM for healing, with a golden gown for her to wear on the second mission to Israel in 2007. Why is that important? The original painting of 'THE KISS' is in Vienna. God works in mysterious ways. 

It is written that Klimt began work on 'THE KISS' in 1907, and it was called his 'GOLDEN PERIOD'. 

My view of it is this: that he knew the 'GOLDEN AGE' was coming, we were blessed to inform spiritual people that the first day of the golden age was during the Harmonic Concordance in 2003. 

We are truly blessed and live in exciting times. 

Let us prepare for the wonderful time ahead.

As we have written many times in the last decade, 

the SACRED UNION with the DIVINE is the cure for all ills.

Love beyond measure



Anonymous said...

Very nice!!!

Now you've got the picture!!


Eliakim said...

Know this that I am not confined by a 'Picture' that is a term of reference for those that require one.

I have always had the panoramic view. When people understand that, then they will be on their way; to truly understanding the promise.