Friday 25 March 2011

Divine Ring

As Abba said the other day, 'The hope of the enemy is diminishing' and his Son said excitedly and joyously, 'By Easter, we are moving into awesomeness'.

This is our time for the band of gold. The band of gold that we first shared with the people for the harmonic concordance in 2003. The divine ring and the engagement with God that comes again on the 2nd of April with the goddess stargate opening on the mountain in the valley of the Kings. The Atlantis healing for the healing of blindness and those that transgressed the spiritual law.

The engagement with God is then followed by 444 on the 4th of April 2011,  and that is the gematria value of 'PERFECT LOVE', more information about these dates and happenings can be viewed on this blog.

To Spain we cheer on 444 and that gateway opening and the 'RETURN OF THE MYSTICS' that will impact especially on those that speak Spanish or live in a county where they speak Spanish.

Much is being revealed to humanity, much is unfolding as the people march for the freedom to be, their divine natures; that enables human rights to come to be for every man, woman and child. The sacred union with the divine is the cure for all ills.

Blessings to the holy ones that have stood firm and never waivered from the spiritual path. Prophet Joel spoke of you with great passion and so did all of the other prophets of God.

It truly is our time, and the divine are ringing everywhere in the symphony of creation.

As Abba said to me the other day 'Your words still ring in their ears'. 

Glory be to God

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