Thursday 10 March 2011

Ancient Egypt Kama Sutra of HATHOR?

A person wrote about the academics 'I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at how dumbed down these completely unaware academics are approaching the presentation of artifact. They reveal their ignorance of sexual alchemy practices - and their importance. Its nor mere eroticism, not just sexual positions that Egyptians entertained themselves with.

I totally agree with the person that wrote the above comment about the videos. 

The academics have no comprehension of spiritual alchemy, or how Sons of God are immaculately conceived and born. Christ understood it, and touched upon in his discussions with Nicodemus. This is why he told Israel that they had thrown away the key of knowledge and that he had come to bring back what had been lost.

The academics are confounded by why there is sexual activity on a chariot in the pictures, due to their own lack of spiritual growth and development. In my humble view, the chariot is the MerKaBa, it relates to the light body of ascension that takes you through the different heavens. The chariot was mentioned by Prophet Ezekiel and also in relation with the Prophet Elijah. When people are traveling through the many heavens, it can be orgasmic and some have said 'This is better than sex'.

They even relate the Lotus to the women being intoxicated on drugs, instead of seeing clearly that the Lotus above the crown is symbolic of Enlightenment. They mention the vase and the vase was also sacred to Quan Yin, the vase held the holy water of blessings, the purple dew of healing purification. The sweet dew of purification is the highest healing vibration prior to the gold of Christ. The vase can also represent a vessel that holds aromatherapy oils used in massage, often called 'ambrosia of the gods'.

The papyrus is dated as 1500BC and the legend of Kuan Yin goes back 2,590 years with her name Miao Shan. Kuan Yin's Indian and Tibetan Genesis swept through the East. 

In the Lotus Sutra it is written thus:

World-Honoured Lord and Perfect One,
I pray thee now declare
Wherefore this holy Bodhisat
Is known as Kuan Shih Yin

To hear her name and see her form
Delivers beings from every woe.

Radiance, spotless, and effulgent,
Night-dispelling Sun of Wisdom!

Imbued with supernatural power
And wise in using skilful means,
In every corner of the world
She manifests her countless forms.

If you would like to read more about the mystical tradition of Kuan Yin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion and Mercy. I recommend a book written by John Blofeld titled "Bodhisattva of Compassion' it is written from the heart. 

She vowed that she would not stay in Nirvana while there were souls that were suffering, and one could also apply this to the Holy Mother and her Son as well. As Christ said 'Those that remain silent are complaint to the suffering in the world'. In 2004, he also spoke of the earth and its hunger for a solution to the pain.

Now how would Christians feel about the Lord being a woman? If only they knew the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

We also know that the female TAO Masters indulged in sacred sex for health reasons, to keep them young and youthful and this as been traced back at least 3,500+ years. The sperm of the man holds certain proteins that are essential for good health. How amazing the Creator is, to provide man with all that a woman requires for her continued good health and vitality.

Do enjoy these videos on the artifact that as been discovered.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

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