Sunday 20 March 2011


While bathing this evening Abba said 'CINNAMON' and apparently, Sri Lanka export more cinnamon than anywhere else. [1] This is not the first time that SRI LANKA as come up, we mentioned it on this blog a couple of weeks ago.

Cinnamon spice is also mentioned in the bible and as we know it is a medicinal spice. Medicinal spices don't have to be eaten, although cinnamon is good on top of home made lasagne and puddings. Spices like aromatherapy oils can enter the body through 'smell' if you have a requirement of such a remedy.

In 2002,  friends and I were taken back in time to Egypt, to retrieve information on the spices that were used like aromatherapy oils. If you live in a country where you can grow cinnamon, then it is a good one to have available. There is also a good reason why Abba is giving cinnamon to humanity right now. Of course all spices, like their flower counterparts have a particular vibrational frequency, and what we call in flower essence production: its signature.

The first mention of cinnamon in the bible is in the book of Exodus, in the proverbs it is a fragrance used in the bedroom. In the Song of Solomon it is listed as one of the finest spices. Its also mentioned in Revelation chapter 18, and that chapter is about fallen babylon. It also mentions the woman that did not allow herself to be a widow. We made a different post about her and the cross over with the prophecy about Jezebel. If I remember correctly, the wulf died in 2009, [3] and that was really when things began to go wild in the USA after Obama was elected. Rev 17 & 18 is about the USA and you can find full commentaries about it on this blog. 

After I received the message about cinnamon, I was given a vision of a 'FLYING PANDA'. Of course China comes to mind when one ponders upon panda's. The dragon as always been the national emblem of China. However, the giant panda now shares the limelight and as been an excellent ambassador for China, especially as panda was so well promoted by the WWF, being its chosen logo. 

The giant panda was standing on its hind legs, with its arms open wide pointing up and out, it looked like it was flying like a bat. 

A panda in flight could well indicate CHINA in flight and on the move. The word 'cinnamon' and 'chinaman' are very similar. Only male panda's do this: 

Here is a link on the health benefits of Cinnamon. 



Eliakim said...

A Scandinavian study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when volunteers were given rice pudding with three grams of cinnamon, they produced less insulin after the meal.
Because insulin is the hormone that turns excess sugar into fat, this means less weight gain. As well as lowering blood sugar levels cinnamon may slow down the emptying of the stomach, meaning it can make you feel fuller for longer.
TIP: Sprinkle a teaspoon of cinnamon daily over cereals, yoghurt or fruit, use to season puddings or even stir into coffee. It is especially effective if consumed directly after meals.

Read more:

Eliakim said...

Well the panda's have flown in and will be living in Scotland.

She said: "To introduce the pandas into the equation is not only a backwards step in terms of conservation and ethics, but the cost that comes with them means that the zoo is putting extra pressure on their finances when they should be focusing on ensuring they meet the most basic standards for the animals already there.

"In short, it doesn't bode well."

Campaign group Free Tibet said the deal was part of China's "charm offensive" on the west.

Director Stephanie Brigden added: "Initiatives like the loan of these two pandas represent Chinese state efforts to extend its reach and influence the British media and public."

Born in 2003, Tian Tian (meaning "sweetie") and Yang Guang (meaning "sunshine") will be under custodianship of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS).