Sunday 20 March 2011

Humanity in the Labyrinth

20 is the number of judgement and the 20th of March is the 'Day of Labyrinth'. After I made a coffee Abba gave me the title of the song 'STAYIN ALIVE' by the Bee Gees. Basically, he is telling humanity that they are going nowhere due to their lack of help. The song combined with the day shows us that humanity are going around in never ending circles, because they do not know how to break the cycles.

There are many ancient labyrinth's notably in Egypt and Greece. However, a modern one that pinged out at me was the 9/11 memorial labyrinth at Boston College, USA.

This one is on the floor of the Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, USA. The labyrinth also looks like a maze and few people understand the maze of life and how and why they stay in it. The song is asking for help and humanity are praying for help. However, humanity are not listening and doing the will of God, so they simply carry on in the same old ways, building monuments like Churches and Mosques etc.

David Bowie also made a film called Labyrinth and the story includes a woman that rescues her little brother. The name of the baby is TOMMY, and the story of the two of them is reminiscent of the story in Rev 12. There is also a 'Fire Gang' that try to chop her head off, and the chopping off of heads can also be found in book of Revelation in relation to the false prophet. There is mention of a masquerade ball and at the end of the film there is also a celebration. Film critics called it a 'nightmare' film and one of the songs is 'World falling down'.

The two main characters in the film are SARAH and JARETH. Sarah in Hebrew means 'Princess'  or 'Noble', in Aramaic it can also mean Guardian Angel and Genius.  The name Jareth is of American origin and in the film, Jareth is the  'King of Goblins'. The name is a blend of Gareth and Jarah, Gareth is Welsh and can be found in the legend of King Arthur, Gareth was one of the Knights of the round table that got smashed due to a lack of integrity.  Jarah comes from Hebrew and it means 'FORREST' what is happening to the forrests in the UK? The British government are planning to sell them. What is happening to the rain forests? Deforestation that is leading humanity to self-destruction due to destruction of the eco-system of the planet.

It was a few years ago now that Abba spoke about the fatal law of attraction and how spiritual people are masquerading through the cosmos without understanding its physics, as such those firing grids and inspiring world wide meditations were doing more harm than good. We mentioned this to people again the other day and how after 'firing the grids', I was shown that the energetic circuits of the planet had been exposed, they were not earthed anymore. Who were responsible? Mainly Americans and that carries a heavy karma, just like Jezebel they lead the children astray with their spiritual practices.

Humanity are very powerful indeed. However, their power must be used wisely, otherwise they co-create their own self-destruction as we are witnessing on the planet right now. The other day when Abba was talking about Japan, he said that the people will lose their minds over this, and it was made clear that this tragedy was not going to be over quickly.

Bee Gees - Stayin Alive 

In the lyrics of the song we also have the baby that is kicked around since birth. Who kicked the baby around? Humanity. I remember saying once to the people 'I am not your kicking ball, seek within and heal your anger then you will take responsibility for your co-creation'. Revelation chapter 12 tells you what happened after that to the woman and the child that she birthed. After the public crucifixion came the ascension, she passed the initiation with flying colours. Then it was onwards and upwards on the pathway home to God, the heavenly Father.


No coincidence then that today's verse of the day at biblegateway is the following: 

“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.” - 1 Peter 2:2-3

Growing up is about emotional and spiritual maturity.

LOL now someone posted this discovery of the 'Mother and Child' found in a sandpit in the UK.

Don't you just love the way in which God works.

BOLT ON indeed.....

Woman and child from Rev 12.

At the bottom of this blog you will also see ELIAKIM with the baby in the Michelangelo fresco.




Eliakim said...

A man pointed out that the maze is different to the Labyrinth and in the labyrinth humanity have no choice.

Our response

Indeed they are different. Eagles go where angels fear to tread and humanity get stuck in grooves due to not wishing to change their ways. Change is the only constant. When people are not willing to change, they get sick and humanity is certainly in that phase at the moment of the MEAN TIME.

Refusal to change is the root cause of many fatal diseases, if only humanity understood it.

Eliakim said...

Pushthelimit a Lakotah American Indian has just mentioned the labyrinth. They also dreamt about Todd Palin his affairs, that relates to the USA in Rev 17 & 18.

Looks like the Lakotah Indian lady that ate the apple of the USA is about to get an awakening of what she was born into.

The original post also mentions the song 'Staying Alive' from the Bee Gees and we are doing our utmost to pull him through with love and healing.

The cancer condition that Robin has suffered from his karmic, its to do with a past life as a Lakotah Indian, a past life that he did not heal.

So let us send healing to the Robin the Lakotah Indian. Let him feel our love, our healing, our pure intention to help him to break the karmic cycle.