Thursday, 24 March 2011

God of gods, God of wonder

These are beautiful passages from the Dead Sea Scrolls and appropriate for the lead up to the 2nd of April goddess stargate opening in the valley of the Kings, followed by 444 Perfect Love.

Praise the God of wonder, and exalt Him of glory in the tent of the God of knowledge. The cherubim prostrate themselves before Him and bless. As they rise, a whispered divine voice is heard and there is a roar of praise. When they drop their wings, there is a whispered divine voice. The cherubim bless the image of throne-chariot above the firmament, and they praise the majesty of the luminous firmament beneath His seat of glory.

When the wheels advance, angels of holiness come and go. From between his glorious wheels, there is as it were a fiery vision of most holy spirits. About them, the appearance of rivulets of fire in the likeness of gleaming brass, and a work of radiance in many-coloured glory, marvelous pigments, clearly mingled.

The spirits of the living 'gods' move perpetually with the glory of the marvelous chariot(s). The whispered voice of blessing accompanies the roar of their advance, and they praise the Holy One on their way of return.

When they ascend, they ascend marvellously and when they settle, they stand still. The sound of joyful praise is silenced and there is a whispered blessing of the 'gods' in all the camps of God. And the sound of praise from among all of their divisions and all their numbered ones praise, each in his turn.

His whole offering. The 'gods' praise Him, when they take up their station, and all the spirits of the clear firmament rejoice in his glory. A sound of blessings is heard from all His divisions speaking of the firmaments of His glory, and His gates praise with a resounding voice.

When the gods of knowledge enter the doors of glory, and when the holy angels depart towards their realm, the entrance doors and the gates of exist proclaim the glory of the King, blessing and praising all the Spirits of God when they depart and enter by the gates.

None among them skips the precept, nor do they against the saying of the King. They run not away from the path, nor slip away from his domain. They are neither too high for His commission nor too lowly. For He shall be compassionate in the realm of his furious destroying anger. He will not judge in the provinces of his glorious wrath. The fear of the King of 'gods' is awes-inspiring to all the 'gods', and they undertake all His commissions by virtue of His true order, and they go...

At their marvelous stations are spirits, many-coloured like the work of a weaver, splendid engraved figures. In the midst of a glorious appearance of scarlet, colours of the most holy spiritual light, they hold to their holy station before the King, spirits of pure colours in the midst of an appearance of whiteness.

The likeness of the glorious spirit is like a work of art, sparkling fine gold. All their pattern is clearly, mingled like the work of art of the weaver. These are the Princes of those marvellously clothed for service, the Princes of the kingdom, the kingdom of the holy ones of the King of holiness in all the heights of the sanctuaries of his glorious Kingdom. The Princes in charge of the offerings have tongues of knowledge, and they bless the God of knowledge among all of His glorious works...

Their marvelous marvels by the power of the God of eternity, and they shall exalt the mighty deed of the God. From the foundations of marvellous firmament they shall proclaim soundlessly a divine oracle.

They bless and praise the God of gods.

Dead Sea Scrolls, translated by Geza Vermes.

4Q405 20 ii,21-2, 4Q405 23,i, 4Q405 23,ii.. IIQ5-6

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