Friday 18 March 2011

Life Cycle Visions

Abba said 'MONGOOSE' and they come from Eurasia and Africa, they can also be found in Hawaii.  They look like weasels, the keynote of the weasel is sly and secret in its pursuit. Who comes from Africa with connections in Hawaii? Obama. Mongoose is a predator and even eats the cobra.

Edit update: There is a song by FU MANCHU called 'MONGOOSE'.

Then I saw the 'Tree of Life' with a moose and a unicorn defending the tree of life. After that I was given a vision of the scarab BEETLE and one of the Beatles lives in our town.

Then Abba said 'NATASHA'.

NATASHA is a Russian pet name for NATALIA, a variant of the French and German NATALIE which is from the Latin natalis meaning TO BE BORN from the Latin, French and German, means TO BE BORN (Kolatch, Alfred J. 1994. The New Name Dictionary - Modern English and Hebrew Names. Middle Village: Jonathan David. 201). [2]

I do know an Indian clairvoyant with the name Natasha, she lives in London, although I haven't seen her for many years. 

Then there was a vision of an English horse race, horse racing is known as the 'Sport of Kings' and it wouldn't exist without gambling. There is an English race course at Newmarket.  After I received the messages and visions I checked to see if there was a race horse called Natasha, and there is a song by a Natasha Bedingfield and its called 'WILD HORSES' and its about the peoples 'wanting' freedom.

However, the song is about their  fears that are holding them back from being reckless, and throwing caution to the wind. They 'want' to open up their hearts and speak their truth but they're afraid. They feel like everything is closing in on them, and they don't know how to break out of the situation that they are in. They don't know how to turn it all around.

Fears and wants are due to the people having not healed themselves. As Abba said 'Healing is the get out of jail card. Healing is the path to salvation and love is the way'.

When people have healed themselves they become dauntless in the face of adversity. In the healing process people come to understand that 'The light triggers the darkness and the darkness triggers the light until there is no more darkness left.'

However, the choices of the poor are limited until they break the cycle, and life does go in cycles. So it is no wonder that they feel like everything is closing in on them and they just wish to be free. The song speaks of their wish to express their love. However, due to the speed of what as happened, they have stepped back into being frightened to move. We did warn people about six years ago, that if they did not heal themselves then they would feel polarized by 2012.

There is a horse in Ireland called 'NATASHA'S RUN'. [3] and it as WON four races.

This is also a four year.

There is also a Natasha horse in the USA that WON one race. [4]

After that there was a vision of a  LION with a CROWN upon its head.

"On many badges, British, Colonial, Australian and New Zealand, there 
appears a crowned lion on a crown. It forms part of the Royal Arms of the 

It is more well known as the symbol of England in heraldry, it is symbolic 
of 'deathless courage'. 'Resolution and prudence'. 

Deathless is a strange word, it means not subject to termination or death. 
IMMORTAL, especially, greatness and everlasting. 

"In the way of righteousness there is life; 
along that path is immortality." Proverbs 12:28 

"To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, 
honor and immortality, he will give eternal life."Romans 2:7 

"For the perishable must clothe itself with the 
imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.
When the perishable has been clothed with the 
imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, 
then the saying that is written will come true: 
“Death has been swallowed up in victory.”
1 Corinthians 15: 53-54 

18th of March is 'Day of RETURN'. 

Help the people to consume whatever is 
coming up for them with healing love. 

Courage beyond measure 








Unknown said...

moose & unicorn==children? son & daughter?
scarab==egyptian royal bloodline. pharonic. regeneration, eternal life. khepri==the son, god of the sun.
horses==u.k./australia connection?
natasha's run==baring the children?
crowned lion==crowned father (obama) or son? king of the world?

Eliakim said...

Hmm interesting Kimberly that you should make a comment on this post at the end of March. Yes, you are right mongoose is Obama and he as been up to no good again.