Wednesday 23 March 2011


After we made the post for Elizabeth Taylor, a Queen of Hearts, on our other blog and two international forums. I was given the smell of freshly baked cakes. That is her signature and it is her way of saying thank you. A man on a forum said 'Wedding Cakes', and I told him no. The smell of the baked cakes that I was given was like the smell of croissants and patisseries that one would usually associate with morning breakfast.

Interesting that the croissants are made out of pyramid shapes, of course, Egypt, Cleopatra and the goddess. Similar pastries can also be traced back to Austria and the 13th century, I like puff pastry for cooking. There are also legends relating to the defeats of Islam regarding pastry in the shape of the crescent.

Also our English (American) Elizabeth born in Hampstead, North London, passed on the new moon as it rises. Rising as she goes, she was also a Piscean, the two fishes, a very emotional sign that clearly took its toll on her health and her life. My youngest memory of her was in National Velvet with the horse.

Elizabeth in the film 'Father of the Bride'. 
My own mother looked just like her, they were also the same star sign. 

"Old French croissant, the equivalent of Latin crscns, came to mean "the time during which the moon waxes," "the crescent-shaped figure of the moon in its first and last quarters," and "a crescent-shaped object."

There is a nice play on words there with CROIS and SANT. Cros comes from the Latin Crux and Sant can be found in Hindi, it means 'to be good, to be real'. 

The ability to smell what the Spirit gives you is called 'Clairalience'.

There was once a wonderful Englishman, he was a businessman and sailor in Sydney and was involved in running the weekly yatch races there. He died while I was there in 1999. He used to give me the smell of 'fish and chips' after he died,  to let me know he was close by. The smell of fish and chips was his signature.

Yesterday, I was also given the smell of aftershave. However, I could not remember who wore that particular aftershave or the name of it.

Spirits don't always give you smells, when my genetic Father contacts me now, he usually whistles to get my attention, because he knows that I am clairaudient and can hear him.

Clairaudience means that you have CLEAR HEARING of the Spirit.

Clairvoyance means that you have CLEAR SEEING of the Spirit.

Clairalience means that you have CLEAR SMELL of the Spirit's signature.

Onwards and upwards



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