Tuesday 15 March 2011


As Abba said recently  'IDES OF MARCH' people often think of it as representing doom. However, 'Ides of March' are to be celebrated by the people, because it indicates the fall of dictators. Its also a reminder to politicians and governments that when push comes to shove, and the chips are down, their friends and those they trusted will turn against them.

The IDES occur throughout the Roman calendar. In fact, they happen every month on the 15th, in March, May, July and October and on the 13th in the rest of the months. [1]

Talking of friends, I just finished a phone conversation with a blessed friend. Its always good to talk especially, in this sombre time for Japan.

May the world be compelled by hearts of love as they march forward with freedom.

Love beyond measure


1. http://www.infoplease.com/spot/ides1.html

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