Tuesday 26 April 2011


In a recent post chapter 12 of Ecclesiastes as been brought to my attention. 'Ecclesiastes', Kohelet in Hebrew means 'Member of an Assembly'. There is also dispute over who wrote the book of Ecclesiastes and whether in fact it had more than one writer due to including some Aramaic and two Persian words. However, the renowned Dead Sea Scrolls scholar, Geza Vermes wrote that it was written by Jesus ben Sira in 200 BCE. He was a sage from Jerusalem and Geza wrote that "he raged against the "ungodly" who had forsaken the Law of the God Most High".

The Jewish Encyclopedia state the inclusions of the words like 'David, Israel and Jerusalem' in the book were done to appeal to the Jewish taste. It also shares this with us.

"Beyond the fact that Ḳohelet was uncritically identified with Solomon, it seems impossible to discover any connection between the two names. The interpretation of the word "Ḳohelet" as a substantive is purely conjectural; and though the phrase rendered "masters of assemblies," but more probably signifying "authors of collections,". 

Scholars even question why the book was included in the cannon. It is clear that the only reason that it was included is due to words that relate to the good shepherd that was destined to come in the last days of the end times. Nicholas Perrin also agrees that it is indeed pointing to the Messiah and the Messiah is always associated with wisdom.

In the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament, wisdom is spoken of in the feminine context. Christ promised that 'Wisdom would be proven right by her actions' when he spoke of the Queen of the South having more wisdom than Solomon. He also predicted that the only physical sign that the Rabbi's would be given of her arrival would be the sign of Jonah, and the whale arrived in Israel in May 2010.
However, the biblical prophecies also predicted that God would present his Messenger to Jerusalem in Israel prior to that and he did do just that. He presented her to Spiritual Israel.

It is written that early Christian and Medieval commentators also understood the text to relate to the end time. The last chapter like other scriptures is leaving a message for her and for humanity to understand. The Jewish prophets and mystics left signposts and messages for her everywhere, so did Michelangelo in his frescos and Nostradamus in his writings.

James L. Crenshaw, also recognized that the last chapter refers to the author in the third person and he states that these words resemble an epitaph. That also fits well with the change of status found in Micah 4 of the daughter of Zion, the watchtower of the flock that is given her Kingship after her return from Babylon (USA) and the rescue from her enemies by God.

The objective of this post is to look specifically at chapter 12 and its message.

The chapter reminds her of the days of her youth before her trouble began. This relates to when she left home at the age of 18 and cancerous cells and skin disease followed within a few years. It speaks of a time that would come when she would find no pleasure in others. Is that because God set her apart for his divine purpose? Is it because her pleasure is being in the sacred union with God and doing his will to help humanity as pre-ordained?

In the Aramaic text it is also written 'Before life ebbs, beauty fades, fortune fails, and poverty returns after prosperity'. As it is done to the one that God sent, so it is done to humanity because the cosmos is not a one way street. Hence why Prophet Malachi gave the message to the people to warn them in advance of what they would co-create for themselves; if they did not support the Messenger of God. Humanity chose to learn the hard way instead of the easy way.

Then the text appears to jump and goes to the last days of the end time. The text talks about prior to the end. It is important to clarify  prophecy with the criteria given.

Before the end comes. 

1.   The sun and the light and the moon and stars grow dark. 

The above relates to those that relate to the sun, moon and stars. Some religions are ruled by a solar calendar, some by the lunar. Some are ruled by astrology and some by the lights in the sky. The stars are also given in terms of idols, celebrities and spiritual people that shine like the light of the stars. In the Aramaic text this phrase does not appear at all.

2.   Clouds return after the rain. 

Biblically speaking the rain is to do with righteousness that rains down upon the people. In my humble view in the context of this passage, the clouds are also to do with the 'cloud people' that are symbolic of the indigenous peoples. The return in Judaic philosophy is also the return to the sacred union with the divine. In the Aramaic text this phrase does not appear at all.

3.   Keepers of the house tremble. 

This can have two different meanings. Firstly, when the body of a pure vessel hears and transmits the direct word of God to the people, it can tremble due to the sheer power of God. This was witnessed while I was on the second mission to Israel when a message from Hashem was given. In an earthly sense, trembling is also to do with earthquakes and humanity are the keepers of the planet and its animals. To care for them, the planet and its people fully.

In the Aramaic text it does not mention a house. It speaks of the physical reality of a person as they begin to age.

4.   Strong men stoop. 

None stoop so low as men when they're issues are being triggered, the war mongers are just one example. Hence why wisdom is feminine, so that those that are aligned with the feminine principles can rise above those that stoop so low. In the Aramaic text it is completely different.

"And the ears shall be so dulled that the sound of women grinding at the mill is low; and a man shall rise up at the song of birds; and the sound of women singing shall be low'.

5.   Grinders cease because they are few. 

This is also about the timeline. One does not see grinders anymore sharpening knives, people tend to buy new ones. It speaks of the throwaway society that as become.

6.   Those looking through windows grow dim. 

Children tend to look through windows when they're bored at school. The word 'dim' is also associated with intellect and children that have no appetite for learning; what earthly governments and their academics choose to teach them. Another timeline criteria to do with education and academia that does not enhance or bring forth the natural talents of the children.

Not all children are academic. However, all children are talented in some way, academia and governments have completely neglected the 'individuality' and the  'uniqueness' of every child. This as adversely impacted upon society and humanity as a whole. Children are not a number, they are not a statistic, they are sacred beings that like to do good and their best, when you allow them to grow naturally like the wild flowers in a field.

The eyes are also the window of the soul. The children grow dim because they are not allowed to express their own wisdom and intelligence that comes from their hearts.

The Aramaic text does not include this phrase.

7.   The doors to the street are closed. 

Another timeline criterion. In the early 20th century people could still leave their front doors open for the children. By the end of the 20th century, parents couldn't leave their doors open anymore due to consumerism and the crime that it helps to co-create. This is the time for essentials due to the lack of natural resources to give the global population what the West as taken for granted.

The Aramaic translation does not include in this phrase.

8.   Sound of grinding fades. 
This is just a repeat of point 5, on the timeline related to the children in point 7.

9.   People rise up at the sign of the birds, all their songs grow faint. 

Birds are symbolic of spiritual people who have taught their souls to fly divine, out of and beyond a purely earthly reality. The people rising up is also to do with the timeline for the rebellion and ascension. Hence, why Prophet Isaiah delivered teachings on ascension.

The songs grow faint when the rebellion begins because they know what comes next. The songs grow faint, because the song of the spiritual cannot be heard over the sound of the voice of the rebellion. Its heavy feet on the planet, like the feet of the bear mentioned by Daniel that described the third beast as the Leopard who is Obama.

The songs grow faint because many of the spiritual supported Obama and now they know that he is not who they thought he was. Obama is not the Messiah that will bring peace to the world because peace can only be found within. The inner world creates the outer world, it is not a one way street. From experience I know that it is only by healing the self, that self-sustainable peace becomes a reality.

The Aramaic text states 'A man shall rise up at the songs of the birds; and the sound of women shall be low. He shall be afraid of that which is high, and shall tremble in his ways, and sleeplessness shall come upon him' the almond tree shall blossom'.

10. People are afraid of heights and of dangers of the streets. 

The people are afraid of the heights that the birds in point 9 can fly to. Prophet Joel also spoke of this in chapter 2 and he spoke of the spiritual being like a mighty army that cannot be taken off course as they cross the new frontiers with the power of love.

The people are also afraid of what is happening on their streets so it is a treble whammy. Afraid of the spiritual, afraid of the street kids, gangs and rebellion, afraid of God himself. Hence, why so many of us have worked so hard to help people to heal what they are afraid of.

This phrase does not appear in the Aramaic text. The Aramaic translation states 'He shall be afraid of that which is high'. So who is the man that is afraid? Is it Obama? Or is David?


11. When the almond tree blossoms 

Interesting that the author chose a small tree such as the almond, it is clearly symbolic of the feminine. The almond tree and the shape of the almond relates to sacred geometry and can be found in the Vesica Piscis.  It is also the symbology that I was divinely given for the front page of my current website back in 2005.

In this timeline, Sacred geometry really started to take off with spiritual people towards the end of the 20th century. Symbolically the almond also represents sweetness, charm, delicacy, tenderness and the gentle hearted. Sweetness is also related to the honey of wisdom and in Buddhist philosophy it can be viewed as the sweet dew of purification.  In Christian symbology the almond represents divine favor, approval and the purity of the Virgin. There is also a parable of the Virgins in the New Testament connected to this timeline.

The shape of the real eyes of the good shepherd are also almond shaped. Almond is also my favorite nut, and I like sugar coated almonds very much. The fruit of the almond tree is usually sweet and the small tree as pink blossom, pink being the colour of love of the Love Ambassador that was sent to Israel in 2006. Almond oil is also used for massage, and massage also blossomed in the second part of the 20th century. She likes massage and aromatherapy very much. No coincidence then that one of our hosts in Israel was a massage therapist with the name of Gabriel.

In the hebrew the root word for almond is 'Shaqad' (strongs 08245) and it means 'watch', 'awake', 'alert'. What do we do? Send out alerts to warn the people in advance. What did Prophet Micah call the Messenger of God? The watchtower for the flock.

In the book of Jeremiah he was shown the branch of the almond tree and the LORD said to prophet Jeremiah "I am watching, to see that my word is fulfilled'. 

12. The grasshopper drags itself along. 

The grasshopper is usually associated with someone that is young or small and this could indicate a member of the family. As a lovely young Israeli said to me in 2006, 'Israel as an ancient history but it is a young nation that is still growing up'. Israel is a grasshopper of a nation and is a very small sliver of land.

Interesting that an Israeli that I connected with in the last year, uses the grasshopper as his avatar picture. The grasshopper is also associated with the those that follow the wisdom of the Far Eastern philosophy. The colour of the grasshopper is also very important due to it being green. The grasshopper can also relate to ecology, the ecologists and those that care about the planet. Words have many meanings and so do prophecies. In Hindu philosophy the colour green is also associated with the heart.

13. Desire is no longer stirred. 

When people come to understand that desire is the cause of the pain and suffering on the planet. Desire co-creates consumerism that is destroying nature, the natural resources and the home of humanity. Those that stir up others due to desire will stop doing so. e.g. those that are teaching the power of manifestation for its own sake to co-create whatever people desire.

Let us also intent that those that stir up the desires of others to destroy Israel will no longer be stirred. It is the end. Israel as the right to exist as a nation with the Jewish people being its guardians; due to the importance of its planetary energetics and historical importance to the prophets of God and their followers.

14. Then people go to their eternal home and mourners shall walk the streets. 

The people are then asked to remember him before the good shepherd leaves the planet. The people are being given advance warning. It can also mean that once we have built New Jerusalem, it will be then that the mourners mourn for what they have done.

The Aramaic translation states the locust shall be multiplied, and fragrance shall scatter, and trouble shall cease; because man shall go to the house of his reward and the mourners walk about the streets.

15. Before the silver cord is severed. 

Just like the baby as an umbilical cord connecting the baby with the mother. The soul as an energetic cord connecting it to the source of life. This cord is broken when the soul leaves the body.

16. Before the golden bowl is broken. 

The golden bowl is the divine shrine within the body and in Eastern healing arts it is known as the Hara.
Shiatsu Practitioners and Martial Artists work with the Hara as do many other energy therapists.

17. Before the pitcher is shattered at the spring. 

The pitcher relates to the astrological sun sign of Aquarius and the water bearer, it indicates when she was born.

18. Before the wheel is broken at the well. 

The wheel is also to do with the energy centres of the body and in the Eastern healing arts the chakras are called 'Wheels of Light'.

19. Then the body will return to dust and the Spirit from God will return to God who gave it. 

The chapter is then concluded and provides a criteria and description.

20. Wise teacher that imparted knowledge to the people.
21. Pondered, searched out, set in order many proverbs.
22. Teacher searched to find just the right words.
23. What was written was upright and true.
24. Collected sayings like firmly embedded nails given by one shepherd.

The above criteria mentions two aspects:

a. The person knows how to seek out the right words and how to present them.

b. The person is also a writer with collected sayings of their own that they have received divinely.

Is the book titled 'Sacred Words?' the collection of sacred sayings mentioned in this prophecy? I feel so. What is intriguing about this passage is that the collected sayings are described as embedded nails. Is this because many of the sayings were given to me by Christ? An embedded nail is certainly hard to remove from the wood or from the tips of the fingers and toes.

In the Aramaic translation the good shepherd is called a 'preacher' and they compose many proverbs. Wrote uprightly the words of truth. The are as nails deeply fastened, which are arranged by workman, and given by one master builder.' In the last year people kept calling me a preacher. However, the word 'preacher' is not part of my reality. I do not consider that sharing is preaching.


25. Be warned, my son, of anything that is in addition to them. Of making many books there is no end and much study wearies the body. 

Why does he call her his son? She birthed his Spirit, she was born again a Son of God and in so doing she gained her kingship. Prophet Jeremiah predicted that God would create a new thing on the earth. A woman would surround a man. Prophet Jeremiah knew that this time would come when the true teachings of God would be revealed because the books were sealed until the end.

The warning to the shepherd is not to write many books, not more than as already been ordained for me to write. There are projects that must be finished, is one of them the flying scroll predicted by the Jewish prophets?

26. Now all as been heard and here is the conclusion of the matter.


27. The people are warned to fear the ELOHIM and elohim is a plural word and can mean angels, powers, or gods. You can also understand ELOHIM as being all three. The Angel of the LORD, with powers and like a god/dess.

The translation of the text gives us the word fear. However, I do not embrace the word fear due to its impact of co-creating disease. I prefer its other translation and that is to revere. Prophet Malachi also used the word revere.

“My covenant was with him, a covenant of life and peace, and I gave them to him; this called for reverence and he revered me and stood in awe of my name."Malachi 2:5 "For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves." Malachi 4:2 

28. The people are asked to keep the commandments of ELOHIM for this is the duty of mankind.
(The ELOHIM receive the commandments from the heavenly Father and pass them on to the people.).

29. Elohim will bring every deed into judgement, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. In the New Testament. Christ also mentioned the judgement in relation to the Queen of the South timeline, and he said that people would be judged by their words. Why by their words? He knew that she would know the spiritual law and how words impact on the physics of the cosmos. He knew that she would know that words of the people can co-create destruction for humanity.

In the Aramaic text it is not Elohim, it is the LORD. It is written "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter. Fear the LORD and keep his commandments; this is given by one Master to every man. For the LORD shall bring into judgement, concerning everything which is hidden and known, whether it be good or whether it be evil." In other words the people in earthly reality will not escape their day of reckoning, and a majority of the religious and most of the world live in an earthly reality.

The date that this was posted is the 26th and 26 is the gematria value of the name of God. The 26th of April is also the 'Day of Cultivation'. It posted at exactly 12.22 and 22 was the date given for the ice caps.  This is also chapter 12.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. If you have anything to add please feel free to comment. If I receive any further insight on this chapter I will edit and update this post.

With righteous love beyond measure


1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecclesiastes
2. http://www.earlyjewishwritings.com/ecclesiastes.html
3. http://jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=26&letter=E&search=ecclesiastes
4. http://www.studylight.org/isb/bible.cgi?query=ec+12:13&it=nas&ot=bhs&nt=na&sr=1&l=en
5. Dead Sea Scrolls, Geza Vermes, page 50.

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