Friday 4 November 2011


Ann Barnhardt from Capital Management, Inc is another one that is part of the 'War-Crime System' that the LORD spoke about. Ann sends out emails about standing up to the system, that Ann is a part of, because she assisted her clients to invest in the war-crime system, that keeps people in the never ending cycles of it.

In other words, Ann Barnhardt is a money changer just like those she stands against.

Yes, she is a broker that invested the money from friends and clients on the futures market. [2]How do we know? She admitted it herself in her email featured in the previous blog post. It is also shared on her website for Capital Management Inc that she is a trader.

We also viewed one of the videos sent to me with Ann speaking about theology, the Christians and the Jews. This is our response to her.

Well, Ann when I woke up today the LORD gave me a vision of the people that stand against his holy one and they were Americans.

Then he said 'ITS A WAR-CRIME SYSTEM'. 

If you know your bible then you also know that the Christians and the Muslims have been set up for the fall. The Jewish orthodox won't escape either for what they have done down ages to the holy ones. If the Jewish orthodox hadn't closed the prophet schools throughout the Middle East, humanity would have a very different state of being today. 

Why is that? They bought into belief systems instead of having a relationship with the LORD God. The Jewish orthodox stood against the Lute of Loving Kindness, the holy one that was born in Israel. They stood against the prophets that were sent to put them back on track. The Jewish orthodox are not the chosen ones, the Spiritual are the chosen ones. The spiritually elect that have taught their souls to fly divine. 

Yes, Israel and the Jewish people were given a special mission to help humanity in this timeline of the last days of the end times. The scriptures also tell you that the water bearers and carpenters have a mission to help Israel and its people. This is also the Age of Aquarius, the age of the water bearer. 

However, that does not mean that Israel in its captivity of its 'war-crime' system will rule the nations. 

The bible tells you that the old heaven and earth is passing away and the LORD God will make everything anew. It also tells you that the tribes of Joseph will be saved, and the meek shall inherit the earth. Who are the tribes in my heart? The indigenous peoples that the Church of Rome transgressed with its 'war-crime system', just like it destroyed the ancient civilization of Ausonia. 

Do you not know that the bible says 'DO NOT POLLUTE THE LAND WITH BLOODSHED?

Do you not know that the bible tells you that the LORD God asked for Mercy and not sacrifice?

Do you not know that the bible tells the Christians that their covenant with death is annulled in this timeline?

Do you not know that the LORD God said that he would not give his glory to idols?

What did the Church do? 

They made a Son of God into an idol and built Churches. The original meaning for Church was a community not a religious building. A community of holy ones that shared the purse and healed the people. 

The bible clearly told them not to build upon his foundations with building materials. That means no religious buildings for worship of the Son. 

King David was given a revelation about him in Psalm 92. In my humble view he was and is the Lute that was predicted to come in the day time. 

The bible also warns the Christians not to be jealous of the Jewish people and it tells the Jews not to be hostile to the Christians.

Why was the word 'jealousy' used specifically?

The brothers of Joseph were jealous of him. Hence, why they did their utmost to destroy him because his Father favored him and gave him the coat of many colors.

What does Joseph have to do with all of this? 

Moses asked for the blessing of the promise to be bestowed upon a descendent of Joseph and in the Dead Sea Scrolls Prophet Isaiah also spoke of the coat of many colors of Joseph. In the OT, Psalm 92,  you will also find that King David was given a new revelation about two people, first the Lute of Lovingkindness, then the 'Harp of Faithfulness' would come at night time. e.g. the last days of the end times. 

The NT also pre-warned you that the Queen of the South would come to judge this generation, when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel. The whale arrived in May 2010 and then judgement began upon Israel. 

5 million trees burned down on the Mountain of the Prophet, Mount Carmel. Israel have been warned that if they still refuse to do the will of the LORD God, then the floods will come next. The floods in Australia and the USA then came next. 

The NT also told you that you would be judged by your words in this timeline. 

Now Ann, in your email you wrote many words about others, let us list a few of them for you to address within yourself. 

'Son of a Bitch'
"Stone-cold malice' 
"Stole the Cash' 
"Fake solar companies' 
"Its evil incarnate' 
"Lose their money" 

If a person has the financial assets to invest in the futures stock market, what does that say about them? 

The Son of God warned his followers that if people did not give willingly, then everything would be taken from them.

What does it say about the brokers like Ann that helped them to do it? 

Now are you ready to purify yourself? Are you ready to heal and do the will of the LORD God? 

Are you willing to heal your inner child? For the Son of God told his followers that you have to become like a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The first heaven is the happiness within. 

Ann, I recommend that you stop being a broker that is breaking America. 

The best stand that you can make is not to be a part of the 'War-Crime system. 

Would the Son of God do what you have done Ann? 

Would he be a trader that invests peoples money in the stock markets? Would he work at the casino? 


So seek within Ann, the tables have been turned over.


As far as theology is concerned, leave that to the holy ones that have been sent to sort it out. 

The book of Revelation tells you that the 24 elders all have a harp and the harp is to do with faithfulness mentioned by King David. Why is that? They were faithful to the LORD God and the one that he sent to help humanity in this timeline. 




1 comment:

Eliakim said...

Ann Barnhardt leaves the markets and trading.