Tuesday 1 November 2011


It was back in 2009, that we shared the Hosea prophecy about the "Great Day of Jezreel' and the LORD predicted that he would plant her there himself. The LORD is now showing me that the people of Joseph are also related to the Valley of Jezreel and the name Joseph appears in Joshua 17:16. The bible also states that it will be the tribes of Joseph that will be saved.

When I was sent to Israel for the first time I remember standing at the top of Mount Carmel shown in this video looking intensely at the beautiful valley before me with my hosts. As you can see it is very beautiful.

King David also married a woman from the land of Jezreel and there was an ancient battle there in the place called Megiddo. As we know Jezebel was also defeated in the valley of Jezreel by the true prophet of the LORD God, Elijah. The book of Revelation also mentions Jezebel in Rev 2, and it relates to Rev 17 and 18 that is about the USA.

Jezebel, the woman that refused to be a widow was Elizabeth Claire Prophet. She built a Church in Montana called 'Universal Church Triumphant' otherwise known as CUT. The prophecies predicted that she would call herself 'Prophet'. Elizabeth Claire Wulf married Mark Prophet, as such she called herself prophet as the prophecy predicted. The biblical prophecy also predicted that she would be put upon a bed of suffering and that was certainly true. ECP is the only one that fits the criteria of the prophecy and she married three times.

In the book of Chronicles the place name Jezreel is also the name of a son.

Hosea chapter 2 ends with these words.

In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the creatures that move along the ground. Bow and sword and battle I will abolish from the land, so that all may lie down in safety. I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the LORD.“In that day I will respond,” declares the LORD— “I will respond to the skies, and they will respond to the earth; and the earth will respond to the grain, the new wine and the olive oil, and they will respond to Jezreel.

I will plant her for myself in the land; I will show my love to the one I called ‘Not my loved one. I will say to those called ‘Not my people,’ ‘You are my people’; and they will say, ‘You are my Elohiym.’

In this part of the prophecy there is an important criteria indicated about the one that the LORD would plant in the land.

1. The woman is planted in the Valley of Jezreel.
2. A covenant
3. Timeline
4. Faithfulness
5. New wine and olive oil.
6. Abolishing battle.

The timeline of this aligns with Micah 4, and the LORD's plan for the last days of the end times.  It  mentions the woman and abolishing the weapons again.

Faithfulness is to do with the prophecy given to King David in Psalm 92. When he was told that the Harp of Faithfulness would come at night time e.g the last days of the end times. The book of Revelation mentions 'Faithful and True' and the Dead Sea Scrolls does as well in relation to the last days.

Wine is symbolic of mystics and prophets and it is also feminine. The wine comes from the grapes that are pressed to make a liquid that flows and can be poured out for others to drink. Olive oil is wonderful to cook with, and to use in salads. Great for your skin, completely natural and organic. The olive tree is also related to peace and there is a biblical prophecy, that there will not be many olives left by the time the LORD is finished with the peace makers.

Oil is also related to the lamp that keeps the light burning brightly and it is mentioned in the New Testament. There is also the parable of the wise -v- foolish virgins for this timeline and that does link in with the olives on the olive tree in my humble view. The foolish virgins were tempted by Obama and the world fell at his feet. The wise stood against Obama, hence why Rev 13 stated 'This calls for wisdom'. Wisdom also relates to the prediction in the New Testament regarding the Queen of the South and the sign of Jonah that arrived in Israel in May 2010.

The covenant relates to the everlasting covenant predicted by Prophet Isaiah, and the covenant of Spiritual Independence for the children was delivered in September 2007.

As we know abolishing the battle and weapons is to put an end to the wars. For the LORD God said 'No more wars in my name'.

If we then compare the prophecy of Hosea with the other aspects, we have the Spirit of Elijah that stood against the false prophets of Jezebel, USA. They are also featured in Rev 12, and stood against the wondrous woman from heaven.

The Messenger of the Covenant and the children mentioned by Prophet Malachi that worked with the Levites in the purification healing process. The sun of righteousness with healing in its rays, in some translations it is wings. The righteousness is also mentioned in the Hosea prophecy.

In a different translation of the prophecy at the end of the chapter there is a mention of two women. The one planted in the land is written as 'I will sow her for myself in the land'. 'I will also have compassion on her who had not obtained compassion'.

There were a couple of women in Israel that prophecy could pertain to. However, the Hosea prophecy specifically pertains to the time that I spent in the Jezreel Valley during the three week mission there in May 2006. For the sake of privacy, I will not specify who I feel that person was. However, 'Compassion' is clearly another part of the prophecy, and it is known that I had a 'Mission of Compassion' with the children that was launched in 2000. So you can further understand that compassion was sowed when the Messenger was sent, in addition to lovingkindness that was mentioned by King David.

The people of Joseph and the Son Jezreel. Jezreel means 'EL SOWS' and its phonetic spelling is 'yiz-reh-ale'. Jezreel was also the first Son of Hosea and Hosea means 'Salvation'.

Love beyond measure



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