Thursday 3 November 2011

The Bales Shift

In the divine teachings received some years ago I was told that 'You can't shift the box until the box is ready to be shifted". "Religion buries men in boxes'. from Sacred Words

Now the LORD said 'The bales shift'. What are bales to do with? Hay, farming, harvesting. As we know bales are very heavy to lift, especially if they get wet and there was a lot of flooding in the USA this year.

However, there was also a social psychologist by the name of Robert Bales and he wrote a series of books and articles in the early to mid 1950's, on communication research in small groups. [1] If you are new to communications in the group environment for maximum impact, you might like to view the link.

There are divine teachings on the heart of communication but it is far too much to add to a single blog post.

In the biblical teachings the prophets of the Ba'als stood with Jezebel (USA) against ELIJAH and we all know what happened to them don't we. So it is good news that the bales are shifting. The confrontation with Elijah is also mentioned in the Qu'ran.

The word ba'als also means 'lord's, 'owner's, and can mean 'masters'. Earthly ones and deities. [2]There was also a Middle Eastern goddess called 'ba'Alah' sound familiar? Is that were Allah came from? [3]

I understand the LORD's meaning also applies to the Lords in London, and that would include the QC's.

As we know the law of man as been so tied down, it leaves court judges very little room to do their jobs that they were trained to do. These days they appear to do little more than hand out sentences, and tell people what the law is.

Assange is a perfect example of that, due to the extradition order by Sweden. However, the law as it stands worked out well for those that were standing against Prince Charles. So as it stands, it depends what kind of case you are bringing or defending, what side you are on.

Should the case against Assange be allowed to be held in the UK? I say yes, because it is a neutral country, and neutral for both parties. To hear the case in the UK would be the best solution and would be fair to both.

As the law stands it makes no sense to have EU laws that prohibit English law, and then have laws that allow Europeans from other countries to come to England and take the jobs. If other Europeans can come to the UK for jobs, then they can come here for a court case because at this point it is still one EU.

So the different countries in the EU don't really come into it, when Assange is Australian. Its basic common sense to me to hold the case in the UK. Although the accusations against Assange are clearly politically charged, due to what might come out in court, and what the media will make of it all.

In fact at the beginning of the year, the LORD said that I had been discriminated against in the same way that Assange had been.

My heart also tells me that Assange was set up. Hence, why they have tagged him for months. My view is that he has held himself in the utmost dignity through it all. He has supported the truth movement the best way that he can at this point. His revelations have upset a lot of people, in all of the places that the people of the world would like to tumble.

Assange deserves our support for waking the media up, to what was going on in Iraq. Especially now that Cameron and Obama are planning their next war against Iran. At the same time as telling the country that austerity measures are essential, and offering to bail out the IMF.  They must think that we were born yesterday.





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