Monday 7 November 2011


In this video the so called Rabbi speaks of seven and he also speaks of the FLAME in the middle. If he is a spiritual teacher that the number seven denotes, why is he not speaking of the forgiveness of JOSEPH of his brothers and the coat of many colors?

In numerology the number seven is the life number of the Spiritual teacher, the colors of the rainbow, the covenant with the the LORD God. He speaks of the six days and the seventh day of rest. Seven is to do with healing that is done on the seventh day. The bible also speaks of many heavens and that relates to the heavens within. There are many keys for the gates of your heart for you to collect.

The more forgiveness you are willing to embrace, the more your hearts will open to divine realties. He speaks of Shabat and the root word of shabat is 'Be Whole'. Its about wholeness that is the opposite to fragmentation. Who worked with fragmentation? The shamanic healers to help people to become whole.

Fragmentation is also to do with with redeeming the soul. Its about redemption of all that is divine. However, if you are not willing to rest and to heal, then what kind of life are you leading?

Do you work for six years and then take one year off like the fields and law of the prophets asks of you? Do you even know that seven is related to karma and the spiritual law in the OT?

In Hebrew gematria the number seven is the value of the ZAYIN and the woman of valor. In the ancient pictographs it is an agricultural implement like the one that plough the fields. Why do we plough the fields? So that the new seed can be planted. In the biblical prophecies it is Daughter ZION that threshes and the Sons of Jacob that plough the field. It is also JOSEPH that gives them the seed to plant.

How many Sons of Jacob do you see ploughing the fields? Of course, they would have to be farmers to do that not Rabbi's. Not wearing their black hats and garb, but growing the food for the people. Can the Sons of Jacob truly take off their religious garments of pride, and return to the fields to plough them in humility? If you can truly turn over the soil, and make it good, removing all GMO crops then you can stand before Joseph in integrity. Until that time comes, the Sons of Jacob are nothing more than they were in ancient times. Those that stood against the true spiritual law of creation.

The Sons of Jacob were meant to be farmers not money changers. They were meant to help the people and feed the people with food that they can eat, and the people cannot eat money.

As far as the Jubilees are concerned, in the Dead Sea Scrolls,  it is to with the number of the signs not years specifically. So if you witness 50 sign in a year it is a jubilee. Prophet Jeremiah rebuked the Jewish people for not understanding the signs.

Is there reality beyond number seven? Of course, there is, the ancient civilizations knew that there was. In fact, there used to be eight days in the week pre-Judaism. What does eight represent? The equality of the eight harmonic spheres of the being. It opens the gateway to infinity of the upper and lower worlds. The eighth dimension is where honor really begins. Honoring the self and honoring others. Do people like Warren Buffet experience such? Of course not. Those that are divine and live in the divine realms would not give their wealth to the Bill Gates foundation.

Is Bill Gates a healer that is truly holy to the LORD?

Only healers are truly holy to the LORD because they purify and sanctify creation.

Anyhow this is what he posted.


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