Friday, 4 November 2011


When I woke up the LORD God showed me people who have stood against me and then he said 'ITS A WAR-CRIME SYSTEM'. In other words they are part of the war-crime system, co-created by those that committed and still commit war crimes to this day. That includes Obama and Cameron.

Then when I opened my email there was news from a friend in the USA. He sent this information with a video.

CFTC: MFGlobal Clients Will Not Be Bailed Out

It’s pretty much official. MF clients who have had their money stolen will get absolutely no relief from the Federal Government. The propaganda line they are using is that the MF theft of client funds represents “the freedom to fail”. Yes, that’s right. The CFTC and Obama regime are going to wash their hands of the entire thing – even though MF’s audit was under the jurisdiction of the CFTC – and then point to the fact that the government did not intervene on behalf of the clients as PROOF of their “dedication to free market capitalism”.Full citation here.

So Corzine took a massive suicidal position on European PIIG bonds with, I’m assuming, the big banks as the counterparty.

And let’s be crystal clear on one thing: that son of a bitch Corzine knew EXACTLY what he was doing. This isn’t a case of “stupid”. This is stone-cold malice aforethought.

When the MF position got bad, Corzine stole the cash in the segregated MF customer accounts and sent it to the big banks, which will now send a cut to Obama. And the CFTC, who, along with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, were the responsible regulatory bodies, is now calling this a simple case of firm failure and a shining example of capitalism.

THIS coming from the same Obama regime who has been handing out $500 million dollar government “loans” right and left to fake solar companies set up by political cronies that they KNEW would fail, were set up to fail, and were purely a means to loot the United States Treasury. The gall of these Marxist scumbags to turn around and lecture anyone on capitalism and “freedom to fail” is beyond the pale. It’s just evil. That’s what it is. It’s evil incarnate.

Up next: Look for all MF clients to be branded and vilified by the Obama regime and the media as uber-wealthy “1%” greedy fat-cats who deserved to lose their money. After all, only evil, greedy billionaires trade futures.

Yeah, like my friend in Abilene, Texas who works his butt off as an cattle order buyer. Or my friend in Meade, KS who backgrounds feeder cattle. Yeah. They’re “billionaires” who deserve to have their money stolen.

Ann Barnhardt – Barnhardt Capital Management, Inc.

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Stephanie S. Jasky,  Founder, Director - 

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe

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If a person has the financial assets to invest in futures what does that say about them? 

We have been telling people since the 90's not to invest in stock markets or the futures market. We told them that the futures market is a casino, and that they gamble on the next 20 years productivity and profitability, being the same as the last 20 years rise in productivity and profitability. 

Hence, why the US corporations moved the manufacturing and call centres abroad. It was all about a 20% increase in productivity and profitability. It was also about short term gain and giving shareholders and investors returns on their investment every year.

With the increases in pay for the workers every year, the US corporations could not deliver what they promised their shareholders. Hence, they moved the work and utilizing a much cheaper workforce abroad. Hence, the USA is in the condition that it is in. As such, the investors in the future markets, are just as responsible for what as happened to the USA, as those that trade in it and play in the casino. We warned the Americans about the casino and their thirst for gambling. When people gamble with their money, they also gamble with their lives, there is only one winner, the casino owner. The USA is one big casino and has been for generations. 

However, there is a bigger picture. 

Prophet Isaiah wrote about the towers being destroyed and also about the chief financial officer that would take all of their money and then disappear. We also warned the Americans in 2009, that they were being set up for the fall. However, they refused to listen and instead of understanding that I was on their side, and been sent to help them and pre-warn them, they stood against me instead. Forewarned is forearmed.

In addition, we informed them about Obama in 2008. Again, they refused to listen and do the will of the LORD God that was sent to help them. 

The email above mentions the PIIGS and we have provided many posts on the pigs since November 2010. 

Here is a list of them. 

21st November 2010 - Pigs, Scripture and the CIA

26th of December 2010 - Euro PIIG Crisis

21st April 2011 - Flying Pigs France

7th September 2011 - Pigs, Cannabis and the Dragon Kingdom 


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