Tuesday 31 January 2012

Egypt 425 Gateway Opening

I did begin to write a piece on this gateway opening last week and I cannot find where it was filed on the computer. So we will have to start again. Its a Luxor gateway opening in Egypt and it relates to sexuality between partners, men and women, and also to the bi and gay community.

The date is the 4th of February 2012 and that is the 'Day of the Unconventional'. You can anticipate; that this gateway will open up many old wounds and scars to do with the past of those that have not healed themselves.

The number of the date compounds to 11, and that is a master number that relates to Giza in Cairo. It is also the number of duality and those that live in it.

In this context, the number four relates to couples that share their bed with other couples x 2 = 8. Eight people involved in their parties. Men with more than one wife and many lovers. 2012 also adds up to five and that is the number of physical manifestation.

The energetic vibration of the date is 425. 4 x 25 = 100. The result of the impact of the last 100 years is now coming home to roost for many and 100 is to do with the spiritual law in the NT. As it predicted what you give comes back to you 30, 60, and 100 fold. People reaping what people have sown and it impacts on the next 3-4 generations. This is the opportunity to heal the self of any residues of do with the past. To purify and sanctify yourselves for the return of your own souls into full consciousness; of what life has to offer you when you have high self-esteem.

In high self-esteem the people honor their bodies as sacred. They do not share it with more than one person at a time. It is important to note that the sexual energies of a person remain for up to six months. Hence, why some people can find it hard when they first break up because the draw of that sexual energy can be very powerful indeed. As the LORD said 'The root is the access' and Buddha also encouraged people to find the root, and he told his followers that if they did not find the root then they would not find the meaning.

As we know the 'root' can also apply to 'root canal work' and the teeth do relate to the organs and the nervous system of the body. So what exactly are you consuming, do you know?

I read about research once carried out by a woman who had written a book, and she discovered that most men do not marry the woman they really love, due to not wishing to lose control. As such, they tend to marry a woman that has no control over them as they perceive it. Men in particular are afraid of complete surrender to love, 24/7. They are afraid of simply 'letting go' and going with the flow of love and where it takes them for their own healing process.

There used to be a man in our town that used to tell all of the guys, marry your best friend not a woman that you love. I was fortunate to marry the man that I loved, he was also my best friend. However, I did not marry the first man that I loved, or the first one that asked me to marry him. When people are young they change so much until they mature, and you have to be absolutely sure, as sure as you possibly can be if and when you make a commitment to another. I meant every word that I said when I took my wedding vows, just the LORD meant it when he made his promise to humanity.

It clearly relates to past lives and the days when men turned to women for wisdom and really valued it. For women it could also relate to the time of the goddess temples, when men exchanged their daughters for land, produce and livestock. The Romans and Greeks were also known for their sexuality, just like the African community is today. It feels like every culture goes through a 'hey day' of being known for it.

Hence, why many young people today are doing the opposite. Many are valuing themselves to be worthy, and deserving of true love and willing to wait for a relationship that has meaning and romance. It is the return of the Knights. Many are valuing their bodies and taking sexuality a lot more seriously. Of course, there are others that are doing the opposite and there is the great divide. Of course, drugs and drink doesn't help either. As it does tend to bring down the walls of defence, that are there purposely to defend the people and their beings.

Always listen to your intuition.

It is about the great divide, those with honor and those without it. Those with integrity of the being and those without it. Those with the willingness to heal and those that have not suffer the consequences. As someone said the other day this is the 'Chinese Year of the Black Water Dragon'.

It is only that if we embrace it. We do not have to take Chinese philosophy on board, if we do not choose to. We can accept that it is someone else's reality, we do not have to embrace it. Let me know when you see a real dragon, for if I do not see it with my own eyes,  then it does not exist in my reality.

It is the same with what we are sharing here with you. If what is written on this post resonates with what you feeling, or what you know in your heart is required to be looked at then great. If not, then that is great too. I am shown an appointment on behalf of humanity and I then simply look at the energies and soferim that are involved with that gateway opening.

Sometimes the LORD also gives me specific information to do with the gateways. This morning he gave the name 'BOB' and as I am writing this, the name BOB reminds me of the scouts and their 'bob a job'. That then leads me to the 'rent boys', the choir boys and the Church and what they have done. This gateway is bound to open up some memory flow, like the flooding of the nile.

Especially the last 100 years when a lot more children were entrusted in their care with the schools that were built for the children. In the short to medium term, it does not bode well for the new 'faith schools' that the governments have supported. As the LORD said 'No school, schools out'.

Circumcision is also related to Egypt and the African continent, the circumcision of girls. Moses did not circumcise the boys when they were in the wilderness for 40 years. It was Joshua that reintroduced it. Jesus was also against the cutting of the flesh and it is mentioned in the Gospel of Thomas. The OT mentions that those that cut the flesh are not allowed into the assembly of the LORD for 3-4 generations uncut. Hence, why the Torah tells you that there never was a prophet like Moses to be born in the land of Israel. As we know all the boys are cut and there is a website created by Jewish people called 'Jews against Circumcision'.

"Rabbi Moses Maimonides himself acknowledged that circumcision is done to desensitize the penis and curb masturbation." 

"A current ballot measure in San Francisco seeks to ban circumcision with no religious exception. Many people have called this ballot anti-semitic and anti-muslim. This is simply not true. All babies deserve genital integrity and autonomy over their bodies. No one has the right to make a decision for a child to alter his body for non-medical reasons, including religion. Religous Freedom does not give one the right to mutilate someone elses's body, even if that person is their child. Parents only have the right to make medically valid decisions for their minor child, like a tonsillectomy or appendectomy. Circumcision is not medically valid." [1] 

What else do we have on the date 425? It is the gematria value of 'GAY' and in Hebrew it means 'Valley'. 

425 is also 'Sanctify', 'Trust'. 'Sisters', 'Fleeing'. In Greek it is 'Pay', 'Command', 'Judge' and 'Image'. 
Image also relates to web cams and pornography. There was a news item recently that in Prague they are opening free brothels for people that are willing to have the action televised. Honestly, what has the world come to when people would even think of it, let alone co-create it. 

I have a sense that there is noway the Liberal democrats can win the next election; due to what they have done and where they have led the nation. Even Europeans are starting to wake up to the reality of Obama and his administration. 

There can be balance, if and when people are willing to walk the middle path that leads to ascension. 
Allow your hearts of real and true conscience to lead you home to what is right. Integrity of the being is essential for humanity to live in goodness; of all that is good that humanity has to offer.  

Be merciful to yourselves and in so doing you will be merciful to others.

Love beyond measure and have a great gateway opening.


1. http://www.jewsagainstcircumcision.org/

2. http://www.biblewheel.com/GR/GR_Database.asp?Gem_Num=425

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