Thursday 5 January 2012

John Hagee Judged

This evening another American pastor has been brought to my attention. This time it is John Hagee, another so-called shepherd as mentioned by Prophet Zechariah that is being cut off in this timeline. Hagee was born in Babytown, Texas and that says a lot about the man. It is written that he is the founder and National Chairman of the Christians United for Israel and it was incorporated in February 2006. The year that I was sent to Israel on the first mission. As you know I give Israel my full support. However, I know that many Israeli's would not and do not support the likes Hagee.

His profile states that he believes in the 'absolute authority of scripture'. Well if that is the case, best he hand over all of his wealth to this Messenger of the Covenant.

All of the money that Hagee took from the people immediately. While Hagee is sitting in his million dollar home, there are children without shoes on their feet, coats on their backs and food in their bellies in the USA.

Hagee believes that the bible commands Christians to support the State of Israel. How can that be when the bible tells the people that the LORD loves ZION more than Israel? He loves daughter ZION that he sent to help his people and the children of the world. It is to his Harp of Faithfulness that he gives his loyalty. The scripture tells you that darkness came because the people rebelled against the word of the LORD. The one that was promised to Moses is truly here in the exact timeline, with the exact name chosen by the LORD.

John Hagee supports war against Iran with a pre-emptive strike. That makes him no different to the Prince of Persia that would like to make war against the West and Israel. Israel can defend itself with the 300 nukes that it has should Iran ever make such a move that would be a disaster for the whole world. The Prince of Persia dare not touch Israel, for it he does the forces of the cosmos would come against him and destroy his nation. I do not mince my words in such situations. when there are millions of lives at risk, not only in the Middle East but also in the USA and Europe.

It is written that some Jewish leaders including the Reform Rabbi Eric Yoffie have also criticized Hagee for being an 'extremist' and he is part of the orthodox right wing movement that supported President Bush and his war against Iraq. He calls liberal Jews 'poisoned' and 'spiritually blind', well can you heal John? 'Poisoned and spiritually blind? The scripture warned you John that when I came you would be judged by your words for judging others without authority to do so. That is why Rev 18 is about the USA.

He admits that a pre-emptive strike on Iran, would result in most of the Jewish people in Israel dying, yet he still promotes such an atrocity to Americans. How dare he do so. Many are asking what would Jesus do? Those that walk the talk, know that he would rather die himself then be the cause of any war against a man, woman or child. He knows that violence disempowers the soul, and vexes the Spirit of his God.

So John Hagee can you stand in front of the Messenger of the Covenant in integrity? Prophet Isaiah predicted that only one in a 1,000 would be able to do so. Israel also must be brought to account for entertaining the likes of John Hagee all of these years. In this video a man that is asking questions is removed from the conference held by Hagee's organization. The LORD is telling me to tell you, that I am back, and the slain will not be concealed in the earth anymore.

As far as the Christian rapture is concerned you can tell Hagee and his followers that many of the chosen ones have already left, the rainbow warriors were sent to where they must go so that they are safe. You might like to share this passage with the Christians, it is the scripture that mentions being able to communicate with the animals just like the Rainbow Warriors and many healers can. You won't find them at a Hagee conference or following any American pastor.

"But ask the animals and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this?  Job 12:8 The same is written in the Essene Gospel of Peace, Teachings of the Elect, book 4.

Teshuvah John, Teshuvah

ELIAKIM Joseph-Sophia


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