Sunday 8 January 2012


Guess who was wearing Leopard skin at a party given at the White House? Michelle Obama. The Leopard is mentioned in the book of Daniel and Rev 13. The Daily Mail reports show you the picture as proof of the 'Alice in Wonderland' themed Halloween party held in 2009. As the LORD said about the USA and halloween 'They're ignoramus'.

This news was released on the 8th of January 2012. [1] Wisdom was called to do the count on the man 666 exactly as the prophecies predicted that I would be. 6+6+6 = 18 and that is "materialism striving to destroy spirituality'. 18 also aligns with Rev 18 that is also about the USA and its destruction due to its merchants of materialism. Rev 18 speaks of their adultery and it is repeated again in Proverbs 30.

It mentions an adulterous woman, 'a contemptible woman who gets married,  a servant displaces her mistress'. In Proverbs 30, a 'slave becomes a king'. He has two daughters and their father is called a 'leech'. It also tells you that the 'lizard' is found in the kings palaces. Obama went to the Islamic palaces hence the lizard was found there. He also went to Buckingham Palace. However, that is the palace of the Queen not a king. Proverbs 30 also describes Obama as a 'godless fool'.

The USA is described as follows:

'The grave, the barren womb, land, which is never satisfied with water, and fire, which never says, ‘Enough!’ “The eye that mocks a father, that scorns an aged mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by the vultures." Proverbs 30:17 17 also relates to Rev 17.

The grave, relates to the previous post on the tomb and cave analogy given about the spiritually dead that are buried by religious leaders. Hence why Jesus Christ would have nothing to do with the burial of people in the scriptures. He knew what it meant on a spiritual level. 

"The grave, the barren womb land" 

Is telling the people that Sons of God are not born there because it is barren. 

"Never satisfied with water and fire' 

The water and the fire came but they still did not say 'Enough'. 

"The eye that mocks the father" 

As we know they have put the eye on the USA dollar. 

And the Son of God told the people that they have to choose money or God. That they cannot have two masters. 

"Scorns the aged mother'. 

So now ask yourselves who the aged mother is? The Messenger of the Covenant will be 58 in a few weeks. Obama mocked the father on 9/11 when he read out Psalm 46 about the LORD's elohiym that he would send to help the people. Yes, that's right its a she! When the Americans scorn this mother they mock the father at the same time, because if and when the people scorn me, they scorn the father at the same time, because my Father and I are one. 

In the NT Jesus also gave the timeline of the vultures and the carcass as a sign when the Apostles were pressuring him about the timeline for when the son of man would come. Son of man is simply a term of endearment for a prophet. 150 biblical scholars at the Jesus Seminar and the translator of the Dead Sea Scrolls all agreed that when Jesus spoke about the son of man to come he was not speaking of himself. The Gospel of Peace and other scriptures also confirm it. 

'vultures and the carcass' also relates to the death of Michael M Maudlin because at that time the LORD said 'The dark Lords are descending'. That was in June 2010. In the book of Luke it also mentions the dead body and Michael had been dead for three weeks before anyone found him. He died in Georgia. The death of Michael was also giving another timeline and Michael was mentioned in the book of Daniel. Michael could not access his money that he had invested, nor could he sell his properties due to a woman changing all of his records. 

So who are the ravens of the valley? In Judaism the raven fed the prophet ELIJAH and the Jewish people fed me when I went to Israel. 

The proverb states that 'they will be pecked out' and we have shared with the people about the pecking order of the divine plan. In other words the USA was part of the divine plan. Hence why babylon is mentioned in Micah for the LORD's plan for the last days. Daughter ZION was sent to the USA in 2008 to warn them about Obama in advance. 

'eaten by the vultures'. Who were the vultures that descended after Michael died? Americans and that included orthodox Christians. Did the orthodox Christians not do the same to the American Indians, did they not strip them of nearly everything? 

The press featured this statement. 

"White House aides did find themselves in the middle of the Obama marriage, Kantor wrote.“The advisers could feel hopelessly caught between husband and wife. The Obama marriage was awkward for everyone: for the aides, for the president ... and for the first lady."

So why is it an 'awkward marriage' Do you know? What is going on in their marriage? White House aides close to them also reported that the Obama's were not happy in the White House. Is that because they know that they are not meant to be there? The bible stated that the 'abomination would stand where it does not belong'. 

As we know 'Alice in Wonderland' featured the 'Mad Hatters Tea Party' the Obama's joke on the tea party in the USA. Tea party members that he calls 'extremists'. 



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