Saturday 28 January 2012

Prosperity Gateway

Today a person started a thread 'complaining' about what they called 'attacks' due to sharing about cancer and how they had been 'attacked' twice in one day.

American Christians are divided between those that are real and those that are not. Those that have the courage to speak from their hearts and those that talk about a 'mental training ground'. So-called Spiritual Christians that speak of 'paying others to abuse them, so that they can harden up and stop reacting emotionally like women'.

My response to the Christians is this: Is that what Jesus Christ would say? Did Jesus harden up? Or did he stay in his merciful heart as I have done? The LORD and his Son asked for mercy not sacrifice. Those that are real are real everywhere. Teshuvah.

Then they throw the 'stone of circumcision' at you then you give them back the fact that Moses did not circumcise, it was Joshua that brought it back and Jesus also stood against as featured in the Gospel of Thomas and the NT.

When talking about the 'attacks' those that make them respond.  'Its only words on a screen'. Well it is not only words on a screen.

Every word that you write, every thought and intention has an impact on group consciousness of your nation. Do catch up with cutting edge science. Its part of the spiritual law of the physics of the cosmos.
That is why the bible predicted that there will be a new language in the last days of the end times. Its to do with the heart of communication and how it impacts on the nation's health and prosperity. Hence, why the gateway where I live is called the 'Gateway to Prosperity'. I found it amusing when it was featured in the headline of our local newspaper in 2010. 

The original poster responded to those that stood against them and said "So now I have to worry about computers insulting me too". In the past those that have 'insulted' I have asked them to heal it within. However, as we dealing with the 'issue of cancer' with the original poster. Let us share with you what was shared with them at the time. As it may be able to help someone else that reads this blog or post. 

"As Jesus told his followers 'Do not worry'. I wrote a book about my recovery and I can you tell you this. The last place to be if you have cancer is on a conspiracy board. Its imperative that you put 100% into healing yourself and being surrounded by positivity is essential.

So take really good care of yourself and put all your effort into healing. A healing forum would be a far better place for people who are suffering at this point. I will also ask the LORD to help you to recover. Healing cancer can take you on a new self-healing journey. Allow it to happen and put you first 100% of the time. Recovery requires your 100% focus. May you be blessed by the LORD and for him to show you the way that is right for you. Learn what triggered the disease in the first place. The medical profession know that 85% of all disease is co-created by stress.

Stress is created by worry and worry is co-created by fear. Cancer is a 'fear based' disease. It can also have past life implications because people are usually born with a genetic inheritance of it, and it only requires enough of certain situations that you cannot accept to trigger it into action. So tell me what was going on in your life when it began? Let's see if we can help you to locate the root cause of the core issue. The cancer is the symptom, it isn't the root cause that triggered it.

The poster then responds to a different poster. 

"Why is it fun to make people mad'. 

I respond with the following: 

"Some have been trained to do it. However, with some of them it is because they are triggering themselves. They show us what they hold inside of themselves. As Jesus explained, if they did not heal what they held within then it will kill them. "The light triggers the darkness and the darkness triggers the light until there is no more darkness left'. From Sacred Words


"The more the light grew in the USA, the more it triggered those that live in the dark in the USA. Hence the battle between the 'Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness' in the Dead Sea Scrolls. It will get resolved, there will be a new language, there is only room for one kingdom to remain. A kingdom of goodness, giving, sharing, love, and light. Of healing and nourishment of the souls. The rest will be leaving the planet, because their frequency just cannot withstand the quality of light that is manifesting. 

So they either shift and step up in their frequency or they will simply perish. They have been warned many times. All that I speak of is because I have their best interests in my heart. The heart is for giving"  

Then the original patient responds with further information about their case study.  

'Gene mutation', 'Breast Cancer', 'Martial Issues'. 'Too sick to work'. 

"Breast cancer is about a 'lack of self-nurturing'. Hence, why it is imperative that you nurture yourself at this point in time. I recommend that you go to see a health kinesiologist so that your body can tell the therapist what is going on. Make sure that it is a reputable one. Russell Means also ate raw food and drank a specific water in addition to his orthodox treatment that is carried out by machine. Please watch his video because the treatment isn't available everywhere.

What was the basis of the 'marital issues' and what was it triggering within you? When is your earliest memory of being 'unhappy?' in your childhood and what co-created it? You can beat this when you truly understand what you are being asked to learn from it. View it has a rite of passage and if you ask the right questions, you will pass the initiation with flying colors. In other words you will receive the holy grail". 

More information about their case study is then offered and it relates to their upbringing in their childhood and the person they're having the 'marital issues' also experienced the same. 

Then someone else chimes in and tells the person that they 'can't run with the wolves', and they mention 'bitter' experiences and 'weakness' of those that share their life experiences on the internet. Including life experience to do with cancer and its recovery. Can those that say that they have recovered from cancer heal the root causes of the core issues that they still hold inside of them? 

'Wolves', 'Bitter', and 'Weakness'. As we know Jesus Christ warned humanity about the 'wolves' and the bible also told them not to let any 'bitter root' grow up. Hence, what they feel even after their recovery still has to be healed because the root still exists in their being as demonstrated by their words. 
Jesus also said 'Wounded animals are dangerous indeed'. from Sacred Words and the LORD said 'Those that cannot look up to a rainbow are cowards'. There are times when the LORD and his Son have to talk to them in a language that they understand. They have to go to where they are in their state of being, to assist them to make a breakthrough with the way that they communicate. 

So let us then continue with the story of the original poster. One of the key words in what they wrote to do with their childhood was the word 'Resentful' and children often become that way. 

Our response: 

"I recommend that you get a book called 'The Homecoming' by John Bradshaw and watch his videos on healing the inner child. If you can afford it then go on an inner child workshop. A day would be enough to help you to get into the methodology meditations for helping you to access your inner child and re-parent it. There will also be some soul retrieval work to do as well further down the line. However, for now its important that you redeem your 'inner child' so that it can mature emotionally. Try to engage your husband in the healing process after you get the book, just leave the book on the table and see if he picks it up.

The happier you become due to the self healing process, the more he will be interested in your happiness and the reason for it. The light is within you and you can allow it to shine from you.

Your requirement for love and receiving love is also important at this time. I recommend a two-day Reiki healing training course and then you can give yourself healing everyday. With a good Reiki Master you will also have a new group of healers that you train with, connect with, share and receive support from. The Reiki is good for empowering your own love and light within, prior to going on an 'inner child' workshop that is dealing with the seriousness of that which pertains to your childhood and its root causes.

Best wishes with the rite of passage and your self-healing journey.

Don't forget a good aromatherapy massage once a month.. Its imperative that you nurture you, and allow yourself to receive all the goodness that is available to you. Once you have done Reiki you will also be able to share the wonderful energy with your child, and you will see the difference in your energy change in a really positive way. It is a life changer into positivity.

Love beyond measure" 

The bust of Jesus found at Hadda, an ancient Greco-Buddhist city dated as 300AD


The patient then responds: 

"I have heard of reiki but being raised a typical christian, I was taught that it is demonic. In the last few years, I have become somewhat disillusioned with traditional views on God and the Bible, but I'm not really sure what I believe anymore. How do I know if I can trust things like reiki?" 

"So there you have it another word for you to do with the root causes 'demonic' is to do with belief systems and what people believe impacts on their own biology. Check out the work of Dr Bruce Lipton and cutting edge biology.

Reiki is in the bible it is what the Apostles were doing when they were healing, that is why the same methodology is used when people are being attuned to it.

Jesus imparted philosophy that can be found in Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and from the Greeks. Reiki is an ancient healing art that can be found in Buddhism and it can be traced back at least 5,000 years due to the symbols that have been found. Buddha was known as the Medicine Buddha. They also found a bust of Jesus in what was an ancient Buddhist city and he is wearing the top knot of a Buddhist. Another likely reason why the Jewish priests had so many issues with him. He was outside of the box of the orthodox and taught the rite of passage in a really positive way. He was aligned with the spiritual law because he knew the sheer power of the law of the prophets, and how it impacts on group consciousness and the physics of the cosmos. 'Trust' is also to do with childhood'. 


Then a different poster writes: 

"Buddhist don't help people, it is core of their belief system, you are not supposed to help people they have to help themselves, by helping them you are harming them, they are not followers of Love. The Jedi in star wars were modeled on the Buddhist beliefs, they rejected the strong emotions as clouding the consciousness and judgment. Buddhist believe you have to do it for yourself by helping someone you are denying them a personal lesson and growth, a big no no". 

Our Response 

If that were true, the Dalai Lama would never speak to anyone. Buddhism like other philosophies was taken over by the 'academic mindsets' and the healing aspects of it were removed from it.  There are ancient Buddhist texts that share the healing aspects of Buddhism. However, they are few and far between in the Western world and there are also at least 850 Buddhist scrolls that have never been translated. 

Also Tibet have ancient Tibetan Medicine that they still use today. Hence, the use of healing and vibrational medicine with the people was always part of Buddhism. In the same way that martial arts were as well. They were taught to heal and to defend.

Buddha told his followers to get to the root and if they did not get to root then they would not find the meaning. He was teaching the same as Jesus and myself.  'Strong emotions can cloud consciousness and judgement'. Did Jesus teach any different?  No, Jesus, Buddha and Plato taught the same.

However, Buddha did not 'reject' he encouraged people to get to the root of it as his words portray. Indeed. However, if the Buddhists did not require any help then they would not have been followers of the Buddha or Jesus Christ who were showing them the way to find the light within. 

If the Buddhists truly followed the words of the Buddha, then there would be no Buddhists; and the same applies to Christians if they followed the true word of Jesus Christ. Hence why he said 'Christianity was never born, it is still in the womb'.

So yes, Buddha did help people by advising them to seek within for their own light, in the same way that Jesus did as well. In fact, all of the best teachers advise people of that fact. However, some require a helping hand to be able to access the way to go within, and how to bring forth that which is killing them.

The exact root that Buddha spoke of.

It is natural that vibrational medicine was there to help people; bearing in mind that vibrational medicine has always been part of Indian spiritual philosophy. Healing with plants is also in the bible as well.

There is a lot more to Buddhism than most people are aware of.


The best was buried just like the best of the teachings of Jesus was buried.


It helps people to break the never ending cycles of the status quo.

How could the followers of the Buddha truly understand his teachings, if they did not walk the talk, and had only be left with the remnants of what the academics decided to share?

I know of one Buddhist teacher that simply did not share important texts, due to the power of it. I had to track down a single rare copy of a translated Buddhist text, photocopy it, and then send back the original that was held in a library.  It was important to see the text for myself that had been hidden. 

I do not claim to know the inside and out of Buddhism, and nor was I led to get involved in it. Although Buddhist monks have been brought to myself and colleagues for healing. Buddhism was one of the room's in our heavenly Father's mansion, that the Lute of Lovingkindness led us for divine purpose. Once the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle were collected, then it was time to move on to the next room. 

Buddhist monks also embrace that a good Buddhist is a good Christian and a good Christian is a good Buddhist and it is in the healing energy of Reiki and the spiritual law of the cosmos that they really unite. It feels like its going to be a good Wesak this year and 555 is the "Enlightenment Gateway' in India. 

Love truly will win the day, and there will be a new language once people appreciate the power of words on their own being and prosperity. 

Its no surprise that this is posted today, as it is Jordan's birthday and he is 29 today. 

May the LORD bless him beyond measure, and the people that were the inspiration for this post. 


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