Monday 2 January 2012

Queens on Fire USA

Following the fires in Hollywood reported on our other blog, there have also been fires in New York. The report claims that this time it is Muslims that are being targeted. Four attacks took place within 1.75 miles of one another in the Jamaica neighborhood of Queens near the JFK airport.

The other day we mentioned the Jamaicans on this blog in the 'Rock Cakes ' post [2] An Islamic centre was also hit. [1] A forum poster informed the social network that two Christmas trees were also set on fire in front of an apartment building in California.

As we tried to tell the Americans many times, the biblical prophecy of Obadiah predicted that the land of ESAU will become stubble and be burned to the ground. Proverbs 30 also warned them about the 'slave that would become a king'. It mentions his two daughters and the prophecy refers to Obama as a 'leech'. It tells the people that the water came and then the fire, and still they did not say enough!

It also tells the people that 'The Lizard you may grasp with the hands, but it is in the king's palaces'. In Hebrew the word for 'lizard' is 'tymm' and it comes from the root word 'Shamem' and it means 'Desolate'. The new testament also referred to the 'abomination that causes desolation' referring back to the abomination mentioned in the book of Daniel.

2012 is the Chinese Year of the 'Black Water Dragon'. The Asian dragon is also a lizard and it can be found in Indonesia, Vietnam, China and India. In Rev 13 it is the dragon that gave the Leopard his power and authority for 42 months. The 42 months is completed in June 2012. What does Vietnam and China have in common? Communism and China is also aligning with Pakistan. Obama was also adopted in Indonesia by his second Islamic dad. That is when he became 'Barry Soetoro' and here are photo's of him when he was a child. [4]

What else is going on in the East?

Health Spas are forced to close in the Maldives due to Islam. [5]

Prophet Isaiah also mentioned the destruction of the twin towers and the chief that would take the money. Obama has certainly taken the money out of the pockets of the Americans. Yet they still refuse to yield to the will of the LORD.

An American's response was 'Not everything has something to do with the bible'.

Our response is 'The accuracy of the biblical prophecies is astounding'.

The LORD knows the beginning and the end.

No surprise then that the word 'Queens' in the news bulletin,  and the Queen is to do with the 'Queen of the South' and the judgement timeline in the New Testament.

When will they yield to the sacred?  When there is nothing left? When it is too late?

The book of Revelation in the Essene Gospel is worth a review as it speaks of the destruction of man. It also mentions a great city that will be split into three, and I wrote about New York yesterday. Also in Rev 13, it mentions that those that supported the 'beast' are not written in the lambs book of life. Indeed. The Obama supporters are not written in my book of life. Christians usually think that the lamb is Jesus.

However, how can it be Jesus if it was wisdom that was called to do the count? Nor was Jesus known for his counting and gematria. Although he would clearly have known Greek mathematics and sacred geometry due to living in Egypt as a child. The lamb is symbolic of a gentle hearted soul and those that did the soferim were also scribes, like the mystical scribes at Qumrun.



1 comment:

Eliakim said...

Now Victoria is on fire in Australia as well.