Wednesday 11 January 2012


There was a news of a Leopard attack in India yesterday and this video shows you that the Leopard has been caught and caged. We did shared with you the US corporations have been active in India and we all know about Obama's attack on Pakistan.

As Pakistan used to be a part of India before it was broken off, this post also applies to them as well.

As we know the Leopard is mentioned in the book of Daniel and in Rev 13. So the capture of the Leopard in this timeline after its attack is a good sign for the USA, India and Pakistan. We also shared with you about the "Obama Leopard Party' and how the Michelle Obama wore Leopard in 2009 at their halloween party for the children and the military.

The Leopard strayed from the jungle into a northeastern Assam state. North east is the direction of the healer and teacher. The Obama supporters also strayed from their jungle, when they attacked the teacher of healing and the Rev 13 tells you that the supporters of the Leopard are not written in the lambs book of life. Why is that? A lamb is symbolic of the soul, the gentle and tender hearted.

One person died and four were injured as a result of the Leopard and what it did.

May the LORD find it in his heart to forgive them for what they have done. May he be compassionate and merciful towards them. For they know not what they do. They are innocent of the facts of who I am, and what I have come to do to help humanity and the children in this timeline.

Now that we have been given the sign of the Leopard caged due to its attack. The residents of Alabama are also bringing to court the case regarding Obama's ineligibility, to stop him going on the ticket in the primaries for the next US election. As we said, in Rev 13, the Leopard is only given his power for 42 months, and now we have been given the sign that the Leopard is indeed caged.

As the LORD said 'Obama Evacuate'. That means all people must evacuate from Obama and his entourage. It also means that Obama and his family must leave the White House, and go back to the jungle where they belong. There are no jungles in the USA and the Leopards live in the jungle. This is the time in the biblical prophecies, when the wild beasts are being removed from the land. The safest place for Obama and his family is Africa. Perhaps he would like to take all of his supporters with him.

As we know Jesus Christ also predicted that in this timeline the 'Abomination would stand where it does not belong' and the proverbs spoke of the 'slave that would become a king'. He has two daughters and the proverb also describes him as a 'leech'. Proverb 30.


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