Wednesday 25 January 2012


Century I:3
Quand la litiere du tourbillon ver_ee,
Et _eront faces de leurs manteaux couvers,
La republique par gens nouveaux vex_e,
Lors blancs & rouges iugeront _ l'enuers.

When the litter is overturned by the whirlwind,
and faces will be covered by their cloaks,
the republic will be vexed by new people,
then whites and reds will judge in contrary ways.


This is an interesting quatrain from Nostradamus especially as it has the number 13 that also relates to Revelation chapter 13 that features Obama. It stood out for me due to the word 'Litter' because the wonderful 'Lute of Lovingkindness' used the word 'Litter' for the first time last year. When he asked people not to drop their 'litter' in this sanctuary of this blog. It was divine providence that I was shown this quatrain today, after sharing with some Americans. 

As we know words have more than one meaning. Hence, why it was sung in the song 'Stairway to Heaven'. The word  'Litter' is not only a description for 'rubbish'. It can also mean 'a litter of puppies'. The puppies also reminds me our 'Puppy Philosophy' it was named such due to two Americans calling two ladies that agreed on a spiritual understanding 'Puppies'. The accuser of the sacred, and her partner were funny people. 

He was English and she was an American, they would log in under each others names. English Admin,  had to put a stop to it, because the people were getting confused about who was talking to whom and when. Reminds me of my avatar name 'Lotus Feet' and the different people that have tried to impersonate me. Just like the English man and American woman that were logging in under the same name. The Son of God said 'It is a rival that was doing it'. 


Is it integrity to do that? 

Of course not, and without integrity, the people will not go very far on the flight home to the kingdom without it. One doesn't require a visa to fly into heaven. However, one does require a boarding card and that is integrity IMHV. Not everyone gets the right card even when it is handed to them on a plate, especially if they are looking in the opposite direction when it is handed out to give them entry. 

However, puppies are not turned over by a whirlwind, only the 'rubbish type' litter is turned over by the winds of change. This quatrain about the Republic is surely to do with the USA and that is also confirmed by the mention of the 'whites and reds'. In the biblical prophecies the USA is the land of ESAU and the men of EDOM. The red and hairy ones. 

'Faces covered by cloaks' also relates to the Burka and Islam so we are in this timeline. This comes at a time when Ron Paul has been invited to convert to Islam in Saudi. Rev 13 stated that the beast only gave authority to the Leopard for 42 months and that is up in June 2012. 

So now we have Ron Paul being supported by Saudi for the next presidency. So what will he choose? To convert to Islam and tell his nation that Allah is now their god`? Or will he refuse Islam and put the price of oil at risk? Difficult choices ahead. The newspaper headline in the UK today, was that the price of a litre of petrol is going up to seven pounds. 

That is a huge amount of money. However, it is no surprise because seven is a karmic number in the spiritual law of the bible and it does relate to integrity and forgiveness. 

Seven is also the life number of the spiritual teacher. In Hebrew gematria it is the value of the ZAYIN, and the 'woman of valor'. They still don't get it do they? Many different terms were used biblically, one of the terms used was that when we came it would be like a 'pent-up' flood. Many have tried to change me to the way that they would like me to be. However, many tried and none succeeded. As the LORD said 'The King is not allowing'. Why is the King not allowing? Clearly, he does not wish for me to change. He loves me just the way that I am, for his divine purpose that pleases him. As the LORD said 'You are the Messiah'. 


The quatrain confirms that they would be 'vexed' by new people and the only time that term was been given to me divinely in the past was to do with the 'vexing of the Spirit.' In other words, it is the Spirit of America that is vexed by what is happening on many different fronts. 

Vexed by the whirlwind of change, vexed by Obama, vexed by Islam, vexed by the financial situation and most of all vexed by Messiah who is the whirlwind. the biblical prophecies also told them that their idols will not save them in this timeline. Hence why Teshuvah is extremely important now. 

So who are these new people that America is vexed by? People that are truly different to them. 

It speaks of the peoples of the land of the USA judging differently, the Whites relate to the Europeans and the Reds relate to the indigenous peoples. Those indigenous peoples will surely include the Mexicans and Hispanics that also had their land taken from them by the Church of Rome. 

It is certainly a vexing time for the Spirit of America, and Rev 2, 17 and 18 tells you more about its 'Harlot, its spirit and its merchants.'  

As we know the harlot daughter of Babylon is the complete opposite to daughter ZION who is the Harp of Faithfulness. 


The LORD said 'They are clandestine'. Interesting word he has used there. 'Clan' and 'Destine'. Destiny of the clan. No coincidence then that there is a 'Clandestine' band in Texas. Do they honestly think that the ways of the 'clandestine' will save them? There was also a 'Clandestine' film added to a DVD for the album 'Sing the Sorrow'. Texas never did ask for forgiveness for writing that I was going to die, or the rest that she accused me of. As we told everyone, we will live for you and not die for you. 

No surprise then that the word 'clandestine' relates to 'secrecy'. Excessive secrecy is cited as being a cause of 'human conflict' and that is another reason why the people are vexed due to them being out of alignment with all that is good. In 2007, the Son of God told them, 'Those that remain silent are compliant in the world'. Well they certainly did not wish for the Spirit of Truth to be shared and they made that perfectly clear. 

They're actually vexing their own Spirits, just like people do when they commit adultery. People often commit adultery due to the excitement of it, then pay the price later. It always has a knock on effect and impact. The people cannot escape cause and effect, the law of karma until they break their individual wheel of karma, by healing themselves and doing all that is good. Hence, why Prophet Isaiah put in so much effort to share the teachings about ascension, and Jesus spoke of the light in the body. In my experience, the more that people heal themselves, the more that the light arises. 

When I was bathing today, the Son of God kept on appearing before me, he likes that bust of him at Hadda. I had been pondering on the USA, and while I was getting out of the bath he said 'Biological weapon' and as we know biological weapons can come in many forms especially those that people use against themselves with their mode of operation. 

Of course biological warfare is also to do with 'germs and toxins' and many people are unaware that they come from nature, just like the nature of their own beings. In terms of consciousness it relates to energetic disease that is transported in the being and it causes 'psychological damage', due to what he was talking about the other day to do with 'shunning' that also relates to 'psychological torture'. 

He said 'Those that shunned others, will be shunned' and the 'biological weapons' do impact on the mental health of the people in the same way that 'bullying' impacts on children. So for instance, when Jewish people were shunned and shunned, they were actually co-creating a genetic inheritance that would impact on mental health, because they did not fully understand and comprehend consciousness and how it works. The did not understand the full implications of the spiritual law and how it relates to physics. 

Now back in March 2009, in the 'CHET VISIONS' the LORD said that he was going to 'Kill the Germs'. In other words get rid of that which is co-creating disease. People have asked me when is the LORD going to get rid of the mice that are creating disease. I shared with them that it would not be long.  Some social forums are suffering financially, due to who they attract and what they do that is 'clandestine'. As we know 'Biological warfare', and 'Clandestine' is the complete opposite to righteousness and faithfulness predicted by Prophet Hosea. Hence why he promised to plant HER in Jezreel, (Israel) and in Micah 4 the LORD also sent her to babylon (USA) to help them. However, people have to be willing to be helped. You can take a horse to water, but you cannot make them drink that water. 

Hence, Prophet Isaiah warned the people that not everything is a conspiracy. Its important that the people do some very straight talking, very fast.  If they are ever make it back from where they are going on Captain James Cook's ship that the Son of God said 'will crash like the one in Italy. They simply have to change course, they do not have a choice in the matter. Or they will get blown away with the rest of the litter. 

The first mention of the whirlwind in the bible is to do with Elijah, when Elijah is taken up to heaven. 

"Your thunder was heard in the whirlwind, your lightning lit up the world; the earth trembled and quaked." Psalm 77:18 Isaiah 21 is also a prophecy against Babylon. Isaiah 40, the whirlwind sweeps them away like chaff. Isaiah 66 mentions the whirlwind and the LORD rebukes them with flames of fire. This is clearly what Nostradamus was referring to. 

In the Obadiah prophecy it also mentions the land of ESAU becoming stubble, Jacob is the fire and Joseph is the flame. In the prophecies of Jeremiah the whirlwind comes down on the heads of the wicked, and the wicked were those that did not honor what was sacred. 

In the book of Hosea, when the whirlwind comes, 'their sacrifices bring them shame'. For the LORD did not ask for sacrifice he asked for mercy. No coincidence then that the man that was talking about 'enlightenment' today, spoke of the 'sacrifice of the one, for the team'. He had also added an eye patch and we all know about pirates and their integrity don't we. That then reminds me of the visions of the 'pirate flag, skull and bones' visions given by the LORD. Posted on this blog in 2009/2010. 

Hosea also speaks of the whirlwind coming because they have 'broken the covenant and rebelled against my law'. Hosea 8, states that 'They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind'. In other words, due to what they have sown they receive a lot more than they planned on in return. When will they get it? 
They are not above the spiritual law of creation or the divine will of the LORD in this timeline. 

His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet. Nahum 1:3 

That Nahum verse is also 1.3 the same as the Nostradamus prophecy. The last big storm that they had in the USA was also the 'Storm of Peace' and that was another biblical prophecy. 

You see the LORD does not wish to hear from those that are 'Clandestine', 'Pirates' or those that are involved in co-creating 'Biological weapons' against the sacred. He is not interested in your 'sacrifice'. 

He asked for MERCY = HESED and that you do his will when he asks you to do it. 

Teshuvah America, teshuvah. 


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