Sunday 8 January 2012

Linda Newkirk Called Out

Well the work of Linda Newkirk is being posted on forums and she calls her website 'The Mountain Prophecies'. There are plenty of others calling her out on their blogs as well. Some claim they've met the woman and that she claims that she was responsible for 9/11, no less. She has also threatened people with death and a lot more.

She was brought to my attention due a post called 'A False Rapture/Alien Invasion'. [1]At first I smiled, because in the early days, spiritual people were advised to stay with their own because the people would think they were aliens. Also there is a biblical prophecy that the stars will fall out of the sky.

However, when you see what this American woman Linda Newkirk is writing it is important that as many people as possible call her out. To begin with she uses the word 'repent' and that is a mistranslation of the Hebrew word Teshuvah that means 'Return' e.g. return to the sacred. The return is also to do with the redemption of the soul and that is done through healing. When people heal themselves, they redeem themselves and all that is good. In healing people return to original goodness. As the LORD said 'Healing is the get out of jail card. Healing is the path to salvation and love is the way'.

Everyone was told that they would be judged in this timeline when the Queen of the South came and now its Linda Newkirk's turn. There is certainly a lot for her to heal and she speaks about 'Vicious lies, slander, great evils,' 'melting people like wax in the sun', 'puddle of burning', 'she talks about those that mocked what is holy', and condemns them to 'flames of hell'.

Goodness gracious me, does that really sound like a holy person to you?

On the 29th of January 2011, Linda says she has 'drawn a line and it is a line of finality.'

The truly spiritual know that when a person is asked to draw a line under it, it means it is time to finish what you are doing. Like when a person comes to the end of a mission or project. So that they can move on to the next one.

I am sure that the LORD is not happy with Linda Newkirk because Linda is also claiming to be the wondrous woman from heaven mentioned in Rev 12. The woman in Rev 12 is featured in the Michelangelo fresco of ELIAKIM that sits in the Vatican. I am also featured in the Jesse fresco as well. In December 2008 the Son of God told me that my 1260 days were completed, and it was time for us to move into a higher gear. That is when we started this our first blog.

So what is to be done with Linda Newkirk, to be honest I can only feel compassion and mercy for her.

"A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. In his teaching the islands will put their hope.” Isaiah 42:3-4 

That verse mentions 'faithfulness' and it is speaking of the Harp of Faithfulness that was predicted to come. As you know the LORD promised to plant me in Jezreel and he did that in May 2006. That verse also speaks about the Islands putting their hope in a person. Why is that? Prophet Isaiah knew that the one to come would live on an Island, and King David knew that I would not be born in Israel. 

England is part of the British Isles, the United Kingdom. This blessed land of Joseph where the descendent of Joseph was born as pre-ordained. 

Teshuvah Linda, teshuvah. 

Dear LORD, my love, my life, please help Linda Newkirk (USA) , help her LORD to see the light of love, compassion and mercy. Make her an example of your justice, be merciful LORD. May your will be done for your glory so that she may heal and return to the sacred, holy and all that is true. The LORD replied, 'Lotus Feet is back'.  Speak to her LORD tell her who I am, show her the right and true way. 




Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...

I was born-again taken to Heaven at age 3 to see Jesus in full revelation face to face -- set in my office as the "apostle of Revelation 12". I think you "don't speak" Linda's spiritual love language and are just not as deep in the Spirit, PERHAPS, as she is. All saints are the woman of Revelation 12 -- who rapture. And when one gets deeply in the Spirit, one speaks in the first person. What would YOU CALL the bride of a King?? That's a Queen. The Bride of Christ is the Queen of Heaven as one.

I think you are not speaking her language and are attacking her in ignorance not being spiritual as she is (so long as she is a born-again Christian).

Now, if she thinks she is the "ONLY ONE" -- that may perhaps be immaturity in her gift -- and also the result of accelerating more quickly than all those around her.\

Yet, this is a move of the Spirit of the end of days and more will awaken to this language and depth of the Spirit as we begin to transfigure.

I think it most likely that Linda is an apostle and prophetess -- and is being greatly misunderstood by those not having such depth. But, all this requires to be true is that in truth she is truly born of the Spirit of God inwardly and is a true believer in Jesus born of His Spirit washed in His blood. If she is, and the Lord knows, I stand by my assertions as a like apostle.

Eliakim said...

1. Seeing Jesus face-to-face has nothing to do with being born again.

2. The woman in Rev 12 is not an 'apostle', she is Messiah Joseph that was promised to Israel. She is daughter ZION mentioned in Micah 4. Jesus referred to her as the Queen of the South and that means 'Queen of the Prophets'. He also called her 'Son of Man' and that is a term of endearment for a prophet. He warned his followers what would happen when wisdom came. He also let them know that she would feel 'ashamed' of this generation. It is written, wisdom will be proven right by her actions.

3. It is a well known fact by renowned biblical scholars that a true prophet speaks in the third person sometimes. It is sign of the humility of the prophet.

4. After a person becomes a bride of Christ there is a long way to go prior to being born again. Giving birth to the holy Spirit is mighty indeed.

5. Christians have been 'misled' and Jesus Christ knew that would happen. The reality of 'Being born again' is not understood by most Christians because their leaders did not understand it, because they had not experienced it

6. 'Attacking her in ignorance', is yours to own, seek within for the root causes of the core issues.


7. 'Immaturity', is yours to own. Seek within for the root causes of the core issues.

Jesus Christ informed his followers about the importance of 'emotional and spiritual maturity'.

8. 'Linda is an Apostle and prophetess'. It takes a prophet to know a prophet and I can assure that Linda is not one of them. That is why I have ELIJAH"S LIST where they are called out as ordained to do.

'Misunderstood', you certainly did. Seek within.

9. Jesus Christ does not wash you in his blood. He washes you with his love. Experience counts. That is why I was ordained to do the count in Rev 13. Wisdom was called to do the count.

His family are healers, come back when you can heal disease like he taught his true followers to do.

todaynow said...

"When you see leaders of My people falling dead, you won't rejoice, and you won't stop My hand." Christian prophetess. (female).
Joy of Satan website. Power Meditation. (Only for whoever wants it. This site talks about the jewish elite and their occult power and technology to cause these disasters and blame it on the fictitious christian/judeo God.