Sunday 8 January 2012

Ravens Pecking Divine Plan

In the last post we shared the 'Obama Leopard Party'. [1] The post also mentions Proverbs 30 that also mentions the 'ravens of the valley'.

The first mention of the ravens in the bible when ELIJAH is fed by the ravens in the book of Kings. When I was sent to Israel in May 2006, I was indeed fed by the Israeli's. The prophecy tells that the word of the LORD came to ELIJAH. It states that the LORD directed the ravens to supply the prophet with food and they drank from the brook.

In Psalm 147:9, "He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call". Then the ravens are not mentioned again in the bible until Proverbs 30:17 when it is to do with the pecking and the Americans are pecked out. Pecking is to do with the divine plan and its pecking order. As we know a bird pecks worms out of the ground that are buried under the earth. In biblical times, the word 'worm' was used to describe a person that was not being or talking very nice. What do worms do? They wriggle and their slimy. However, they also irrigate the soil of the earth. They live in the earth and earthly realities, in comparison with heavenly and celestial realities.

Worms spend most of their time underground, another term would be the underworld. The underworld also relates to where criminals live, because they feed off what they find there. Criminals cannot live off that which is pure and heavenly, because the healed are incorruptible. Hence the more that people heal themselves, the less criminals there will be. Then you can understand that the bankers are part of the underworld, nothing more than worms that wriggle when they are pecked at by a raven.

"The eye that mocks a father, that scorns an aged mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by the vultures'.

In other words, those that stand against this celestial reality, will be pecked out by the ravens just like birds pecking out the worms from the earth, because they know that if they don't they will get eaten by the vultures. The vultures are also symbolic of the orthodox religionists, just like the vultures descended after Michael died in 2010. The prophecy given by Jesus Christ predicted that the vultures would be found where the dead body was. Michael died in Georgia, USA. He is also mentioned in the book of Daniel.

In Luke, Jesus mentions the ravens again and he tells the people that 'they do not sow or reap'. In other words they do not plant any new seeds or reap the harvest because they are not angels of Elohiym. In other words they are not healers in the nature of elohiym. In addition, sowing and reaping is do to with the spiritual law. He told them that the ravens do not have a 'storeroom or a barn'. Yet, theos feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds'.

Theos in Greek means 'god or goddess' it can also mean that which is divine. As such it means the ravens are being fed in this timeline by that which can help them. They know that they do not require any religion or religious structure and that they can fly free in spiritual independence. Nothing is imposed upon them, and they are aware that there is a divine plan to help them.

As we know the soil has to be irrigated before the new seeds can be planted, it is the same with the USA. Its no coincidence that the verse of the day at biblegateway is telling people to do good.

"Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.” Amos 5:14-15

In Matthew chapter 23, Jesus rebukes the priests because they have neglected "Faithfulness'. In reality he was telling them that they had neglected the prophecy about the 'Harp of Faithfulness' that was predicted to come. He knew that when the Harp came, justice and mercy that was delivered by the Jewish prophets would be conveyed to the people. He was asking the Jewish priests to live in the integrity of the true teachings, because if they did that, then they would accept him as the Lute of Lovingkindness mentioned in Psalm 92. 

Hence, why he told them that they were 'blind' and that they strain out a gnat but swallow a camel'. As we know a gnat can sting you, and it wakes you up if it happens when you are sleeping. He was saying that they stop people from stinging them to wake them up, and that they swallow a camel instead. In other words the religious leaders swallow the belief systems of others instead of waking up. 

When the Pharaoh would not let the people go. It is written that the LORD brought a plague upon the livestock that included the camels. The camels are to do with the Middle East. Exodus 9:3. Zechariah also spoke of a similar plague that would strike the horses, mules, the camels and donkeys, and all the animals in those camps. Zechariah 14:15 

In the book of Leviticus the camel was unclean. Hence, Jesus was telling the Jewish priests that they were swallowing what was unclean. In other words it had not been purified. They were also warned not to eat the camel, and Muslims in the Middle East do eat camel. 

People were told not to eat rabbits either because they carry disease. As we know Sarah Palin was born in the Chinese Year of the Rabbit and is known to have spent her life as a Christian orthodox. The Rabbit was also unclean. However, Sarah is also born an Aquarian for an Aquarian Age, a water carrier, and biblically speaking, the water carriers and carpenters have a job to do to help Israel. 

Another animal forbidden to eat was the hyrax. In Greek it is the 'shrewmouse' and those that have been following these blogs know who mickey mouse is. Another American that owns a forum that breeds disease. The LORD showed me a vision of him and he swallowed an alien. As we know the shrew has to be tamed. Native Indian Spirits are very good at taming wild animals and teaching self-discipline and self-control. However, it can take at least five years to tame a wild one. 

Isaiah 27, tells the people to be alert, very alert, when they see chariots with teams of horses, riders on donkeys, or riders on camels. I was given a vision of riders on camels in 2006, then the Ben Hur eclipse arrived in 2009. 

However, Isaiah also predicted that the day will come when the young camels will be clean vessels and that means that they have healed themselves and purified. It is written that Apostle John also wore camel hair. 

In the prophecy of Jesus he states that the ravens do not have a storehouse or barn, and in the book of Genesis it is Joseph that opens the storehouse. In Deuteronomy it also declares that the LORD will open the heavens and the storehouse of his bounty. Prophet Malachi also predicted the following: 

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." Malachi 3:10 

So the next time a person says that they feel that they have to test me, then they are to make a donation and then the LORD will prove it to them. The Malachi prophecies also tells the people that they are robbing elohiym because they're not putting anything into the barn. 

When the ravens peck the earth they also make holes in it. When you see the words 'raving' or 'loony' written on a forum or in the social networks, you can be sure the ravens are there. So what do you choose, a planet with holes in it, or a planet that is whole? The root of the word shalom is 'be whole'. 




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