Sunday 29 January 2012

Set Fire to the Rain

Last night I had a lucid dream and a man that I knew came to me. I knew this man in my young life and he was the financial director of a company that I worked for. We worked together very closely and he cared a great deal. He was married and so was I, yet there was a very strong energy between us that neither of us truly understood at the time. He was a very strong and powerful man like the RAB, and he knew how to handle me, to get the best out of me. I looked up to him and liked him very much.

Anyway, last night he came and he was wearing a suit and he looked very smart. He was concerned about me, and I asked him where he was going and he said that he was going to get some food, there wasn't any food in the house. I asked him what he was going to get for us to eat and he replied 'Steak'.

Then he held me in his arms affectionately and lovingly, and I called out his name twice. I woke up when I spoke his name. It was clear to me in this lucid dream that when this man returned, we were going to eat and then make love. I knew in my heart that he loved me and that is why he came to see me.

The fact that he mentioned 'Steak' reminds me of when the LORD said 'Eat no meat with hooves'.

I have a sense that something is coming to do with 'finance and meat' because this man was going to pay for it. Paying for it can also relate to the spiritual law, when people do not accept the divine guidance of the LORD then they pay for it. The LORD gave people the opportunity to pay off their karma by helping his elohiym, and people did not wish to embrace the help that he was offering them.

In hindsight that reminds me of a time in the 90's when I had a mission to help other spiritual people and their work. I can see that mission was all part of the paying off my own karma. Although, I did not view it as such at the time. It did bring a benefit, because while I was supporting, and promoting them and their work, a lot of networking was done in the spiritual community and I was blessed to meet many wonderful people.

The next Saturn transit will also be in Scorpio and that is about that which is hidden, Scorpio is also a sign of sexuality, as such that transit will impact on sexual matters in an adverse way. Those that did not heed the words of the LORD will pay the price for what they have done due to their free will.

The 'meat and sexuality' can also relate to what they have done to the animals that people are consuming e.g. GMO meat. Sometimes people also treat each other just like a 'piece of meat' to be consumed and that is the opposite to treating people as sacred and the animals are sacred as well.

Making love is not an after dinner mint, it is meant to be a sacred time in the unity of the two beings that entwine in their love for each other. Only when people truly love each other is the act of making love pure in the sanctuary of their being. If people go into the sanctuary without love then they adulterate their own being, and the impact of this will be understood more fully, and scientifically as time goes by.

People are not meant to be eaten, and that also reminds me of when we informed the Americans that 'Bush was the starter and Obama was the main course'. I feel that the full meaning of this dream will unfold during the next Saturn in Scorpio transit that begins in October 2012. The full impact of what has taken place, and what people have done will be revealed,  remember that Scorpio does have a sting in its tail. I wonder will the Phoenix rise in my forgiveness of him?

People will accept what has happened because they have no choice to do so. People are hungary and have no food, they have no choice but to accept what is being offered to them.

"People are not a commodity, without love they become so" from Sacred Words

After the dream I got up and it was raining, then I checked into our youtube channel and there was a song called 'Set Fire to the Rain' and it is to do with what others have done and said. Setting fire to the rain can also relate to Fukishima and what the rain contains. Of course, animals drink that rain.

Stay healthy everyone, put your health first for it is the greatest wealth. For without good health you cannot enjoy your lives to the fullest. As we have already explained communication and the way that people communicate also impacts on the health of your being. It isn't instant, it manifests at a later time after you have forgotten what was said and done. There is no escape from the spiritual law of creation, until you put the effort in to heal the self and break your own wheel of karma.

After I had broken my wheel of karma then a whole new reality began, and righteousness came to be with the LORD. Due to the sheer amount of effort that was expended, I was ready to deliver his righteousness and justice.

Many people do not understand judgement and how it relates to the law of attraction and the law of creation. Many people view judgement as an adversity. However, in Hebraic philosophy, judgement was to raise the people up, it was for their good health and to help them. There is always a higher perspective when people are able to see it as so. Justice will be done and it does not always come in the ways that you might plan it because it is the divine plan and the LORD's way that prevails for your own good. He does have the best interests of the people in his heart, and this time will be shortened for the sake of the elect, exactly has his Son promised.

If when I was young I had understood the spiritual law, and its impact on my life, then I certainly would've made different choices with my free will, prior to surrendering it to the LORD.

Hence, why it is so important that the youth of today, truly understand it and the impact that it does have on their lives.


1 comment:

Eliakim said...

Major crash in Florida. The news report stated that they went up a bank due to black smoke and fog.

As we know in the Dead Sea Scrolls it mentions the smoking Messiah.

I can feel a cold wind around my legs, she is dancing on the cold wind.