Thursday 19 January 2012

Springsteen Promise

This song from Bruce Springsteen really touched my heart as he is singing about the promise. The song is from his new album and it is called 'We Take Care of Our Own'.

He is asking for the map that leads him home. Rainbow Hill. He mentions the super dawn, where's the love that hasn't forsaken him, where's the heart that runs over with mercy. Where is the promise?
The song is about a call for the promise, but it also a call for people to care fully for their own families,  communities and nations. Bruce sings about the soul and Spirit.

As we know the biblical prophecy about the 'promise' was first given to Moses, and Moses asked for that blessing to be given to a descendant of Joseph. All of the Jewish prophets wrote about the one that was promised to come in the last days of the end times for the children of the world. Hence, why in Isaiah 8, it tells you that I would come with the children. Prophet Micah also predicted that I would be a woman. Chapter 4 is all about the LORD's plan for the last days of the end times.

People are waiting and praying for Messiah, yet we have already been to the USA, and Israel. Christians are not aware that there was more than one person predicted in the prophecies, and most of the scriptures that are attributed to Jesus Christ are not about him. The first mention of the Lute of Lovingkindness that was predicted to come at daytime was the revelation given to King David. Prior to that all the prophets concentrated their attention on the one that had been promised to Moses.

So what is the LORD waiting for? Well the Malachi prophecies tell the people that the people must pay the wages to elohiym and that they're robbing elohiym. Rev 14, tells you that the 144,000 sing a new song, and only the 144,000 can hear it. That means the rest of humanity are not ready to hear it or accept it,  for if they were they would have aligned their will with the will of the LORD by now. So humanity continue to suffer at the hands of man, due to them refusing to do the will of LORD.

We shared with people yesterday that in the teachings of the Lute of Kindness, e.g. Jesus Christ. There is no difference between a murderer and other people that do not honor the law of the prophets and return to the sacred. In his eyes they were all the same, and it is antipathy to him when the people call Jesus Christ, God. This was a man that did not even allow his students to call him Rabbi, let alone Lord. He always referred the people to his heavenly Father, to his LORD God, to Abba.

Is there a difference between Jesus Christ and the one that sent him? Of course there is, in the same way that there is a difference between myself and the heavenly Father that sent me for the benefit of humanity. So you see the LORD and his Son did keep their promise, did you?

The text tells you that the LORD says, test me on this, and I will prove it to you.

I bless it in the name of the LORD God, and for it to be a huge hit and inspire the world to take care of their families and communities.

Blessings in abundance 


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