Tuesday 10 January 2012

Regulus in Virgo

In the last post we had the 'Steelers Game and the Smoke Signal' [1] The game was won with 29, we shared how that relates to Psalm 29. 29 is also the number of 'Grace Under Pressure' and I have certainly been under financial pressure.

My son Jordan will be 29 on the 28th of January, 2012 and I was nearly 29 when I gave birth to him. I will be 58 on the 13th of February, 2012. 29+29=58. 5+8 = 13, the date of my physical birth and the gematria value of Hebrew word for 'love', and 'one'.

Astrologer David Cook wrote that Neptune is currently in 29 degrees Aquarius, [2] 29 and 'Grace Under Pressure' kept coming up in the crop circles in 2010 and 2011. However, Neptune is about to enter Pisces and it will stay there until 2025. Between now and 2025 is when we are getting rid of the remnants of belief systems that came out of the Piscean Age that were unhealthy for humanity. This means it will be a major transition for the Christians as they move out of 'Piscean' belief's imposed upon them, and embrace the more scientific wisdom that not only supports health and healing that Christ taught, it will also impact on how they choose to live,  where and with whom.

Pisceans are very sensitive and can be very emotional, and with Neptune as well, this is going to be a very emotive social time for them. You can anticipate that the 'emotive social evolution' that we predicted at the start of the millennium, will continue into 2025. The sheer importance of this era cannot be underestimated.

Another fascinating aspect is that the fixed star Regulus entered the sign of 'Virgo the Virgin' in the fall of 2011, it had been in the sign of Leo since 156BC. That is the era of Qumrun at the Dead Sea in Israel, the time when the mystics saw that the writing was on the wall, so they took what they could and left before Jerusalem was destroyed. Regulus being in Leo provided us with 'King of the Jungle' type leaders that were willing to tear each other apart to win, Obama and those that pull his strings, being a prime example, of what they did to Libya. Each and everyone of the political leaders trying to rule the kingdom that they claimed as their own.

With the combination of Mars being retrograde, and regulus now being in Virgo, this indicates that new leaders will become much more aligned with the feminine principles. Women will bring a lot more pressure to bear. Bear in mind, we are also in the Saturn in Libra transit until October 2012 as well, and Libra does not like its balance tipped or to live in colors that do not harmonize. If anything tips the balance out of the kilter of Libra, you can anticipate a striking rebuke from the spiritual law that is all about truth, liberty and justice. We have certainly witnessed plenty of that since this transit began.

You can anticipate some big decisions being made by leaders in respect of those that either refuse to get along, or co-create disharmony in the community. Virgo is the sign of the perfectionist and the seeking of perfection. Doing your best, being the best that that you can. The recent Geneva Summit was an example of the kind of humanitarian style that is emerging and becoming a lot more forthright.

The old style leadership simply will not wash with the ideals of the populous in this timeline. Leaders in powerful positions are forced to change their ways, and that will impact heavily on the religions that were born in the Piscean age.

Dr Hammel said "Every time we go to the telescope and look at this planet, (Neptune) its doing something new, its doing something that we had not thought of before". In Roman spirituality, Neptune was the 'god of the sea' and 2012 is the 'Chinese Year of the Black Water Dragon'. Islands are already arising out of the sea and we anticipate a lot more of that happening with the earth shifts. 

Its a time of surprises to do with the sea and what we find there. So while the Branson's of this world are into space exploration, the real people are going to be much more interested in the sea bed, than the space bed. The sheer amount of nutrients, minerals and natural resources in the sea is beyond measure. 

Actually, if you ever reflect on the name of this planet, why on earth, is it called earth, when most of it is water? Also living on an Island in these last days of the end times, makes one fully aware how vulnerable the Islands are due to them being surrounded by water. I know that people like to live by water, but in these last days, it is not the best place to be. However, with regulus being in Virgo and that is an earth sign, it will help to ground a lot more of the feminine, into what they're here to do between now and 2025. People will have a lot more clarity this year,  and they will be able to see the direction that is open to them. As the LORD said 'Its right at the door'. 

That longstanding shift in Neptune and the sea, will also line up in October when Saturn move into the Scorpio transit and Scorpio is about the depths of your being and your passions. However, we will leave sexy  Scorpio for now, although you can just imagine what karma is coming in the realms of 'sexuality' during that transit, Scorpio has a sting in its tail, and it is one of the most unforgiving star signs of the zodiac. So those that haven't moved in 2012, will find 2013-2014 the most difficult yet. 


1. http://academysounds.blogspot.com/2012/01/steelers-game-smoke-signal.html
2. http://stellarinsights108.blogspot.com/2012/01/regulus-lions-heart.html
3. http://academysounds.blogspot.com/2011/07/neptunes-birthday.html

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