Thursday 12 January 2012


Psalm 74 is an appeal against the devastation of the land by the enemy. It is an appeal to the elohiym and also the LORD.  People have been calling out in the USA for the elohiym to help them because some people know that they know what to do.

The Psalm mentions the redeemed that are the tribe of the inheritance and on Mount Zion where elohiym have dwelled. They have burned all of the meeting places of elohiym in the land. There are no signs of the prophet. Elohiym is asked 'Why do you withdraw your hand, even your right hand? Elohiym is their king from old, who works deeds of deliverance in the midst of the earth.

The sea was divided with strength, the heads of the sea monsters in the waters were broken, springs and torrents were broke open. Ever-flowing streams were dried. Yours is the day, yours is the night; you have prepared the light and the sun. You have established all of the boundaries. Boundaries are really important and as we told people, when you understand the boundaries within yourselves, then you will understand why land as boundaries as well.

Then they speak to the LORD and speak of the foolish and the spurning of the name. They plead with the LORD not to deliver the soul of the turtledove to the wild beast. Do not forget the life of your afflicted forever. Consider the covenant, for the dark places of the land are full of the habitations of violence. Let not the oppressed return dishonored, let the afflicted praise your name.

Arise elohiym and plead your cause. Do not forget the voice of your adversaries, the uproar of those who rise against you which ascends continually.

The word arise in Hebrew is qum and an English translation of the word is KIM. As such, an appropriate translation of that verse in English would be. Kim Elohiym plead your cause, they were asking me to plead my own cause, at the same time they were asking the LORD to not let the wild beast have his turtledove that he hid in his hand for so long.  It was in 2007 that we delivered the covenant for the children. Did we not praise the name of the LORD and write sonnets to him on behalf of the people?

The LORD did hear their prayers and requests, he did respond to them when he asked me to ask them to write their sonnets to him.

Why was Kim Elohiym afflicted? They know that she has the skin disease on her head and arm, exactly as the prophecies predicted. They also know that she was afflicted by hearing the cries of the world, their cries and the cries of the children. As they cried, she cried with them, until she could grieve for the people no more. They prayed for her to come down from her enlightenment,  yet in their hearts they knew that she would be afflicted by it due to the adversaries that were waiting to swallow her up. However, the LORD rescued his turtledove and it is featured in Rev 12 and Micah 4.

So now what will the LORD do with his beloved turtledove that he sent in such a wondrous way to help those that have redeemed their souls, the tribe of the inheritance. The spiritual inheritance of the children of the world. For the survival of humanity so that they do not perish. The prophecies tell them that the wild beasts are being driven out, the land will be cleared and ready. It asks the saints for patience for the wages of elohiym must be paid, and the people must come to to build the new holy city. The wind is cold and she cannot feel the heat of love from humanity like she did in 2003. The heat of love that was sent to her from all around the world.

Some of the spiritual became afraid, the LORD says that some of them became corrupt and adulterated their own souls,  and when they did that they were taken away from his blessed one. He asks you to give thanks that she lives and is able to speak to you from her heart after all is said and done. She does not run, she walks the talk and told you the truth about the fork. The elevation in the lift, up and down, different floors to speak to different people at different times for divine purpose of helping those that were ready to be helped.

Yes the comet arrived like it came out of nowhere, a big surprise of a sacred star, as it soared through the skies. Where is the help now? You were given what you asked and prayed for, she was not what you imagined her to be, yet in time you came to understand her, and to know her ways that can help you. She sang give peace a chance, and the LORD asked you to be merciful to her. Has she not suffered enough for you, so that she could integrate how best to help you?

What will you ask the LORD for now? The prophecies tell you that if you ask him, he will tell you that we must build his holy city of enlightenment. You must make that your focus, and support her in the will of the LORD of all goodness. His turtledove can help you but she cannot do it all for you. His Harp of Faithfulness is the instrument of the LORD as ordained to be. Her soul belongs to him, she is of his holy Spirit, just like the Lute of Lovingkindness was of his holy Spirit. Her life was poured out for you, if you cannot give in return, then there is nothing more that she can do to help humanity at this point.

It is up to the LORD now for he makes testimony for her, he cannot leave her suspended between the worlds in the dynamic sphere any longer. As he said 'Its right at the door' and the wolves will not wait any longer. So the choice is this, to leave you until you are ready, or come together now and help her.


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