Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Smelling and Tasting Sickness

Since the weekend I have been smelling sick, and now I can taste it. The strength of it has been increasing, so I know that I have to attend to it.

Having the ability to 'smell' and 'taste' what the Holy Spirit is imparting energetically, is usually an indication. Like an indicator, that can tell others the car is turning left or right. Another analogy would be like when you are driving a car and you turn on the wipers on the windscreen when it rains. You wish for the  passengers in the car that you are carrying, to reach their destination safely. So you do all that you can for safety purposes. Warning people what is coming to be, can be like that as well. 

I can feel energy now, its like a plinth in my shoulder and neck. To keep my head straight, and upright. To keep us looking directly ahead, not allowing us to turn left or right. Energy is shooting down the back of the right arm as I type this. Again, keeping the arm straight. I have a sense of the physicist, Stephen Hawkings as I write this.

How can a physicist understand such things if he hasn't experienced them? Yet, man allows the science of men to dominate humanity and its direction. Cutting edge scientists know that new science is being muzzled in different parts of the world due to the stakeholders in the status quo that is unhealthy for humanity.

Clearly, the LORD is wishing for me to look at this. So what does the bible say about sick?

The word sickness appears for the first time in the book of Exodus. 'You shall serve the LORD your God, and He will bless your bread and your water. And I will remove sickness from your midst'. 23:25
How amazing then that Reiki teachers share with their students how to bless and heal their food and water.

The book of Deuteronomy warns people what will happen if they refuse to do the will of the LORD. 'He will bring back upon you all of the sicknesses of Egypt that you dreaded so, and they shall cling to you. Moreover, the LORD will bring upon all the other diseases and plagues that are not mentioned in this book of teaching, until you are wiped out'. 28:60-61

As we know, there have been many biblical plagues in recent years. From the locusts, frogs, red blood rivers and the plague upon the lambs.

In the book of judges it mentions how people get sick due to being 'nagged' and 'prodded' until he is 'sick' to death of it. 16:16.  Rev 16 is about the government and its politicians. Politicians who put all of the responsibility onto the people, for what they have done to the people.

In the Psalms 'The LORD sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness. 41:3. 'Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but longing fulfilled is a tree of life.' Proverbs 13:11-13

'The human spirit can endure sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?'. 'A sick person wastes away' Isaiah 10:8

'The workers in cloth will be dejected, and all the wage earners will be sick at heart'. Isaiah 19:10

'For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’ “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ Matthew 25:42-44

In the book of Mark, the sick are healed and anointed with oil. 6:13. In the book of Luke, the healers are sent out to heal the sick. 9:2. When the sick are healed, the healers were instructed to say 'the kingdom of God has come near to you'. 10:9

In the book of John, healing of the sick was a great sign. 6:2 “Lord, the one you love is sick.”When he heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” John 11:3-5

Some might say that the teaching of the Son of God is different to the LORD. You have to remember it was a different timeline. There is a big overlap in the teachings, although there were many fingers in the pie. Jeremiah 8:8 is a verse to always remember. 

However, the Son of God and his followers had a different way of communicating those teachings. As he said 'The meek shall inherit the earth' and the meek do the will of the LORD as instructed and commanded. "Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God'. As we know, the Son of God also told his followers, those that integrated what he was sharing with them would not taste death. In other words, they would not taste disease.

Teshuvah humanity, teshuvah



Prior to writing this post a lovely black bird flew towards me, he flew right by to the right of me. The right hand of God. Blackbird is always a good sign to me, because the raven fed Elijah. 
Now the end begins website, shares this with us about Chrislam in the USA. 
"The concept of Chrislam, now embraced by such preachers as Rick Warren and Robert Schuller, appears to have emerged from a program on the meaning of “love your neighbor” at Grace Fellowship Church in Atlanta, Georgia “In 2001, like most Americans, we were pretty awakened to the true Islamic presence in the world and in the United States,” says Jon Stallsmith, the outreach minister at Grace Fellowship. “Jesus says we should love our neighbors. We can’t do that without having a relationship with them.”
Stallsmith maintains that a rapprochement between Muslims and Christians can be achieved by the fact that Jesus is mentioned twenty-five times in the Quran.
The Chrislam movement has gained impetus by statements from President George W. Bush and that Christians, Jews, and Muslims all worship the same God and by Rick Warren’s reference to Isa (the Muslim name for Jesus) in his prayer at the inauguration of President Barack Obama." [1] 

Yes, Jon, the Son of God did tell people to 'love your neighbors'. However, he did not tell his followers to get into bed with them. The heavenly Father warned us that while your backs are turned, Islam is going after your women and children. 
Do you not know the scripture? Do you not know that the Son of God warned about Islam? Do you not know that the Jewish prophets gave prophecies against Islam? Do you not know that Christians are being persecuted all over the world, and that Muslims decimated the Christian population in Lebanon? 
Do you not know that in Europe the indigenous peoples are being discriminated against by their own governments due to Islam and its cultural genocide? 
I recommend you read this post addressing one of your pal's Rick Warren who has been judged also. [2]
While you are having a relationship Jon, Islam is taking your women and children and it includes Native Americans. Your support of the Islamic religion then encourages American children to become involved in it Jon. Did you know that Hamas are recruiting heavily in Latin America? Do you know that they are recruiting in every prison in the USA and across the world? 
Teshuvah Jon Stallsmith. 

Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.

The name of Jesus is not Isa, [4] the book of Revelation tells you that he has a new name in this timeline. So the Qu'ran is irrelevant as far as Jesus is concerned. Jews, Christians and Muslims do not all worship the same God, and that has been proven by Christian Arabs.

Palestinian ex-Muslim, Walid Shoebat made me laugh, when he told an audience at a prophecy conference that when he was praying to Allah he wasn't getting a response, he said that he discovered that he was dialing the wrong number. 
Is it any wonder that shepherds like Jon Stallsmith are being cut off in this timeline? [3]

There is a storm coming your way Jon. Do you not know Jon, that Islam teach that Jesus was a prophet of Islam? Yet, in the bible Jesus warned against Islam and its captivity? 

Did you not know that Jesus warned his followers that they would get flogged by the councils in the last days of the end times that began in 1975? What councils was he talking about Jon do you know? Sharia councils. Lebanon was destroyed in 1975 by Arafat's men and in the next 20 years, the Christian population was decimated. 
Jon wrote: 'Better is open rebuke than hidden love'. 
You are absolutely correct on that Jon, now you know that you are being rebuked openly by the Messenger of the Covenant. My righteous love is not hidden, it is here for the whole world to see. 

Teshuvah Jon, Teshuvah 



Well today is about CHRISLAM and those that are involved in spreading it in the USA. First we had the Catholic Church in Chicago with the worshippers that are praying in front of a statue of Fatima dressed in red wearing a head scarf.

Now its Chrislam where Churches in the USA are teaching the Qu'ran to the children. Islam do not accept that Jesus was the Son of God, or that Jesus had a Father. As such, Islam is what Apostle John described as 'anti-christ'.

Rick Warren, founder and pastor of Saddleback Community Church in Orange County California addressed the convention of the Islamic Society of North America.

Quote of the Day: “Before we “shake your hand” in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world.” – Rick Warren in a speech to Muslims. [1] 
Why are you asking for forgiveness of Islam Rick Warren? Did you not receive a copy of the commentary on the prophecy against Islam in the bible? Did you not know that the LORD and his herald stands against Islam? Did you not know that Jesus warned against Islam? Goodness gracious me and you call yourself a pastor. Is it any wonder that the shepherds are being cut off in this timeline. As Prophet Zechariah predicted and he called people like you Rick Warren 'worthless shepherds', who have 'no favor or union' with the LORD. 
Do you know Rick that there is an Islamic prophecy that predicts that the Muslims and Christians will work together to destroy the Jewish people? Did you know that the Judeo-Christian prophecies predict the opposite? 
I recommend that all members of Rick Warren's Church leave immediately. Rev 13 warns you about the captivity in this timeline. Obama is also in Rev 13, he is the Leo the Leopard from Africa also mentioned in the book of Daniel. No surprise then that Rick Warren is a friend of Obama and George W. Bush. 
No surprise then that Rick Warren was born in the Chinese Year of the Snake. [3]And the book of Genesis predicted that she shall crush the head of the serpent. 
Yes, indeed. the herald was called, wisdom was called exactly as Rev 13 predicted. 
The judgement began in 2010 when the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel, exactly as the Son of God predicted that it would. The Queen of the South is indeed here to deliver the judgements of the LORD. 
You have been judged Rick Warren and a storm is coming your way. You shall hand over any and all tithes to the Messenger of the Covenant, that you have taken from the people without the LORD's permission to do so during your career. 


Tuesday, 28 February 2012


I had a dream, and the main focus of the dream was a film director. He was what I would call debonair, very attractive, and he wore glasses and had short grey hair. He was the kind of man that did not focus on those that were attracted to him, so it was easy to get the impression that he did not notice you.

In the first part of the dream, I have lunch with a lady that works at a film company. and we talk about old times. Afterwards we walked along the beach, and I asked about the man that I had met in the past, many years ago. I explained that while we were filming, he did not come to the producers lunch. As such, I did not get to spend time with him, in a relaxed atmosphere. I never did find out whether he was married.

In the next part of the dream, I am with the man and we are having lunch alone. I felt that the lady had arranged it for us. It became clear to me that it was not that the man was aloof, the man appeared shy, and he was concentrating on his work and career.

I still did not find out whether he was in a relationship, he never said, and I did not ask. Although, after we left the restaurant he held out his arm out for me. I put my arm in his, then took it out again, unsure that I was meant to be doing what I had done. However, I then found my courage and put my arm in his, and that is how we walked together, while sharing.

He was different to how he could've been, and he was very much a man of the people.  An average man with a lot of talent, that loves his art of being a director, and working with film. He wasn't an intellectual, he was a creative and his art was his focus.


Then in the next cameo of the dream, we are at his house, and I am looking around his lovely house that had been refurbished, and upgraded. Then he asked me a question, and I told him that while I was refurbishing his house, he was not there. I told him that while I was tiling the wall, the workmen arrived and I had to stop. That I could not finish the work until the next day, when the workman had gone. As such I had to do a double shift, working both day and night to get the job finished.

However, the refurbishment that I had been involved in was an earlier one, and now it had been done again. Then the man sent a message to his friends and it appeared on a screen before me. I remember these words the most 'I will have a prodigy every year'.

He also drew a cryptic message on the kitchen floor, there was a woman's name and picture drawn in a quote symbol, like people draw them. It was indicating that a relationship of another would not work out. It wasn't clear whether this was a relationship he was in, or whether he was talking about the relationship of another couple. The others did not believe him, and I could hear the aghast.

However, I saw no signs in the house of a woman being in his life.

Then the dream ended, and I heard this message loud and clear 'They are frightened'. 


I then saw a vision of the protestors in London, and everywhere, with the sign 'What would Jesus do now'. I then wrote the first lines in the book dedicated to them. "Thank you to the protestors of Occupy London, you inspired me to finish this book. Thank you to the protestors around the world, this book is for you'.

After I woke up, I realized that this has been a recurring dream. Now I have another part of it.


Following that I went to youtube, and I was shown two videos that had been made about me by a person that calls himself a Christian. When the videos were made, he was going by the name of Lowsix.

The creator of those videos could be taken to court for what he has done. It would be a class action court case that would cost the man a huge amount of money. Not only the creator of the video, youtube and the forum that he represents. The LORD will not be mocked by those that are frightened. They must heal their fears. Psalm 74 is all about the mockers. This is not the first time that the LORD has asked the Christians to heal their fear, so that they can become dauntless. In so doing, people make the right choices.

Lowsix called one of the videos ELIAKIM, (it is about a conversation between ELIAKIM and Low Six that never took place). The other one was about the Paraclete and a forum member called 'Oto', another conversation that never took place between us. The truth will indeed set them free.

Jesus promised that the paraclete would come in this timeline, and the man that made the videos stands against the will of the LORD. Lowsix was also the person that spoke about 'calling off the dogs'. That just goes to show the kind of mentality, and the kind of people that he was mixing with when he made those videos. I haven't seen the man around for a very long time. However, I have contacted youtube to have the videos removed. I am all for freedom of speech. However, truth and integrity is essential in this timeline.


I was then shown a video by a blessed one and the video is called ELIAKIM - EVER DREAM. Today it is also the 'Day of ZEST'. That reminds me of the 'Zealous Compassionate Action', that took place at the second Harmonic Concordance on the 1st of October, 2004 at England's Nazareth. In this land of Joseph. As we know a biblical plague is sweeping the land, and the farmers are mourning the lambs, just like Prophet Amos predicted the remnant of Joseph would do.

Here is the video ELIAKIM - EVER DREAM and I have shared the full song with you from NIGHT WISH as well, it mentions healing. As we know in the Psalms it was predicted that I would come at night time. The Harp of Faithfulness can be found in Psalm 92.

The song featured in the video is by Nightwish and it is called 'Ever dream' (End of an Era)

India is now planning a national strike. Support the protestors around the world that are dauntless. Let us all do our part. Arm in arm. Standing together. 

As the LORD said to ELIAKIM 'Your love is as deep as the ocean and as tall as a Tree'. 

Put your healing hands upon the heads of your children. Bless them in the name of LORD. Tell your children they are blessed by the LORD, and tell them that when they are older, they will understand. 

While I have been preparing this post for you, I then went to a forum and a post had been made about 'CHRISLAM' spreading in the USA. [1]

I spent time there replying to the posters, including one of the people who claims they live in Turkey. I told the person that the book of Revelation tells the people of Turkey, to repent and return to the LORD.

After that, I prepared an email to send this information out to people on our databases. After I had sent the email out, I immediately opened the emails that had been sent.  In the first emails that I opened, this picture had been sent to me from a Christian in the USA.


The picture was taken in Chicago on the South side. As we know Jesus predicted that the Queen of the South would come when the sign of Jonah was seen. The whale arrived in Israel in 2010 and that is when the judgement began as predicted.

The difference is the prophet of Islam was not a woman. As such, Islam's prophet is not the one that the LORD promised to send for his people. Nor did the prophet of Islam arrive at the appointed time of the last days of the end times as predicted.

As we know Obama was residing in Chicago and Rev 13 mentions the captivity. It is the same town where Catholics are praying to a statue of Fatima, the daughter of the prophet of Islam. The statue is dressed in red with her head covered.  As the Son of God said 'If people were meant to cover their heads, they would have been born with a foreskin'.  Profound words of wisdom.

You know the Christians can't direct the right films, because they haven't been given the right script. The film director chooses to have a new prodigy every year, because he knows that his relationships will not succeed. Just like Simon Cowell, who claims he has proposed 64 times.

Only relationships created by the LORD will succeed.  That applies to all relations whether personal, in business, spiritually and or in any other way. Only those that are blessed by the LORD succeed in what they do. However, it is important to note that what the LORD calls success is different to what man calls success.



Monday, 27 February 2012


OK, well the LORD is on it tonight. In a previous post on the farmers mourning the lambs in this land of Joseph, the prophecy from Prophet Amos is about the remnant of Joseph. This post is about the blessings.

Moses called on God to bless the tribe of Joseph with dew, the yield of the sun, crops in season. The bounty of the hills, and the favor of the presence of the burning bush. Deu 33:17 [1]

"About Joseph he said:“May the LORD bless his land with the precious dew from heaven above and with the deep waters that lie below; with the best the sun brings forth and the finest the moon can yield; with the choicest gifts of the ancient mountains and the fruitfulness of the everlasting hills; with the best gifts of the earth and its fullness and the favor of him who dwelt in the burning bush. 

Let all these rest on the head of Joseph, on the brow of the prince among his brothers. In majesty he is like a firstborn bull; his horns are the horns of a wild ox. With them he will gore the nations, even those at the ends of the earth. Such are the ten thousands of Ephraim; such are the thousands of Manasseh.” Deu 33:13-17 NIV

In the NAS translation it is written 'Let it come to the head of Joseph' and 'to the crown of the head of the one distinguished amongst his brothers'. The word 'prince' does not appear in this translation. 

In the Torah translation, 'And of Joseph he said: 

Blessed of the LORD be his land
With the bounty of dews from heaven. 
And of the deep that couches below; 
With the bounteous yield of the sun, 
And of the bounteous crop of the moons; 
With the best from the ancient mountains, 
And the bounty of the hills immemorial; 
With the bounty of earth and its fulness, 
And the favor of the Presence in the Bush. 
May these rest on the head of Joseph. 
On the crown of the elect of his brothers. 
Like a firstling bull in his majesty, 
He has horns like the horns of the wild-ox; 
With them he gores the peoples, 
The ends of the earth are one and all. 
These are the myriads of Ephraim, 
These [i] are the thousands of Manasseh. 

Footnote: [i] the one horn. JPS translation. 

Its very clear what this passage is telling the people. However, only those with eyes open and see it. I find it an incredibly touching verse because it is clear that Moses made his choice for a very specific reason. 

The bounty of the earth and its fulness, aligns with Isaiah 53 and being satisfied and contented. That is one of the reasons that she was not seen spiritually professionally for the first 40 years. In addition, the mother had her child Jordan to support; before she could be found in the Galilee of the Gentiles as Prophet Isaiah predicted. 

The best from the ancient. The FAVOR of the Presence. In the LORD's majesty. The bounty of the dews from heaven. We are truly blessed. 

Why did Moses wish for the blessing to be given to a descendent of Joseph? Joseph was known for his forgiveness, mercy, love, being able to accept other realities but still honor his own. Joseph saved the people from the famine. In fact, the information was given with much diplomacy. For surely, they knew what would come to be. 

The LORD did grant the FAVOR, and his Son passed on the message to me when the time was right. 

I was told of the favor after the LORD had summoned me, in fact, it was years later. He did raise me up as promised. He kept his promise to Moses. 

How wonderful then to have been given the best from the ancient mountains. However, the people were not anticipating a female form. Although it was predicted by the Jewish prophets. 

Love beyond measure 

