Tuesday 14 February 2012

Ethiopia Biblical Gold Mine?

In December we wrote about the 'Messanic era and redemption'. In the post we mentioned the sabeans and the 'Essential Eclipse' that happened on the 10th of December, 2011. As we know the immediate power of an eclipse lasts for around six months, although its influence can last for 29 years.

Today, news has been shared that a British archaeologist has made an important discovery. An ancient gold mine, together with the ruins of a temple has been found on the Gheralta plateau in northern Ethiopia. It is claimed that it is part of a Queen's former territory, the Queen of Sheba.

There are a few aspects to this that are interesting from my perspective.

1. The archaeologist is from this land of Joseph of England. She isn't just any archaeologist she is the former British Museum curator. [4]

2. Louise Schofield says that 'The shaft is buried 4ft beneath the surface of a hill circled by vultures. An ancient skull is embedded above the entrance'. Jesus also gave a prophecy about the 'vultures and the carcass' as being a sign about 'the one' in the last days of the end times. The Apostles kept on pressuring him for more information and that is when he gave them the sign.

"For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.“Immediately after the distress of those days “‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken". Matthew 24:27-29 

'The sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light' 

As we know there is also a Sun newspaper in the land of Joseph, over this weekend, top staff from there were arrested. The moon is symbolic of Islam and the moon has no light of its own. Hence why the wondrous woman from heaven has the moon under her feet. In addition, the Christian STAR, Whitney Houston fell from the sky in the month of Aquarius that is an Air sign. 

The heavenly bodies will be shaken, a well-known American that owned a conspiracy forum also died. All this in the same weekend. I have to add that the biblical prophecies state that 'The righteous will not be shaken'. 

3. I wonder if the archaeologist is a Mormon, because the Mormons also have a prophecy that was given about a 'gold mine' that would be discovered.

"The Lord has called you to open up a rich gold mine for the benefit of (daughter) ZION and the world in a time of trouble such as the world has not known. [3]

As the song 'Stairway to Heaven' says, she knows that words have more than one meaning, and she likes to be sure. 

4. Another aspect is that in the Michelangelo Jesse Fresco, he put a skull at the top of it. With two men looking at it and this news about the gold mine was released in February on my birthday. 13th of February, 13 x 2 = 26, the Hebrew gematria of the name of God. 

With all my heart I hope that they do find gold, and that it can be used to help the people of Ethiopia. 

There are many Christian Ethiopians that have gone through a lot, their country has been given a lot of aid. However, it always has to be spent the way the World Bank decide it is going to be spent, and it never reaches or assists the local people at the grass roots. We have written about this before on this blog in respect of Ethiopia. 


1. http://academysounds.blogspot.com/2011/12/messanic-era-and-redemption.html
2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2100463/Archaeologists-strike-Biblical-gold-discovery-Queen-Shebas-fabled-mines.html#ixzz1mMMmbWIu
3. http://academysounds.blogspot.com/2012/01/lsd-to-give-to-zion.html
4. http://www.ethiopiafirst.info/news/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1032:the-gold-mine-found-in-ethiopia-may-have-been-the-main-source-of-the-queens-treasures&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=1

1 comment:

Eliakim said...

You know Whitney Houston would have made the most beautiful Queen of Sheba, the giver of gold and precious treasure. How she walked away with a child that would live on.

It would be interesting to know the DNA of Whitney. I watched that wonderful interview of her with Oprah early this morning.

In the biblical prophecies ELISHEBA was the protagonist and Queen Elizabeth the 1st defended her people against the religion that wished to defeat her and her people.

Witney Houston loved Israel she only spent six days in Israel but she said it felt like home. Like she had come home. She travelled from Eliat to the Sea of Galilee with her entourage, and daughter Bobbi-Kristina.

However, Bobbi stood in the way of Whitney and Ariel Sharon not allowing her to shake hands with him. In the photographs Bobbi looks like an agent.

Reports state that Whitney Houston's bodyguard resigned, because he could no longer protect her and Bobbi from themselves and the friends that they chose to surround themselves in.

It is written that then a member of her husband's family took the place of the bodyguard and he was no Kevin Costner.

There is no doubt that one day a film will be made about her life. When all of the truth comes to light. I recommend that people watch that video of Whitney interview, it shows you the real whitney speaking from her heart about her passion, her love that went so deep. 'The depth of her forgiveness did determine the depth of her love' from Sacred Words

It is clear that once she knew the depth of her own love, it was time to move on from those that were doing their utmost to destroy her.

She chose to put her child and herself first and many mothers have also chosen the same, including myself.

To defend a child is mighty indeed. To love a child and put them above your own head and heart is completely selfless.

To exalt and honor a child is godly.

May the LORD bless her child and keep her out of the way of harm. As Whitney calls her 'This child of mine'.

The golden child that shall bring forth the treasure that Whitney has helped her to become.

She will gain her strength and be dauntless like a mother because it is the will of her mother for her to be so.

To know her own strength and the power of it. To not throw that strength and power away with drugs of any kind.

To hold your head high in dignity, and have mercy for all human kind.

She said 'Let the rat pack chase the rats'.

'You child be divine. be the Queen that you were born to be. Show them what I instilled in you, a great peace of me. If you trust the LORD, he will bring the right love to you, wait patiently. When you are ready it will come to be, there is no rush. Love is patient and love is kind'.